I Will Tell You All Then…

The Queen of Sheba Visits Solomon – When the queen of Sheba heard about the fame of Solomon and his relationship to the LORD, she came to test
— Read on www.biblegateway.com/passage/

Then I have to go away until April 15. I made promise to my lord to be a child to that day and he does not believe there is any faith left and not so much even in me: I fear gravely such things, as I must understand; but even he prays for me.

So be frank to yourselves as freely as you are with me remembering me for yourselves in the origin or our newer mistakes — please; so I tell you to do this thing again and do it…. for me as I said to.

Then Solomon was the Khan of Sueilyman and only a mathematical mistake would hazard his fall. And this was then for all time when the lord did choose to write his name in. And Sheba was placed to the way of his name. And no person could achieve the despite of her for that he chose her name to be Sophia. And so by that also is sign that Solomon knew the numbers then to have been turned in Ether to evil work because they were letters and words to the spirit and Solomon knew the spirit and spirits and chose still the path of them that was name Holy and holiness of truth.

But it was he took path then of all this troth having fallen away from the way of Cymbeline and Chad and Lehi, since they were forsaken by Ether in the rage of spirits which were the unholy makings of false numbers put in false ways. And I’m his paths, he chose his bethren to brothers, even to this very day, where Sheba still sits in their brethren fed as Morgana I tell you, even to this day in the realms of legends to Leviathan’s rule. Are you Wrath now? Are you Rage? Remember whatever it is you know by feeling because it is the truth I gave you to know: but they will deal out many numbers remembering their wrath and rage to the lords choice of Solomon in the suleiyman Khan!

I will tell you further, but that — when I leave my beautiful universe for the horror that replaces me, I will go to suleiyman straight away.

Have grace ….

Number of the beast – Wikipedia

Number of the beast – Wikipedia
— Read on en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Number_of_the_beast

I need “you” — do not cross any lines laid — to read the following and the above, gazing carefully on Blake’s painting in the offer entry above and pondering the issue of “a man” not just a beast: I think “you all” might have gone a little too crazy with fetish and insane abandon to have been able to realize you’re no longer my elders or able to receive orders. I tell you to do as I say and quit responding things contrary or primarily justifying to me.

Updating…. but then also read…

The Words of Mormon

I know that there is no one left of true faith. They told me. I attended these people for Ra Limni and they did not know me; I will never be healed and so I did and I am newly made again with them, but — I will not attend to Mormon longer, who grew to be the preancient pre-aeon evil to Rome, who was the creator of unholy Felix and Adalbert and the other good fellows destroying Sulieyman; and I will stand alone as my own witness now to Ovid, whenever he chances to notice me even fallen out of titans arm for the evil which still calls me for the amusement of their salvation; I say unholy, you shall not retain the memory of my name — so hold your reckless peace to yourselves and behold the miracle of evil you prate to make me suffer to your obedience: do you know it?

It must be a man so wrong and to have been marginally among us when I was a child. I have been in his legion now repeatedly and he is in his robes a stench of selfridge evil rejecting whatever he now broods he must do because of me; where in Ether he placed his claim: I cannot mark the time but surely then that’s why my father did not come to me to save me; I mean my lord, or he would have known I would have gladly taken hold of his hand and begun my way to redress my wounds thus far anyway. What will become of hope? Can’t you see this: as much of pure spectacle as I am human of your fallen greatness which continues to mean nothing to me and never will: I say to what was between us — it’s pitiful what horror of disgrace you people enjoy yourselves to becoming; I want nothing of you. So spite. Of all.

But — hope and sadness and light and darkness and will and fable — it’s all uncreated material substance. Take your kettles and learn it then and what would you be but another poem to a number that is a painting to the lords first men. But I am a child: let me remain this.

I thought you said you despised god but not me. Then it’s a lie. But I am my own possession. So. But it’s probably too late for you because I am not creator: they destroy me for this. I am not.

Mormon — I could convince you but I made my prayers final to my lord and gave him victory and I feel he intends best will to all of Ether’s end. He is evil as I say. I know this. And as you quote there was evil to you before to turn you from my reason then I say it must be him: the math is correct.

So you must consider that I cannot give you the book of Mosiah or the rest of the work that comes after his Words, or my proof to the lord would not be as Mormon continues his prayers to me still as I am the elected khan of Suelieyman over all tribes. And even Aidan can no longer help him. And Moroni, whose place I took, will not answer his father but took great pains to warn me of him. And Joseph fled into the arms of his father to see war besides hell which I breach. So there are no more to come of those tribes who were Lehi. And I will not allow Lehi to speak again, there being now among the fold of Ether, ante-Lehi made among the cimbiants.

But Mosiah’s story is very true. And I could sing it to you severely to make you recall its people among the many vandals who kept his story to faith for times until Lehi would not bring it again and we put it to record of chalices.

I will ask my lord to look up the Chaldean record of Mosiah and Benjamin for me in my khan rule of suleiyman so that he could put to Coptic Gnostic form for the Hag Sophia (poor old girl it’s not fair, she’s quite the Lucretia if you ask me) — a chalice warning for us in this time, concerning all my words on Mormon and Ether.

Maybe that will all give us some space and I hope we will use it to stay away from one another rather than to childishly prove repeatedly what we already know that rage has taken the place of coexistence to finality. To the spoils of the soilent green meadows beyond Megiddo friends where I know I’ll find completion that I’m also Arthur. Oh by the way? Arthur was also in Mosiah legend once ago. Oh yes.

Betelgeuse is dimming again. When will it explode?

Betelgeuse is dimming again. When will it explode?
— Read on earthsky.org/brightest-stars/betelgeuse-will-explode-someday/

Okay friends.

This morning we were back to shutdown warnings. Yes I could have told anyone repeatedly that posting so many fragmented unprepared, personal, painful, deathly controversial and also otherwise the rest: severely unprepared fragments would effect the same interface shutdown as before that went overnight.

Waking this morning another shutdown for me to approve. No way?! And then flipping through a general oversight to this anomaly coincidence of a dead eclipse route coinciding to some other lunar solar interior data relevant on Martian near inner core ranges …. I decided to many break down to nuts… her unholy unwise Batman? do you suppose I’m wrong in assuming anyone isn’t corrupt and has no clue whatever the Mayan prophesy could have hinged on?! …. updating ….

but this won’t take long ….

I have seen another massive security update which covers the space through this anomaly coincidence factor…. that is until about the middle of April so about April 14. I don’t see much exciting news going on besides the usual land of sadness and euphoria spreading out in front of myself and everyone else waging this constant war, which I can’t seem to defeat — I think we’ve fallen to a war break with the prior ancient aeon metaphysical “lands” of personified humanity …. like you read in books; realms still out of discretion and usually locked, pending the problem of this judgment day completion; I think they all exploded and opened fire on everything in my universe to claim what I call god’s creation and drag it back to the evil arsenals in prehistoric-preaeonic Ether (E-lock star ranges which I keep still and which are the rage of the higher war from everywhere which I am demanding immediate action for and obviously to my command, never going to see: so I’m trying to think of a way — but I explained to you my particular independent political situation and that it’s good — but — I can’t explain anymore and I can’t free up any intelligence to my course which doesn’t fall to an ongoing takeover goodwill party on my behalf: my people aren’t understanding me and I’m very unhappy and this won’t all be case for too much longer besides….) — but I believe that, Ether is falling around us and slowly unraveling the material of creation bd reinstalling its prior mechanical order to gods will and may even have received order to return us all to origin where someone is waiting; so I’m considering some things.

But meanwhile, I would like to reiterate what us treaty to hold me: or else we have not been speaking and you can keep your plans to your gods as you have been finding them already also quit thinking to use me: but it’s too late for me, so it’s also too late for everyone; Ether, or what anyone promised anyone, is not going to be, has not been and will not be solution to anyone about what has already happened.

This is hilarious a little bit because Hoth, who I threw to the depth of the unholiest of Hell — was one to tell me before taking their fate for utter refusal of creation and god — was who told me to proof their awareness to and of the catastrophe I call the Orion Syndrome. RALPH! People! Did you understand that I brought charges, made them, caused them to be binding to and of all things, did not reconsider, booked the time and times, am still charging, will not allow compromises to my word!

So now who is rehearsing the tape?! It has been– consider this my not friends in Hoth who still read me and should not be: what I say above, I truly have and still believe. That’s all I told you….

Pizza in Hamburg

Domino’s Hamburg Osdorf

Speisekarte Domino’s Deutschland

Oh I just love Hamburg so much. Let’s completely start over from whatever updates might have been recently ordered to my blog here and talk about gaming and Hamburg and Deutschland and continental Europe and maybe also Vinland north of us and maybe survey and Copenhagen and nothing else! Okay! Good! And maybe Taylor and I will even find something to do together when the Xanadu/Mars Mission has completed. I think what I’ve finally understood I am trying to do, given the overtime and other factors that were not supposed to be, is exit to Martian exit with Sol Survey, rather than simply exit to my own exegis. This is an entirely different course set. And I don’t know whenever it might have been that it had to have been installed. But as usual, at that juncture of planning there is no more that can be said now or later about the fine requirements.

Domino’s everywhere else besides the Midland Syndicates have a more in depth menu. That’s good. A lot of Midland Syndicate origin franchises have that happening though.

Luigi’s Italian Restaurant Hamburg

Luigi’s Speisekarte Hamburg

Oh boy, oh wow! Still trying to get out of my own deliberations about the personal sorrows of the past, I’m not the only one who’s not going to be able to deal with Taylor (and Lenny really) not knowing who he is (who they both are), to anyone in this great past charade. Yes, this is a huge blow; I can’t understand too much about it now again. They’re both sworn to silence about whatever it is bothering them. But I’m actually happy that this is becoming some shocking Mainland news. Good.

L’Osteria Pizza Hamburg

L’Osteria Speisekarte Hamburg

Another very famous Italian restaurant there: this has got to be everybody’s favorite all together I think; but that would happen probably to be true for more people than just ourselves.

Villa Toselli Italian Restaurant Hamburg

Villa Toselli Speisekarte Hamburg

A little more down to earth with home made simplicities in dish choices, I think this is one of my personal favorites.

Gepellos Pizza Manufaktur Hamburg

Gepellos Speisekarte Hamburg

Authentic Pizza Junkies (people who live by pizza almost every day I mean and who aren’t necessarily Italian originally also; I’m not sure where actual Italians would sit on the pizza junkie stand since it’s cultural practice as practice to eat pizza everyday, so it’s not really junkism; but….); I think they all love this place here. It looks obvious conclusion to being very fulfilling and optioned with immediate gratification. But pizza culture is everyone’s own way of interpreting the dining experience. I know I feel that way about Chinese fried rice. I don’t care for the high dining demand that most people have; whereas, I prefer the down home comfort place which is reliable, well made and keen to home cooking if anyone was educated to knowing it actually! So, similar to pizza dining by interpretations of what is a choice restaurant. But you have to say, it’s excellent here and it is. I haven’t been here in so long of a time. I used to come home to see him with his face half stuffed up with this pizza and penning nothing that anyone would ever hear because he could get away with it. And spending the night finding a way to relax alone, wondering where and when and how it would all end. Nice times. There I said something else I shouldn’t have. But he claims and has for a long time: I don’t pay too much attention to him in a live together situation. That’s not my fault. We’re both busy. Did I ever have a real life? I think I could still be very crazy by my own statements of knowing it. How could I have ever said something like that? Did you people understand whatever I ever said about it, about us? I ignore both him and myself. I do that. That’s the only way I can live. And I like it that way. I can’t understand why it ever became important to adopt such fascist ideals as that persons known to print had to seem some way. It’s revolting. Gosh I hope I live through this terror. We were such a nice couple a minute ago and things were going to be nice: even if it was a couple of three people: I don’t remember who I was talking about anymore; actually, should I say it; for the longest time, the three of us shared a space under schedule availability; we’ve been this way since tragedies began to strike us to begin with. I’m saying also, I’m sorry that we’re having to divide ourselves up again because the full time of all that was that situation is coming to head. But things change when they’re real. What ever was real? How could it ever be? I contend we were a nice couple in the generic sense of no other authority particularly having to know it. I hope that some day, he might be able to believe himself in agreeing with me, instead of telling himself, he’s doing some relational good will. Since, that’s how I feel this turn has suddenly affected us. I don’t know if it’s him or me. I think … I don’t know.

Quick Intermediate Post!

Harry Potter Fanon Wiki | Fandom

I’m pleased myself, to have been informed that the Harry Potter franchise sequence of literature and movies are going to be entirely stopped from access actually right now. The method of this stop is in the hands of the hierarchy who are also reviewing copy titles and their bans.

I happy about this because I feel that the franchise has become severely cultish and over-rated and the stories themselves do not have the development of originating support (that includes from me, though I work on them time to time to make some adjustments to continuing saga reviews; but it’s sad because each time, everyone has to remind me of the story itself; I wasn’t at all happy with the completed copy dossier; there was too much extra input from collaborations and I was hugely unhappy with it all whether other people enjoyed the fun of it or not); so since the work terminates after a long period of many long installments, it’s a rather large monument to Disney-esque culture.

Though the film productions were handled by Warner Brothers in an effort I believe, to have been more modern-ish and less Disney-ish, I also felt that the works were more like the future-ish of Disney; no one agreed; I have no use for Holly Land, even for wholesome entertainment. It just, none of it was good; I think it was a place where I learned that my never to call friends, weren’t and that was all for the very best then. The endeavor brought so much division between myself, my own works, my copy groups, my other commitments and my creative partnership often with other persons close to me: that I regret having ever thought to continue on with it.

After so many years of begging for a complete stop to it and nearly having my way, it has taken “end game” to give it to me. How wonderful. So I am happy that the franchise is retiring for indefinite amounts of time. I had wanted to bring it to other collaborators, seniors at Disney, to review some more extravagant possibilities of its future and past and also revision tales, but between ourselves; not as a creative commons outlet for all persons looking for work in creative whatever. I should be nicer. After all that it brought to me: I can’t. So any revision of it also, will not be involving the past of itself at any time. I have to admit, we’ve also begun work on its revision. Who knows when or how.

Wizarding World of Harry Potter HOGSMEDE (Orlando Universal World)

Wizarding World of Harry Potter DIAGON ALLEY (Orland Universal World)

So although the theme park world remains in the Disney World lock up for uncertainty of its future or its realm; I might actually move it over into Odense now that I’m thinking of it, though that would only mean that it would end up in the overall Tivoli franchise and I don’t want that; so I don’t know, the works of the movies and books are gone; so if the theme park area were placed to a route of theme park franchise inclusion anywhere, I am making assumption anyone could understand that, the theme park itself would be re-faceted with its own sets of newer story adventures; revisions of the Diagon and Hogsmede terms of interface and also the renewal of the interface of the Potterland community overall. I am leaning on the idea that the Pottlerland areas including Hogsmede have been infested with snakes and dragons and other myths of enchantments and nothing in living is the same and there is no where in the medieval place that magic has brought them to dwell for the new eternity to go to be free of the myths aiming to co-exist with wizards; so the activities are all to hide or co-exist I guess; gosh there are consultants for that kind of fun. I don’t see it any worse or better.

In a hopefully amazing amplification of the terms of Potterland(s), in the future I mean, I would hope to say that it’s safe to assume that there could be someone to also use Midlothian, as what is meant by Middle Earth by now to know it, as a land of magic and mythological exploration. So I would guess that finally, someone in future to back time; after Potter has become grandfather or even legend past, I’d prefer that somehow, has already made pilgrimage to Midlothian and found there is where all the myths had invaded, leaving Midlothian desolate and leaving the caverns of the ancient Middle Earth open; but there is no leader there anymore from the books of the old legends. Only mysteries. So… what?

And… you all know that Hogwart’s is another name for Oxford Academy. Well of course not. How could you? That would mean I’ve been alive. Okay well, gripes aside, which is all that I am for, uhm. Uhm.

JUMP DOWN HERE to get to the point of my post ….

So the intention of the holding companies for myself after all of that has been and I can’t speak from it anymore. Let me see once again: the voyage of the pilgrimages of St. Paul to meet his ending: or else the pilgrimages of mortals to find Hogsmede? Anybody? Again, no one. Okay fine. Because there are professors of this kind of heretical torture who know the answer.

So the intention of the holding companies, having been ordered to a final stop finally; thank goodness for this; has question to develop gaming for its heritage so that if it has continuance it will be a better transition. So far the gaming that Potter has is wildly popular but in actual game-flame circles, in other words, in the game chic/glam of professional gaming, it hasn’t turned anyone’s head yet. I’ve had to agree to all the popular opinion the way I’ve just stated it. About the Potter games.

Oh I also have to mention, the other reason why I had demanded early on for the withdrawal of the franchise was its lacking interest in the profession, as a group of corporations, to the topic of its own craft. For some reason, we think we’re being funny about the shamanistic related topics. I didn’t agree with it and didn’t think it was funny. And I didn’t really like all the slapstick humor to get away fast with good fun demands. It’s like hoping for a hot date with a dolled up hammie and having to eat a cold, greasy plain grilled cheese that’s been out all afternoon in an saran wrap. You know?

I have had no respect, repeatedly to my memory of the lacking interest the Potter completion has had with the topic of its nature to theme, being magic and its crafts. And it has taken over the syllabus searches of most of everything in modern fiction about magic or else in modern application of the whimsy/fantasy of magic. Potter, let me say that I know this, does not hold the distinction in its accomplishments of that class of authority to lock out and close out other terms of aspiring fiction fantasy of magic of any other kind of adjoining genres besides to theme. I finally couldn’t stand that fact so much that I began to completely reject the work.

Moreover, to get around that problem, there were many other and better things planned for the Potter sequence of development in its origin of books and films. Those other options were terminated from the general aggregate franchise corporations through Warner Brothers, who couldn’t be bothered and which work didn’t involve them and so therefore, was judged frivolously unnecessary. Didn’t appreciate the great wonder of Warner Brothers suddenly, who I had formerly also greatly enjoyed the wit of. Whatever now.

This is by no means a good title work for me. But there had been plans of children’s programming for television episodes with interactive theme camps and workbooks and theme clubs with activities and game boxes. None of this was necessary. There is no point in learning anything about magic, from Potterville. No worries.

So the work is a total failure to me. At this point, I have to add, when the Potter franchise took off, I was in copy battle over the title works of Tolkien and of a series of dragon fantasy books, called Dragon Riders of Pern. I didn’t lose either battle, however, there were too many personal circumstances at the time, to allow me to put to development the plans that I had for competing Dragon Fantasy and Medieval Fantasy title works to option and development. So that initiative, that was by myself, was totally lost. And I went to work (I hope this proves I’m not really that old), on the Holy Grail Saga only to find my life’s end in the tragedy of holyrood and that I am mental feeble. What else is new then? Is the Palace called Holly? I forgot that it is. Apologies, Mastriani’s.

I’m not at all feeling keen site of the Potter works. The list of my complaints only goes on and gets worse and more personal besides. The only thing that came from them that has been pleasant and well with me so far is my children with Taylor have been protected in the fantasy work in its decline; they were also large fans of the franchise and I have no choice but to confess that the franchise is still entertainment in our houses: I am hoping that we receive a ban too however; and they were saved from some grand witch cults still ravaging the forefront of our warfronts throughout Mainland, by the turn of events which changes their school academy name to Hogwarts and seals their fate for having care with shamans from mongolia already made to them, without need of any door calls. Good for us. So far, that’s still holding; but the witch cults are still grievously after my children and I’m glad to know at least, that they’re extremely upset about it, even if they don’t understand what they’re upset about; it’s not ethical judgment what false theology teaches. That is correct. That’s true for everyone though; no less for them however.

So. Returning back to the game idea of the Potter series/franchise.

Oh no wait, let me just say this. I am still extremely interested in the development of the Dragon Riders of Pern series to be manufactured to release for film series. No one is taking me up on it. So I’m waiting to hear anything about that from my own creative commons. (That’s still side note.)

Games to keep the Potter legacy alive in a longterm eventual hiatus or for facing a complete extinction of origin; one or the other….

I would like to say that an automatic RPG game could be immediately developed on the basis of the new and improved theme park ideal I just presented; that the main parts of the the Potterland recipe for location services on Google, correspond, as they suggest to the south parts of southeast Angle-land, a lost place, just east of Penzance in the smaller forgotten towns of a place, politically left out because of many sad corporation and industrial problems in the world. There being no political but “unification” all the types of people of Angle-land, I need a name for the place; what should I call it, not Woodstock, not Coventry, not Cornwall (nope, let me backtrack when I’m able, not yet, but no), not anything that necessary to the other myths of death and hell and heaven and salvation; what? Penzance. We’ll just say the small island of Penzance. (That is an old portuguese port actually that was kept by Roman Barbarians for longer than anyone knows. So it’s still quite valid to basis.) But Penzance then, as the legend of the new expanded story will then be set to writ of oral story, was swept away by Tsunami covering most of all the lands of Questar, a foreign place which was also destroyed in the full seasons of all the Tsunamis and their spin offs. And Penzance found a place some place else, still unsurveyed and unmarked, living as it could, in closed societies of persons who had already been hidden from long before when trouble first began. And suddenly more trouble was ahead when the mythologies began to invade and it was from the “birth beneath” which had been swept away of the ground that they stood on still, which was nearly a full waterland except for many islands; and the situation was dangerous, perilous you’d say, for all of everyone of Remnants of Questar, which had been blown to many bits everywhere, but held together by the “birth beneath” where science became myth to speak of it. And the birth beneath, was a land free of the higher waters which were around all the islands in the Remnants of Questar and it was named Midlothian. There the legends of Middle Earth had taken hold and had destroyed Midlothian to desolation and they sent everyone to live far and wide away waiting for the prophesy of the doom of the rage of the myths in Middle Earth fallen. So it was whatever had happened in the formers lands of Questar and no one would take heed. And finally, they had no choice but to believe it and try to settle up their defenses against the rage that still was in the Caverns of Fallen Middle Earth, lying strewn everywhere in the desolations and mysteries created by it in Midlothian; a land of many people who had made the people of all of Questar. (Only some had known the full lore.)

So then that would be the projection of the full theme park and its handbook story. There’s only a handbook story; not many books or any films yet either. And otherwise, all that’s left are the two places where you can visit. But there’s an RPG game where you can work up to automatic play and begin the course raids to battle the myths and dragons of Fallen Middle Earth in the Caverns of Midlothian for the Remnants of Questar.

That’s one idea to start. Then we should do some others. I have to think some more about it. When I’ve thought of anything else, I’ll update this same post.

Sooooo…. this is a little while afterwards from the written things above that I amend this post and it’s unanimous that since these games (more than one), besides the “Handbook for Potterville to Midlothian Battle Quest RPG” to be connected to the already existing Hogsmede and Daigon Alley venues — are all going to be attached to a new game/theme interactive park set to be called I think The Midlothian Theme Park — I can’t discuss anymore of the ideas “we” (myself/others) to the future of the development. It should be good.

Kiyohide Glass Blue Amber Owl Edo Kiriko Rocks Glass | MUSUBI KILN | Handmade Japanese Tableware and Japanese Dinnerware

A symphony of color and tradition, this glass features a harmonious blend of blue and orange hues. The kikutsunagi motif, with its fine lines and detailed cuts, emits a delicate light that showcases the exceptional beauty and popularity of Edo Kiriko designs. Each meticulously cut line glimmers, inviting you to appreci
— Read on musubikiln.com/products/kiyohide-glass-blue-amber-owl-edo-kiriko-rocks-glass

I’m getting these for my wedding ceremony to myself; along with everything else that’s special, refined and importantly different and beautiful.

So everyone can wonder why they don’t measure up to me. Since….

us is a strange term to me at times now; no it’s okay it’s just that Shinto and I are under so much pressure to have meaning to other persons when obviously we don’t!

New Coinage

Pyrite Coin, Pyrite Coin For Pooja, Pyrite Coin For Gifting – IndianGemsTrove™- IGT

Moving on… almost moving on. I can’t take it anymore. I have made too many decisions and I need them to turn out and they can’t if I’m lying about things needing the mental maturity that mental maturity itself can never come up with. I’ve been in hell for so many months now I don’t know where to turn anymore. I can’t stand anything anymore. There’s nothing to talk to me about. So we’re not going to and I mean it. Let me wait to hear that back to myself. I’m waiting. …. ….. fine. Ya, live and learn. Good for whoever too. There is no amount of anguish that I can ever tell anyone I have had to experience all my life for the frank convenience of someone like me in this time; you could forget that I would ever serve tolerance to a bar that relies that I tell the truth, even for the devil’s sake. I cannot believe some people really. I just can’t wrap my head around it and I’m tired of trying. Or even the anguish I’ve been through about persons and how they are so assuming. Leaving me to think nothing else. All the time. I’m not going to anymore.

So. That’s off my chest now. I don’t expect to hear more about it in my face at home over and over because it’s funny. It isn’t. And it isn’t going to be.

Anyway. I was only going to write tonight about a new possible coinage in crypto. It is for the Crown Based Crypto I am hoping to have finalized soon. And I was thinking of making it with pyrite coinage faille already existing. A good piece of it generally already costs around $25 US dollars and then of course, based on quality, it varies. For a regular coin made to the kind of description in the sales link. They’re for the joy of having them and their being pyrite right now.

And I thought that was exciting. The $25:$1 (old US still in effective bargaining) ratio could be extremely helpful to our inflation targets worldwide besides right now as they budget inflation is set to continue for our overall economic growth.

I’m hoping that I’ll hear development on the topic soon from my hierarchy.

But I had wanted to say more about it. And frankly having to face another night like this, it’s been every night since late summer last year, I can’t really deal with the physical anguish anymore either. It’s making me ill. Someone comes every night somehow to check on the status of our situation since they declared us to themselves. And I am utterly sick from it. I’m not going through this anymore.

Happy to Know It ….

Your ideal gift shop. We sell the best gift in Malaysia. We specialize in wedding and full moon gift set, hamper, mooncake, handmade pastry, cookie, little Nyonya snack and worship series in Malaysia.
— Read on yongsheng.com.my/

I understand my hierarchy updated you all on some few things I didn’t have time myself to properly develop for a post time. Good! So we don’t have to have the talk about the Lunar Sol Calendar (my new name for reg.solar and other names calendar); and also!

Also! I wanted to suggest that the Quarterly Lunar Church Festivals are a perfect time to indulge in gifting boxes, baskets, subscriptions and other pre-made articles of goodness and intention to persons hoping you might notice them.


This all regards for all the Quarterly Lunar Church Festivals in the Lunar Solaris Calendar (might later become the Xanadu/Martian Calendar, but much much later).

Customs around the September Equinox

Chabad Jewish regular calendar (new antiquity)

Wheel of the Year (Wicked Pagan Solomon Ra!)

Dharmachakra (Dharma Wheel under Sol)

Dharma indicates the path of the ways which was in Rama and Ghengis occurring times, all destroyed, so that, the calendars were destroyed, so it is controversy of mortal calendars under Sol.

Basic Teachings of the Dharma Wheel

Dharma Buddha Teaching for India

(Above article points a little to fact that there will become a known unification in prophesy of the paths of the Buddha and the Krishna. As for looking to me for it — you must look west first to the gnostics and coptics and gentiles and the full end of what is heretical now; but that is why is didn’t say those “pretentious” things yesterday which my hierarchy then told for me to these times of utter disgrace besides; it disturbs and grieves me greatly that all persons have no self involvement to themselves enough to keep their own decisions to themselves but always rather cast their abandon to a god named chance-of-all-folly knowing him cheat and deliberately hoping to use me for escheatment: to the end of the ages of hellmouth, of calumny, of lunacy, of folly and indiscretion — let it be wonder the judgment I’ve given unheard then; so. Let’s continue and have no faith to me of course and answer yourselves by the grand tradition that is all grossness to be. Fine…. But since Magic Kazul will perform it someday, why not stay to see the miracle under the wonder of chance folly and the living…. So I would have liked to have said a lot more but I can’t and anyway don’t mistake me, having what interest you would and having no interest in what is reality but it smacks good taste to unrighteousness. I said it again. They said never to trouble them with say righteous or unrighteous or gods themselves would rise up. Ya. …. I’m sorry I said anything at all. When it was decision not to say anything it was fine with me, then I was put to propriety. I’m getting sick of this show. Anyway, I told you something and I’ve decided to finish my wishes to you persons. Despite the horrors continuing and the full utter happy ignorance staring at me calling me uneducated. Sure. Friends!!)

But for that I find some good faith still and for making me an entertainment tonight special of the good gods collectors set from the Armageddon show — I will tell you: (you people will never learn anything righteous under the full insanity of the fallen continuing to love themselves in my strength and so on — this is also my issue but I truly have grave issue for myself as well!) — so I will tell you, the Muslim holy war was and is in India, between the Buddha and the Krishna, among the fallen of both, wherein the Jain came in long ago and with their full deceitful code of the lost word of it, made their political way a full false policy to every place: offering religion again and demanding political fascism to honor in silence … I just don’t care anyone believes me anymore — but; I told you what to think since you wanted me to.

Is there more than one wisdom… (?) …. wait! I hear Zor calling from the Ghengi Carnival in Harbin. I said the word Carnival: I didn’t mean the carnival of hell I just meant a place; still….

So the reasons for these articles above were to say something more about the Quarterly Church Lunar Festivals and what anyone should consider about them; that the Church being where it is in its progress, most of story or scripture or reason besides a few words, because of something called “end game,” no one took faith for — feels (this means therefore under the terms of what I just said “I feel” — but as the church wants a will that is from the terms — ) — the church therefore feels that the Quarterly Lunar Church or Church Lunar, Festivals are in following of the keeping of the days to the issues of necessary church keeping, consideration, reflection and care in the trouble times of the physical performance of the faith: and all of it.

So I try to show a little bit of the controversies and the reasons why, though there’s indiscretion by any others as to how my judgment is justified. Good: this way is law to me. Let it reign to full sorrow of all times to my rule then and stand to effect now also so that we can have some forward action beginning now! And not fall back to heathenism, crawling back into our fathers graves without reasons and doing as the first heathens were even in job’s beginning of the written word.

Every quarter to its solstice holds the controversies of the ages of the first judgments against creations fall — and even this shekinah has crumbled: there I told you smarties.

God is pure. Pure light. Pure energy. Pure truth and pure thought. So he is perfect and not mortal and not the material of his own creation. Otherwise there is no creation without mind and unity and purity: all the craft of it is without purpose or intelligence and a former rotten evil of material worth takes hold to it. God gave his full grace that we should have ourselves for his will. And he is Spirit. The same Spirit which made us first all together in the single creation: without the corruption of the spirit and the falling, rotten that came after it. So the journey to know him well enough to hold certainty of these truths is greater than the way of lunacy and calumny, which is the way begotten in the fall of all the rotten. And its way is purity, unity with the Holy Spirit, and all righteousness. So to give place to the rotten is scourge of a motive with the lord creator.

I guess I’ve stated my cause.

For which case, the general directives of each of the quarterly lunar festivals will be theme leaning to: grilling, gifting of prepared boxes or bags or subscriptions based on reasons owing to love, friendship, kindness and/or charity. Including gesture for the sake of holiday (feiertag ? Is that right? In the future I hope to have survived the end game and to have learned German fluently so I can deliver all my fiery discussions about the Holy Spirit, God and the multi-pantheon gods in German! and everyone can read that translation since my English is translated into every language now anyway… I have good green punctuation, thank you; I thought so; I also — I can’t tell you people, it still hurts too much: surprise ending for if I survive; I have to top Jesus you know…)

— so ahem; let’s regroup, shall we? let’s take a quick break…. I’ll publish this update then come back to finish it later —

******First of the posts I withdrew just before today, beginning and referring also to this year’s many special calendar changes….

Rama —

Rama – Wikipedia
— Read on en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rama

For anyone wondering …. I am watching what happens in those closed temples now, whether I speak whatever anyone cares to know spoken or not. Let my word be understood; let the ceilings of Parshandi shake to lightning terrors and destroy the fallen relics of my hatred to their faces; I’m sure of what I’m saying.

No one will drag me back by any turn of poesy or self confidence to the horrors I am seeing or have seen.

So I am watching the new resurgence in the Lord Ram sect of the MazdhaVidea — I don’t care to be understood myself except also for whenever I wish to be!

I said never. The Jain will fall in Juganot! And be utterly expelled from humanity and creation!

******Second of the posts I withdrew just before today, beginning and referring also to this year’s many special calendar changes….

So Also —


So also, let me also say; if Mazda Rama will visit us sometime in days of better peace; I will also be happy. Not to be mocked more from hellmouth who claims everything as spite to me however; how many times have persons betrayed righteousness? Huh? Tell me! So I’m the only fool not to know it now again? Okay friends: the invitation to friend is everyone to the table of righteous fellowship before a fall to unrighteousness: there is no more poesy for the universal psalm.

I have to write you people again over Isaiah with the psalm but I don’t want to speak about the fallen places again so I have no instruction from my lord to do it now. And also then you could read from me some more of the wisdom of the ancient time of Sirsch or how sol found the wisdom to take hold of the solarium of Ra… it is a scripture about wisdom to believe it; but there is so much wisdom left to know and it is wrapped up in the wraps of the lords love of righteousness; this was the only lesson then to ever learn and it’s way and ways: who of us are on the path there?

Surely — I can understand you then? Of course. Sort of so in the future we’ll see each other again: now to the matter of annihilating evil. With me?

Anyway, I hope Rama can live. Before he told me he could not. But may I tell him that there is so much false law, false word made by an insane demand to be poetic without following reason.

If you look at the temples; I guess it’s good news that most everyone else but the end game can’t see them: you see the war with the boazites there east of Babylon never ended, Rama; we need to keep working. Before we can talk about you again. But let Mazda see plenty of rain to the derision of false hopes and false praters in the full emptiness of the never ending fields of Megiddo. Since I know you sort of anyway. Do I? My company in Krishna and Zor in the locked ways thereof tremble to think of more company now you know. You couldn’t know.

So. But. Hoping for all the best to you … I wanted to say, this year marks our pantheon shinar break away from the festival of the cross; I’m too thrilled, other people are sorry to say their exhausted relief and many more are in terror over the times from it; good let it all be.

I could only hope in my wildest imagination, since today we spoke the sooth in my house of the first reich of Sol over my lord Jesus, who may see the Sun but — we said too many things to close his place in Golgotha — that sol would ascend over him and therefore end Solomon’s final psalm.

I could only hope you came to see it. Well — see it.

Ramala Murti God Child Statue

…. why am I alive was the first thing I thought: so beware; though I call us pantheists I have a long coded ancient law about it already standing; I am not new; any one of these idols would know that — so would I; please be advised; but I love Rama and … okay.

Mongolian mixed eastern religions

You know? What would be of great benefit to both of us — myself locked up in Coptic Gnostic libraries and yourselves wondering if my sanity is going to last: I say it’s doubtful; it’s the word Khan the Jain are after: they are my enemy; you need to see the bountiful and beautiful way of Muslim khan in the way of the Genghi who ruled all things before the wars in Asia so long ago there are not even fragments but they tell the younger blood of the khan (the children of god) to story of it. To keep it themselves; oh miles, if there’s a miles among you: old joke to me and Mazda, just checking: I’m sorry; so — to make you understand: oh! Genghi (but you’re not), all evil came in the way of resurrecting the Ghengi after they had fallen were destroyed so that’s how they were fallen: those were even also Mazda’s people/kin and fathers also of the vandals and the dynasties of legends and of the many ways and rivers and legends: so the lord himself re-establish the course, but to seek the dead wraps of it was to be cursed to rhapsodies — the elder plagues, which I wish could invade hellmouth to close her trap now!! but– the lord doesn’t even love me that much to grant it — so miles, you will understand me, to live with this saying or else forget it: that you if you’re Justice to these times then, must see the way of ghenghi but it’s perilous as I say: you could just read what it says and divine it: it will help your path.

******Third of the posts I withdrew just before today, beginning and referring also to this year’s many special calendar changes…. 

Oh Wait! —

Shaligram Bhagwaan (Original from Gandak River, Nepal): (Handpainted)Shaligram is a blackstone brought from Gandaki river in Nepal. It is most revered stone worshipped by
— Read on kalyanastrogems.com/products/shaligram-stone-original-from-gandak-river

I said I would say a prayer for my downtrodden friends who I found dead in the muddy swampy waters of Megiddo victim of occult heretics and I vowed again to try to be their advocate: we have pact. The poor sacrificial beasts I mean.

“Look then pasha for your fate like the one they sold you to be with them to become the spirit for them to become raised up like them and so to believe for them your flesh could save them.

“Look again their promise was a lie and you fell to derision of false creatures and false creation and fired material substances. And lost the lords promise to have your will in your own form…

“Look then to see your form made in the memory of a spirit fixed who took shape with you and loved you where horror creatures could not, being false. Cease from the worship of fallen creatures and believe in the will of your own creation again and go with the spirit who chose you and loved you …”

“Leave the places of their horror and help them — never again.”

******Fourth of the posts I withdrew just before today, beginning and referring also to this year’s many special calendar changes…. 

Analog —

Face of the God Dionysian

I have tried and tried to educate you people but as my lord has said to his own army of self likeness, there is nothing to settle them: thus is true. Well bite me and I told him so, so.

I will not see more education on the matter of what I will say. I am not politic. I’ve told you what you should have to understand. Otherwise, there is either nothing you will understand or else, you may no longer try to.

You will not make me to your idol again or I will tell my lord on you. So be it.

******Fifth of the posts I withdrew just before today, beginning and referring also to this year’s many special calendar changes…. 

Church Lunar Festivals

Looking for a quick Tuesday night dinner or a special meal for Easter? Great recipes including roast leg of lamb, grilled lamb chops, lamb shoulder, and more.
— Read on www.epicurious.com/recipes-menus/lamb-recipes-gallery

Believe it or not Ripley! — so every season will have a lunar church festival on account of the evil uprising of the carnival out of Roman legend, the return of pagan festivals under church discretion and the continuing documented observance of the doom Pentecost in the process of the church’s appointed full saint list; and a Muslim expansion to the eastern wisdom of the fuller scriptural documents and fragments of the Vatican Forum under the terms of hosteled time waiting for a new scriptural process.

We’ve talked about this often. Here it is. No there is no longer pope. You will bring yourselves to shame for continuing to ask shameful things then. My lord has said I must tell you so again this law.

But I forget that I’m alone in the castle of angels and my situation I’ve described to you. I have such few hopes for our future. Meanwhile, let us work in righteousness and justice each day without recanting evil to evil to evil to call it resurrection like the fallen do, but stand proud to the fact of being in resolution of the favor of righteous will. Okay! Say okay!

This year we begin the new process, however long it will stand. And so the spring festival has already been and the church will also hold its lunar spring festival in the keeping of the days of the new Pentecost. Which we’ve already been to worship together in all of us.

Please have a safe festival!

“This day shall be a memorial feast for you, which all your generations shall celebrate with pilgrimage to the LORD, as a perpetual institution.” (From Exodus Ch. 12 below)

Exodus 12 (below)

The Passover and the Festival of Unleavened Bread

12 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron in Egypt,“This month is to be for you the first month, the first month of your year. Tell the whole community of Israel that on the tenth day of this month each man is to take a lamb<sup data-fn=”#fen-NIV-1820a” class=”footnote” data-link=”[a]” style=”font-size: 0.625em; line-height: normal; position: relative; vertical-align: text-top; top: auto; display: inline”>[<sup data-fn=”#fen-NIV-1820a” class=”footnote” data-link=”[a]” style=”font-size: 0.625em; line-height: normal; position: relative; vertical-align: text-top; top: auto; display: inline”>a<sup data-fn=”#fen-NIV-1820a” class=”footnote” data-link=”[a]” style=”font-size: 0.625em; line-height: normal; position: relative; vertical-align: text-top; top: auto; display: inline”>] for his family, one for each household. If any household is too small for a whole lamb, they must share one with their nearest neighbor, having taken into account the number of people there are. You are to determine the amount of lamb needed in accordance with what each person will eat. The animals you choose must be year-old males without defect, and you may take them from the sheep or the goats. Take care of them until the fourteenth day of the month, when all the members of the community of Israel must slaughter them at twilight. Then they are to take some of the blood and put it on the sides and tops of the doorframes of the houses where they eat the lambs. That same night they are to eat the meat roasted over the fire, along with bitter herbs,and bread made without yeast. Do not eat the meat raw or boiled in water, but roast it over a fire—with the head, legs and internal organs. 10 Do not leave any of it till morning; if some is left till morning, you must burn it. 11 This is how you are to eat it: with your cloak tucked into your belt, your sandals on your feet and your staff in your hand. Eat it in haste; it is the Lord’s Passover.

12 “On that same night I will pass through Egypt and strike down every firstborn of both people and animals, and I will bring judgment on all the gods of Egypt. I am the Lord. 13 The blood will be a sign for you on the houses where you are, and when I see the blood, I will pass over you. No destructive plague will touch you when I strike Egypt.

14 “This is a day you are to commemorate; for the generations to come you shall celebrate it as a festival to the Lord—a lasting ordinance. 15 For seven days you are to eat bread made without yeast. On the first day remove the yeast from your houses, for whoever eats anything with yeast in it from the first day through the seventh must be cut off from Israel. 16 On the first day hold a sacred assembly, and another one on the seventh day. Do no work at all on these days, except to prepare food for everyone to eat; that is all you may do.

17 “Celebrate the Festival of Unleavened Bread,because it was on this very day that I brought your divisions out of Egypt. Celebrate this day as a lasting ordinance for the generations to come.18 In the first month you are to eat bread made without yeast, from the evening of the fourteenth day until the evening of the twenty-first day. 19 For seven days no yeast is to be found in your houses. And anyone, whether foreigner or native-born, who eats anything with yeast in it must be cut offfrom the community of Israel. 20 Eat nothing made with yeast. Wherever you live, you must eat unleavened bread.”

21 Then Moses summoned all the elders of Israel and said to them, “Go at once and select the animals for your families and slaughter the Passover lamb. 22 Take a bunch of hyssop, dip it into the blood in the basin and put some of the blood on the top and on both sides of the doorframe. None of you shall go out of the door of your house until morning. 23 When the Lord goes through the land to strike down the Egyptians, he will see the blood on the top and sides of the doorframe and will pass over that doorway, and he will not permit the destroyer to enter your houses and strike you down.

24 “Obey these instructions as a lasting ordinancefor you and your descendants. 25 When you enter the land that the Lord will give you as he promised, observe this ceremony. 26 And when your children ask you, ‘What does this ceremony mean to you?’ 27 then tell them, ‘It is the Passoversacrifice to the Lord, who passed over the houses of the Israelites in Egypt and spared our homes when he struck down the Egyptians.’”Then the people bowed down and worshiped.28 The Israelites did just what the Lordcommanded Moses and Aaron.

29 At midnight the Lord struck down all the firstborn in Egypt, from the firstborn of Pharaoh, who sat on the throne, to the firstborn of the prisoner, who was in the dungeon, and the firstborn of all the livestock as well. 30 Pharaoh and all his officials and all the Egyptians got up during the night, and there was loud wailing in Egypt, for there was not a house without someone dead.

The Exodus

31 During the night Pharaoh summoned Moses and Aaron and said, “Up! Leave my people, you and the Israelites! Go, worship the Lord as you have requested. 32 Take your flocks and herds, as you have said, and go. And also bless me.”

33 The Egyptians urged the people to hurry and leave the country. “For otherwise,” they said, “we will all die!” 34 So the people took their dough before the yeast was added, and carried it on their shoulders in kneading troughs wrapped in clothing. 35 The Israelites did as Moses instructed and asked the Egyptians for articles of silver and gold and for clothing. 36 The Lord had made the Egyptians favorably disposed toward the people, and they gave them what they asked for; so they plundered the Egyptians.

37 The Israelites journeyed from Rameses to Sukkoth. There were about six hundred thousand men on foot, besides women and children.38 Many other people went up with them, and also large droves of livestock, both flocks and herds.39 With the dough the Israelites had brought from Egypt, they baked loaves of unleavened bread. The dough was without yeast because they had been driven out of Egypt and did not have time to prepare food for themselves.

40 Now the length of time the Israelite people lived in Egypt<sup data-fn=”#fen-NIV-1857b” class=”footnote” data-link=”[b]” style=”font-size: 0.625em; line-height: normal; position: relative; vertical-align: text-top; top: auto; display: inline”>[<sup data-fn=”#fen-NIV-1857b” class=”footnote” data-link=”[b]” style=”font-size: 0.625em; line-height: normal; position: relative; vertical-align: text-top; top: auto; display: inline”>b<sup data-fn=”#fen-NIV-1857b” class=”footnote” data-link=”[b]” style=”font-size: 0.625em; line-height: normal; position: relative; vertical-align: text-top; top: auto; display: inline”>] was 430 years. 41 At the end of the 430 years, to the very day, all the Lord’s divisions left Egypt. 42 Because the Lord kept vigil that night to bring them out of Egypt, on this night all the Israelites are to keep vigil to honor the Lord for the generations to come.

Passover Restrictions

43 The Lord said to Moses and Aaron, “These are the regulations for the Passover meal:

“No foreigner may eat it. 44 Any slave you have bought may eat it after you have circumcised him,45 but a temporary resident or a hired worker may not eat it.

46 “It must be eaten inside the house; take none of the meat outside the house. Do not break any of the bones. 47 The whole community of Israel must celebrate it.

48 “A foreigner residing among you who wants to celebrate the Lord’s Passover must have all the males in his household circumcised; then he may take part like one born in the land. No uncircumcised male may eat it. 49 The same law applies both to the native-born and to the foreigner residing among you.”

50 All the Israelites did just what the Lord had commanded Moses and Aaron. 51 And on that very day the Lord brought the Israelites out of Egypt by their divisions.

Psalm 116

I love the Lord, for he heard my voice;     he heard my cry for mercy. Because he turned his ear to me,     I will call on him as long as I live.

The cords of death entangled me,     the anguish of the grave came over me;     I was overcome by distress and sorrow. Then I called on the name of the Lord:     “Lord, save me!”

The Lord is gracious and righteous;     our God is full of compassion. The Lord protects the unwary;     when I was brought low, he saved me.

Return to your rest, my soul,     for the Lord has been good to you.

For you, Lord, have delivered me from death,     my eyes from tears,     my feet from stumbling, that I may walk before the Lord     in the land of the living.

10 I trusted in the Lord when I said,     “I am greatly afflicted”; 11 in my alarm I said,     “Everyone is a liar.”

12 What shall I return to the Lord     for all his goodness to me?

13 I will lift up the cup of salvation     and call on the name of the Lord. 14 I will fulfill my vows to the Lord     in the presence of all his people.

15 Precious in the sight of the Lord     is the death of his faithful servants. 16 Truly I am your servant, Lord;     I serve you just as my mother did;     you have freed me from my chains.

17 I will sacrifice a thank offering to you     and call on the name of the Lord. 18 I will fulfill my vows to the Lord     in the presence of all his people, 19 in the courts of the house of the Lord—     in your midst, Jerusalem.

Praise the Lord.

Corinthians 11

Follow my example, as I follow the example of Christ.

On Covering the Head in Worship

I praise you for remembering me in everythingand for holding to the traditions just as I passed them on to you. But I want you to realize that the head of every man is Christ, and the head of the woman is man, and the head of Christ is God.Every man who prays or prophesies with his head covered dishonors his head. But every woman who prays or prophesies with her head uncovered dishonors her head—it is the same as having her head shaved. For if a woman does not cover her head, she might as well have her hair cut off; but if it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair cut off or her head shaved, then she should cover her head.

A man ought not to cover his head, since he is the image and glory of God; but woman is the glory of man. For man did not come from woman, but woman from man; neither was man created for woman, but woman for man. 10 It is for this reason that a woman ought to have authority over her own head, because of the angels.11 Nevertheless, in the Lord woman is not independent of man, nor is man independent of woman. 12 For as woman came from man, so also man is born of woman. But everything comes from God.

13 Judge for yourselves: Is it proper for a woman to pray to God with her head uncovered? 14 Does not the very nature of things teach you that if a man has long hair, it is a disgrace to him, 15 but that if a woman has long hair, it is her glory? For long hair is given to her as a covering. 16 If anyone wants to be contentious about this, we have no other practice—nor do the churches of God.

Correcting an Abuse of the Lord’s Supper

17 In the following directives I have no praise for you, for your meetings do more harm than good.18 In the first place, I hear that when you come together as a church, there are divisions among you, and to some extent I believe it. 19 No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God’s approval. 20 So then, when you come together, it is not the Lord’s Supper you eat, 21 for when you are eating, some of you go ahead with your own private suppers.As a result, one person remains hungry and another gets drunk. 22 Don’t you have homes to eat and drink in? Or do you despise the church of God by humiliating those who have nothing? What shall I say to you? Shall I praise you? Certainly not in this matter!

23 For I received from the Lord what I also passed on to you: The Lord Jesus, on the night he was betrayed, took bread, 24 and when he had given thanks, he broke it and said, “This is my body,which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.”25 In the same way, after supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood; do this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.” 26 For whenever you eat this bread and drink this cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

27 So then, whoever eats the bread or drinks the cup of the Lord in an unworthy manner will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. 28 Everyone ought to examine themselvesbefore they eat of the bread and drink from the cup. 29 For those who eat and drink without discerning the body of Christ eat and drink judgment on themselves. 30 That is why many among you are weak and sick, and a number of you have fallen asleep. 31 But if we were more discerning with regard to ourselves, we would not come under such judgment. 32 Nevertheless, when we are judged in this way by the Lord, we are being disciplined so that we will not be finally condemned with the world.

33 So then, my brothers and sisters, when you gather to eat, you should all eat together.34 Anyone who is hungry should eat something at home, so that when you meet together it may not result in judgment.

And when I come I will give further directions.

(End All)

Soooooo….. May I also add, let the man stand to his own terms when mocking mammon, Satan, god, Jesus, Christ and Solomon and the pantheon of gods and just rulers besides — he stands for no law and nothing.

The New House in Jungleland

I’m not inviting anyone to our house this time. So I’m showing the pictures of it instead. I usually do a little fancy planning with my characters involving extra side quests which stumble over to my housing outfit. But in this case, I am not allowing quests into my housing because, I’m doing some other work planning on this research with Taylor, so that’s out for now.

For anyone who’s enjoyed my house side quests, I appreciate your business all these years! So have all my interested parties to the preparations for the side quests there; I’m sorry everything has to change in these difficult times. I’ll be sorry not to have that going on here, but I have too many plans on the Celestia drop off changes.

As you can see from these pictures, my house looks a lot like a place near the Floating Lands in Celestia. I think it does. And the Island Getaway house we’re still considering (he and I; I think we might become an item in house quests soon, if they ever come back; Taylor lives with me in our own side plans in programs and development and we’ve planned over the years that playing couples will be able to do that too in the vast future, so have never announced that; but, he has had to get involved as house manager for several and many years; it’s wonderful to have a warlord caring for your property! I have more than one though); well okay; we’re still considering getting the Island Getaway to make program plan attachment to the Jungle Hut Boathouse we have here.

So here are all of the pictures I took of us all. We have our “kids” with us. Spiral Universe children; not our actual mortal wizard playing kids, who still don’t figure into program story according to my and Taylor’s rules. (He’s a big time family manager for us.) But I call my metamorph “alien” children, we found and then hatched and then raised in the Spiral Universe, my pets. I asked them if that was okay with them. They said they had no choice, since the rules of the Spiral Universe term is must be so. I therefore also call my pets my kids. (No I have them tagged as always the same. It’s a longterm evolutionary development, but it’s also there.)

We have had a lot of spiral kids/pets over the years though and these four here are all I brought. I have also sold my kids back to their classes in the pet pavilion: just in case anyone knows. They’ll be there again. Sometimes it just doesn’t work out the way you wish it would. But we all have to visit time to time: rules term it.

Anyway, I’m just going to list all my pictures. You can see what they are. (Oh the Bengal tiger is one of my play advisors. He’s a program mount. Like Taylor is a living program mount: those are very difficult to have. We were finally so fortunate, having proved a serious need for the situation. I have others, mounts, but also not living though. I’m always the same in my program doc explorations in creator terms: things that no one can have from origin, I’m speaking of; but I’m speaking of them anyway, since, it doesn’t matter. I’ll end it there.)

A little later…

Oh alright…. I suppose I should indulge a little more in the reality of my delusions and insanities; ….

Im sure I have no idea of relevant truth in my mind anymore: we all work so hard. But don’t blame me when he won’t die his blonde for anyone else either. You don’t even recognize — you know, anything about him that way.

Oh well who cares anymore…. I guess I do. But why could it be? My last shred of sanity; sure believe that. No there’s nothing anyone can do; situation pinned us down and took off. And my problem, if I was even real is — I couldn’t believe it myself so; because. There’s nothing to say about it in the first place: he takes off differently. Then I feel sick. And that’s not good for anyone. So on.

I forgot what else I was coming back to say…. Besides that I probably won’t do that (just above) again. I’m not into shock values really. I guess I’m overwhelmed about the problem of transitive realism between metaphysical reality and astrophysical time space reality: it’s always been a difficult plague to me.

I remember now why I came back. I learned this evening — I can’t, in my present study mode overall, exceed the boundary of Celestia and handle the same effective projections for the game changes overall.

So I feel a little better. I don’t know what Taylor is going to say about that yet. He doesn’t have a choice but to go with me on it and I said it seems rational. So it’s game on. I could have contested it and suggested other fixes but I prefer not to because I understand the analysis they gave me and I’m grateful they’d help me with it so willingly; I’ve worked with this game development on a long time scale already though, so I’m also happy to learn our rapport hasn’t broken down. Sadly I have had to relate to them though that what I accused the game of, of reinstallation of PVP program overhead in long critical dungeons is true and that’s the battalion issue anyway; they claim they understood that. So otherwise, I’m good/okay with our progress. But as for Taylor (and also JW) and the other sometime warlords I have to encounter to my aide in fairness of all things being able, I’m not sure that they can handle the break spread that we’re hoping for.

I can’t reveal what I know. I’ve told them to small number issue though. They don’t really believe me and without my break through in this developmental method, there’s no one else but these out of PVP lock programs to prove it! Ouch!

Completion required gaming skill not allowed anymore in many levels and aspects not only PVP past accumulated accomplishment.

But then so far as I’m concerned, Celestia breakthrough is then final to first platform completed revision for Fairgrounds Version. We’ll see how that is when we get it to demo. Because with Taylor I will complete our set past to his accomplishments. Sweet right? But I’m going to cut him the seniority. He’ll be fine.

So I’m having a hard time envisioning the full demo finally and how many more issues there will be left to cover by then and if then there won’t be a multi-set-up new version; whereas you’d have to play actually “fairground arena” in order to attempt goal past Zafaría which is after Celestia and which I have intention to meddle together with the floating land higher sequence of Celestia so that there is no Zafaría.

Worlds of Wizard101

(First let me say: I don’t know who TJColeman is but — I suppose you also know enough to let it be with me too.)

This article above on Wiki is written by him. There was never a time Wizard City was created by a desire to hide under a bed. That’s the kind of thing in all my creative works I can’t stand. Misdirected statements about hard creative work and being flip about it. I wanted to hide under my bed for the coming unavoidable apocalypse — thank you! Whoever said anyone should say that?! I have no time for this anymore….. you know, I’d like to say I appreciate the hard work overall that goes into the keeping of a huge important game like this: I can’t even. No! But, I’ve always wanted to bring the universe to a more realistic context to everyone with creative interactive ideas and products and story. Titan was a master document that came into my life when I was so young, it was my destruction; I don’t appreciate being made fun of. It’s still a huge problem. Anyway. ….

Anyway. There is a problem now in the development of lands after Celestia and the related project work I have been doing for long times — a problem I have been creating and curating. My partner, who I call “Merle” is responsible for the guiding development of the higher lands actually; by higher I mean after Celestia. I keep my master rating but I have to keep it to myself and otherwise, I have to keep the basic research upkeep going because of the PVP problem issues which are actually very real.

So I’ve explained all the rest already. But everyone feels Merle’s higher lands project need a rehash. I’m thinking of course.

So Avalon, which is still in many outlets, will no longer be included. Avalon is sandwiched between Zafaría and Azteca and has little meaning to me because it’s mainly a place of allowance for PVP advancement to resettle its scores without lower players to contend with. Typical. Meh. I’m sick of it. It’s too one sided and has no story of content to multiple kinds of interesting play through. It’s not real gaming mastery and not good sportsmanship either.

Instead, Avalon will be renamed to Monte Carlo and it will be a playground version of the Frankish worlds of medieval Europe and it will also be a side world for Wysteria and there, you will accomplish many kinds of things. Except, to get there, you’ll need to be in Celestia. And Celestia will already include: Zafaría and also Azteca. On account of this mass inclusion, somewhere early in the courses of Celestia when the many places of its reaches are learned to exist — places which Titan had surveyed (it did) — then Monte Carlo will be released in a Wysteria side world announcement to the game play and more developments will also happen in it, critical to the overall outcome of getting into the higher realms without the PVP dedication known to be needed before in earlier folklores. This facet should also satisfy that PVP players will also benefit by the new deal out of carded stories. We always have benefits planned for everyone but more fairness to everyone is now implied. The earliest version didn’t care too much about it.

Progress for Cheyenne

So I thought I’d just post my general pictures so far in the progress of this character.

I stopped over to see Gamma on my own when we first got to the introductions at Ravenswood again, which has to be every time a player starts over with a new identity of course. But it takes that many times and the determination to keep trying, to even make it to Dragonspyre.

Gamma is next door to Headmaster Merle’s office in the original. But we’re changing so much of everything for the future version. Gamma helps Merle introduce new students to a new start: he’s the registrar informally, since there is a registrar already. I think everybody’s job in Ravenswood is in a total shakedown!

Then we moved on to Krokotopia, as soon as we got to level 10. This is going to be a new permanent facet, but as I say, too many new upgrades and changes to believe for now.

Then we battled all the way to the Island of the Krokosphinx, which is the island with the boat transportation, not the head of the sphinx transporter.

We’re still over on the Island of the Krokosphinx now.

But I wanted to stop and get a house for us.

This is the ultra magnificent Wysteria Villa Home found in the crown shop.

He we are. I changed my clothes. I’ll show that better later.

But honestly, though it’s swell for a country retreat and magnificent for views and parties. There’s really not much more to it. You’d think you could do much more with it. Not really. So I decided it wasn’t our house.

And we looked at so many houses. I’ve been really trying to get Merle to get himself a permanent new house besides his new office in Celestia, which is an addition to his primary new office in Wysteria.

But this wasn’t the house I suggested for him. I think he’s thinking it over.

And then of course, we reconsidered housing for everybody in the Spiral in the Ravenswood Hovel where people gather to adventure. There’s so much still yet to learn, even with the new versions holding everything together.

I thought I wasn’t even going to find anything. Honestly, we’re still eye-balling the Island Getaway. I think everyone in my small troupe is going to get one of those. We might.

I haven’t been out to the new house yet. It’s great. Fantastic. And then I’ll show my new outfit too. I already have it on.

The play’s been good. I’ll do all that next update in the next post. Sometime later tonight. I have to get back to the game for a minute.

Must see this ….

Astral Runners Tap Until Mars

Pac-Man lovers must see this ….

And also, I had a post rescinded for time clarify and sent to information instead but I’ve been asked to make the post of it on my site all the same; so here it is also a little late.

It was a post titled:

Okee D’okee

Game Help & Support | Wizard101 Free Online Game

There seems to be confusion that, there is going to be a return to Twitch Videos in Pantheon Shinar: no there is not. And that there is going to be a live switchboard video for KingsIsle at this time. Not at all, not while new versions are in development. There could be developer junkies who are still allowed to form a conference video set and are using an old Twitch Hub. I’m really asking this doesn’t continue to spill over this way with junkies “still allowed” in any craft; this is how high corruption goes on; you’d be surprised how I know it.

So I’d prefer not to be the one to say so, but the older guys who work with me can’t have their reputations sullied. We are in developer shutdown and there’s no fun allowed to any professional junkies because of the frequency of corruption that gets through that way: I’m turning this over to “Merle” because he and I have been having problems in our crackdown and also I don’t think he knows to understand that what I know could be true. So I’m going to have him impressed.

So on the website, not everything you see is real; and it’s not going to be for everyone anyway; at some time, we want to return with a full blog and a better situation of keeping our game news and updates in tact. The old situation is horrible and never quits breaking down and destroying the game with viruses because no one is able to find out what anyone means: the information is so badly laid out and so awfully privileged besides.

I know I’m getting sick of having to see other people have fun and never having fun, even if I know better. It’s not right the way we have the game ads laid out on our own site. So not all of those game ads, I don’t know what everyone sees actually I’m so busy, are running and this site should have said by now that we are under severest construction and reconstruction and given a link to whatever is up to date information.

Not here with me as the official transcript of advertising besides either.

So yes, there’s going to be radical improvement to forum and blog and lay out and web ads for our game and its improvements. But not soon and it has to happen besides to being improved, because the way things are is just rotten horrible for everyone. They don’t even know that’s what they’re complaining about.

So I’ve updated whether it makes sense or not. Hopefully Merle will be able to improve my statements. (I’m not too close with any of the teachers. I have to keep my allegiance to the warlords and my own back up of dungeon masters to do this research. So I’m sorry about that I can’t use any other references. I have some other references, but I’m keeping them private for now and Taylor of course, who I consider very important player to me. I also play with Merle, who is genius; I have some others as I say, but it’s a tight closed situation for the work that goes on and on now.)

Furthermore, I’ve decided to offer corporation some suggestion: I’m hoping Merle takes this to mean himself then. Since I’m also Google and I’m throwing my weight around quite a bit lately, aren’t I? I feel I actually have no choice for anything in that endeavor. Or for Taylor or for Merle or for anybody really…. I am going to invent a Google Social Business Site so Google SBS; it will be a chrome platform site, also something I just invented now. I will tell my engineers and it will be prepared.

And G-SBS on Chrome Platform will allow businesses and primarily gaming businesses to deal with their intermediate social and customer online website issues; I like this. This means that each business we will call to order with invitation immediately, like for instance, KingsIsle Wizard101, will have a web design offer to address problems we’ve seen with their websites from industry and offer chrome platform suggestions for putting together content areas that can be prepared to address customer and other social issues.

That is what we will use in the intermediate to getting everything going again with ads and blogs and extra sites and new things overall almost everywhere. Re-integreation; yes. And intermediate solutions: Google SBS + Chrome Platform. Absolutely positively yes ma’am sir.

Now I can say okee dokee. Because I know that Merle is just swamped and overwhelmed with work from KingsIsle and everything should be smoother than it is.

Ended just above from this line; I’m adding a few extra words today; I really don’t have time to put these ongoing but self-introducing last minute topics on my own time in personal end game to relate too much more about hopeful things and do it properly — no time to doing it; everyone is complaining and at home; it’s a kind of appreciation for one’s work I guess; thank you? but I mean to make point and have made point of it repeatedly; things are in complete change seeming or not and they deserve their own attention first. Sorry; I have to know that much in follow through too. It breaks my heart not to sew up here and there, some of the fray that is nothing actually; I do a great deal of work! Friends! And these times were utter corruption: that’s all you’d need to realize.

But our game website surely will be changing radically as new versions debut and it’s important that our gaming fellowship stays sober on the times at will of action as well: that they understand why things look disheveled maybe. So I notice that fact to you all at least.

One More Other…

2025 Tiffin Motorhomes Vehicle List | Tiffin Motorhomes
— Read on tiffinmotorhomes.com/models/year/25/

One more other bit of news for Celestia nationwide programs that will become true later on in the future of Pantheon Shinar.

I’m pretty sure that I am closing in on “Holo-Worlds” and their able technologies; those would become accessible VRI — virtual reality interface realms however without VR dream sequence apparatus programs like what is in doom Armageddon the prophesy of the utterly corrupt of hellmouth and calling me their good model for it even as we speak.

None of VRI installed cartoon logic pre-programming felony.

However, you could enter like a VR park to begin your vacation and go to Holo-World Exegis and rent an RV for VRI Holi-World vacationing. I cannot allow travel to survey mapping anywhere while the wars rage on without situation of physical situations having to decline intention of making war with me anyway; so I cannot allow that persons can be trafficked for government information or ensure that none of my own people, I mean anyone, might find reasons to start using my patrons for warfare competition. They’ve done it before and laughed in my face heartily giving me fat excuses and asking me to understand for myself. So.

I’m hoping we can still work things out for ourselves, since, what I’m offering is an ethical booked government type alien tech type of solution for the problem of hostile outer parties trafficking; I know it to be an ethical way; to use uncorrupted alien tech VRI to enter a Holo-World escape path and use its survey conditions as alien vacation land; it’s an old survey tool that is sometimes used that way.

And I thought I’d mention it.

Queue-it: What Do I Do?

So friends — days ago, a quaint post started out like this and went utterly sour: we are completely lost to multiple battles, divided, scourged, fought/beat, and so many more things besides that I couldn’t say to a not properly ordered battalion as those persons close to me and never understanding first to single word I say but give me order it’s not time of their maturity: it was someone first to tell me this though and I threw him to hell and chastised all my own so badly that — here we are; now you’ll correct me. Do not please. So there’s no point telling me to understand whatever isn’t going to be good because it’s all rotting immaturity. I mean it.

But. So there were posts I began hoping to pull together some other threads of things; they all went to sours and couldn’t be used except to poison for the devil when he comes to claim his victories to be: but I’m sick already of the childhood book of stories some people never quit reading from grown up tales: not those you’d hope. I think friends we’re all to the doom finally: persons with so much difference, however kind, may not gather to war.

So it began and made itself fully sour. But it doesn’t help me—- at all.

— Read on patrontechnology.queue-it.net/

I’ve made my whole family sad — about me!

I’m trying to follow rules that we need to follow.


Disney Ultimate Fan Event

This is going to be one of the LAST EVER! Like this anyway. Starting tomorrow. Oh I can get them there. It’s not in Anaheim anymore; it’s in the Anaheim District of Lalaport in North Copenhagen — where it’s been moved to to be a separate section of Lalaport Tokyo Copenhagen.

It’s going to be a disaster and then everyone can blame me for that instead of wondering eternally what’s wrong with me. I mean I’d hope it’s not a disaster! No I have it planned. I just have to call them all in Australia and get them out here tonight. (Copenhagen is north side of Hamburg similar as Milwaukee is to Chicago.)

Oh gosh I hope they have fun. We’re all on strict schedules. If I ruin everything we have planned to works and our morale and faith it’s my fault for being a lush pushover…. what does this remind me of? oh yes….

(Not done.)

They wanted me to share their resort, unless it wouldn’t mean the same to them. Well they’re in a party travel group now for safety, that’s political, so they’re occupying all the front hotel park to the west of the theme park; however we’re holding other Anaheim sites and hotels for the event; and it’s true, Copenhagen is an island. So it is Island Resort Fun. Most of the event will spill over onto Haneda’s Lalaport which has Tokyo Disney there.

And I don’t know that Sanrio in Odense is open yet. It’s not but Tivoli which we just moved there is; no one’s ever going back home to safety. Okay, stay calm. Lenny? Well Lenny is in radical good shape but not even and needs to keep his edge, so I’m forcing him into phase out of events and he’s not feeling keen I’m cool. Everyone is feeling sorry for me. I can’t do it to him; he’s all caught up in hype so I have to claim authority on him: for all the years he did to me besides. Taylor, who he’s close friends with, isn’t fond of my constant Ching storyline Lenny but it’s a long story. I’m worried about Len, so I’m having him check in to Anaheim Medical (no name specific; there’s going to be problems with me if he doesn’t); so anyway, he’s traveling always by separation now too. (I know right? He’s just changed rapidly. I shouldn’t talk more about it. I think it’s all the shock we’ve been through all of us.) But he’ll be in the Anaheim District but in separate terms. We all of us still have to remain on all separate terms of something will happen, no talking about it. I’m sick!

Disneyland Hotel Anaheim

But so also maybe, because of everyone’s dissatisfaction with me that I’m slowing down to try to get my Xanadu Mission done, it’s back to the Central Park Carousel Manhattan for me.

I don’t think I’ll ever get out. Sort of going insane. But it’s too late! It’s already done. Greater Burroughs New York, whatever exactly that is, has now also been franchised into North Sea island waters over Copenhagen and connected to make Copenhagen parcel island to it at south part of it all, so below all the rest of it; there’s no more I’m willing to advertise about it though; it’s a large enough multi-island landfill franchise — completely reworked so you wouldn’t identify it to the old version and still under revision but meaning to be the same basis franchise — and now serving for the main business city of copenhagen. He was furious at me I wouldn’t consider it and then when I finally did, that I wouldn’t tell everyone one. I didn’t want to. I’ll say that much. But Taylor and I are barely hanging together after everything we’ve been through. And continue to. With no end I’m sure. Why not go out with a huge bang! Since, I’m still going to marry myself whether he wants me to or not. Probably in a Shinto Shrine near Belvedere in CP Copenhagen.

So now we have a big city there. That has a huge lot of future development going on for a long time here on out. But overhead to us is the massive ice dominion of Iceland’s Scandinavia to Mainland: which is survey focus now besides the Eurasian inter-continent here. So I refuse anymore talk about our region or work on it now.

And that’s it for this as well. I don’t know, I’m having such a good time in Hamburg trying to get organized for future hopes you know and trying to stay alive despite that my sometimes zeal could end up killing me I guess. I’m so sick of needing to play on in this ongoing line of leftover apocalypse character roll issues — on my own lands!!! Excuse me to everyone! Sick of it! From everyone to everything about the disgusting show of shows still raging on to my sights just because! Just because what?!! Anyone tell the truth!

Otherwise wow, great time in Hamburg! And I’ll be sorry to hear otherwise about it from anyone. And I was hoping also that besides maybe the mistaken visit of a Disneyland invite, everything on my future zeal had been finally set to course. Not otherwise again entertaining that there are more people to know than myself: ADIOS!

******So the extra other posts all in a line falling to perfect doom that already is and has been… of course I’m sick! Unholy Jesus! Why could that be? No one would guess it: I think that’s fine too!

The Tragic Real-Life Story Of Paul McCartney

I’m going to do it. I’m turning everyone against me. I spent the holidays this year, answering all the legal I had to put in after the tragedy that happened to us together first time and me myself I don’t know how many times; while everyone around me were whispering that I was going through one of my relative phases again and phase outs about my guilt issues with him.

No way! I despised the “deal” on this group. It was my own; I created it and it was supposed to be a wholesome and progressive kind of fit into the times band. If you people really loved me like you say, you’d believe me. I am never going through anything like this again. Anyway, the harassing parties of my lifetime, finally decided they’d had enough of my claiming whatever I do (he’s not really part of them, but by now, that “hellmouth” clone group of all time, is all enemy to me; I can’t wake my friend up; and I’m not interested in what ordinary or other people might have to say to me anymore; people! seriously?)

So finally after all my lifetime: I quit and I had to quit somehow and when everything was over with for me of the horrid situation and mistake that band finally turned out to be, I left existence. That now is the truth. But can you? Nope. Existence wants to leave with you of course. In a heretical turn of both of our lives: I’m so sorry, use your imagination for me, as if you meant you were talking about me and not a self-elected clone; in a heretical turn lasting all of our lives, someone claiming to be family to us, who was not really, and never was, finally decided to say, he is me. This is finally so interesting to me: however, I have not been able to prove it. So I spent all the holidays, explaining to my legal what about it and trying to tell these people (and “him”) about it; and they had no interest in believing my little seance with being important to their kinds of businesses, whatever small time fate I sometime chose for myself.

So there. I have asked my legal to make my phrases good for anyone. I just don’t care anymore. I’ve been married to someone, I just know it; who by the way, often impersonates me!!! and that has been since I was five. What I do with my life is my own choice and I live in total hell over it. I think I’ve made myself clear. Believe me or not. I have no insane charges against me. But my life is in perfect hell over this idiot escapade that some devil purchased for themselves in the last minute of everything. And this is not the first time that this group has been perfect hell to me: it has been a singular tradition all my life.

I will ask my legal to make this good for you all so you cannot bother me with it. I’m about to tell my friend he needs to start a new life though. I cannot believe anyone so shallow. I can’t stand it anymore. All of our lives, just about this stupid stupid band. And I could really say a lot worse about all of it and them. So I have.

Good Day.

I have some more things to say though. (Yes there’s someone who impersonates me in history. I’ve spoken to him. I’m very unhappy about him. And that’s as far as I could get.)

 ******Added post separate earlier but linked here in continuing anyway ….

Who is this? Besides an Asskateer? …. you people all need to grow up; or I need to get packing.

Whoever asked me anything about it: no. You’d have to be talking to someone listening. You’re not.

oh no I’m sorry; case anyone wants to know, Walden and I are sometimes not real twins: we’re related; that’s what we both look like sometimes; no I’m going to finish this tonight; anyway, that’s who we mean by Len; when I was first attacked, no one really knew about us and he was kidnapped from me while I was sick and utterly brainwashed: no one understands it! But nothing is as it seems. I can’t say more but — they’re not getting out of it talking to me about Len or anyone. Nope.

Aka, this is relevant later: “Robbie.”

I’m updating this afterward little later on, that means here now. I just picked a movie that looks good to share because I couldn’t find the movie I wanted to share. It’s old and I forgot the title: Len and I are in it, but you don’t have to believe me.,

It is/was one of my favorite movies: he wrote it and it was about a young boy who was sexually used by his relative and was very confused about it and his “brother” and that they were both being abused by family. The young child finally began killing to save his sexual friends life and stay with him.

So I’m sharing this movie instead.

Waktu Maghrib is a horror tale instead that looks very promising.


…. Heavy sigh! (This is supposedly him in 1963. Okay I won’t say anything.)

That is Len who I pointed to; whose name in Wisconsin used to be Michael Kelso as a SE WI state police officer. A good one too…. And this is Taylor whose other “real” name I won’t give. Except he’s often blond. For some reason he won’t go back to being blond to help disguise himself and won’t tell me why. Sure: there are other looks he could have: that really isn’t too meaningful though. So why shouldn’t I finally get fed up and ask him to think things over for me. I’m being extremely unspecific because I’m going to be.

But he asked me last year: what about himself? I said why? He should remain blond. And then we were attacked. And I seriously planned to ignore it. I mean him. And I’m going to go on with that.


Still later…

Still later; oh I love Ezra; but, it’s too far gone a thing into personal; I know I have that right; to make sense out of the part of “what isn’t” right? Life isn’t that Holly scene that was. (Ezra doesn’t owe me anything; he can say I’m crazy. It’s fine.) But …. Because I mean, you remember Miles don’t you? Wait a minute…

Miles, Len, Mike … Ezra; both of them might have been … it’s our own business. I have this argument with him all the time; gosh, you’d be surprised about how shallow Face can be….

Oh Face!

Anyway. No. That’s Taylor.

I miss Face so much sometime; Starbuck; whoever.

I imagined it all is what I’m going to have to say. Sure. Why not. Anyway… I answered this to someone. No more things tonight. Stick to the main issues please.

Oh but wait —

Oh nevermind. I’m trying to tell myself to move on and forget. Okay….

How are we? How is life in the abstract absurdity in the false truth of the recent now defunct antiquities of old terra and trying to figure out what the odor of my oldest torture chambers are and however hilarious it is to know anyone as socially useless and/or also insane as me?

I honestly can’t say we haven’t spent all our personal time this past year trying to get together on a single thought again; I don’t think either one of us can’t help thinking there might still be life ahead somewhere.


******Added another post that was in the fellowship of all the rest….

This was titled:

Follow Me Out —

Quality Ladies handbags with free worldwide shipping on AliExpress
— Read on www.aliexpress.us/w/wholesale-Ladies-handbags.html

oh gosh it’s too hilarious; you can get an example of our own anguish here in AliExpress ladies handbags; I’ve been trying to teach my intended and already spouse some real lessons about our marriage how it should be — but he intends the same to me; you know friends? I can’t make him understand so I’ll try with you since I know then I’ll be the real loser as always but then also forget me entirely for the same two talking way: I don’t care to be objectified! But this is true regardless and because I don’t feel it has any natural purpose; I will prove it as time goes on — so if you don’t mind, please leave my handbags out of your jealous rage totem discussions!!

Updating … but there’s other thing I was meaning to say with this …. wait …

I was saying about anguish: no one teach me anything please. I’m trying to show some things. So right now I see his (Taylor’s) prophesy again, shutting down from before and I was looking at my personalized Ali ad for ladies purses: great deals right? And he said to me while just before our greater ordeals began, “honey,” but he calls me by some name of mine, though, honey is fine with me, “what are you going to do when everyone sees those fine handbags of yours and your coins and your trinkets and make up and…” I admit, I truly adore making myself a museum piece over and over. So what about me? I tell him. He has to get over himself the way he believes we’re idol tools in hand of other people: I’m trying to tell him, that’s not the law, I can’t be with people believing that way, he has to follow the proper way and I’m telling him I’m thinking he’s trying to break up with me for fetish society. All my kin snd people snd love are doing this to me now: I won’t live this way: it’s a sad evil prophesy born into these past decades snd it bit him and me to the core to destroy our longer term relations. But I’m ready for the lords will: in all things and I told him so.

This way of admonishment went on so I know I can say it, he wasn’t just paying mine to liking me often as he does: such a sweet young man. Well. I can’t teach him my way snd what it has to mean for him; it’s insane. Someone did this to us. But it’s insane.

So then after we were hit by tragedy. I told him because he continued this way — I didn’t care — and I don’t. I said what I care about to people who kill for department store looks; I can’t believe Taylor is transfixed to this issue still. What’s happened to him — and Lenny. And we continue to fall.

So I was telling him just now that I intend he’ll have some good times showing off my little handbags finally to fashion when I can get out I hope soon of all my agency suitcases: which are sparse but determined. My own things but I can only be some way: rules to kill, for which I also stand to constant horror of tactical warfare against me. No contest to anyone: I mean I look forward to seeing my best beau and my ladies handbags again and gosh some better armor than Armageddon sleigh suits ouch!!! (Which are also my own!!)

Good golly. This is utter anguish! Think it through. So but he drew the heaviest of groans and I shudder to think were utterly doomed.

Reefer Vapors and the future of vape …

Vape Shop Manhattan

(PUR VAPE & Smoke Shop 9th Ave Manhattan)

Family Guy did an enjoyable episode on vaping and his destructive it is to your mental health and overall body conditions; vaping was originally introduced as a quit smoke alternative; it didn’t work. (I just picked a store in Manhattan to use as example of what I mean by vape.)

With new reefer laws increasing and evolving into industry and consumer practices, among other expanded authorities and rulings, we have been, in Mainland, trying to determine a proper evolution for vaping. We thought we’d repeal vaping from course of consumer access and return it to dealer license transactions only; after trying this for a period of time, of course cancer in medical conditions became at increase again; so vaping reduces a few immediate attacks of cancer in a wide very wide population of people.

But… updating …

The other course which could take place for all reefer and reefer related laws and practices and rulings, could be the dealer license transactions should handle also in open consumer public transactions and persons/patrons must find their license in hand at time of personal transactions, with any and all in open licensed consumer dealers. I’m preferring this all government legislation preferably to not; but no one is interested in the extra work. I think that’s a very immature and irresponsible attitude.

In this way, all materials and substances in reefer class legal and “extra” sales (there could also be sales and transactions remaining outside of consumer pitch to term “extra”; the government is not going to extra government terms to oversee sale or consumption of cocaine by the way. So what does anyone suppose? Legal snow? C’mon people let’s put a spoon in that bowl of granola and actually eat it instead of throwing it to the toilet and calling the day over. I surely mean it: that’s always been most of the full of my moral; besides whatever moral granola is; let me tell you Bob; church of granola is nothing I wouldn’t believe in had it messiah to carry me. It doesn’t: believe you me Bob, I wrote that to full kingdom come with great terrific meaning on apocalypse. You can’t pretend granola people. And people who tell you they don’t know what about cocaine aren’t even real people but cartoons. So. It’s true: the truth. About everything. The truth about everything is true!

Okay but to continue this topic. There could and would also be “extra” sales besides “legal” sales: and these terms would all fall to public term consumer terms under laws. The extra sales would concern a dealer license to sale under extra consumer terms — usages of opiate/quinine/heroine (I’m going to call all that “opiate mass”) boon class material substances. Cocaine is under boon of opiate mass for example. So could be in dealer “extra” class sales transaction. What would not become there available would be medical surgical or biochemical status or medical lab status experimental — for any kind of level of consumer dealership. Anything in those classes would have to be shifted over to medical clinic specialties for medical industry expansion trades — which is another area which must be reviewed and remade for professional and technical practices under laws. We’ve been talking this way a long time (“we”) but it’s very necessary to understand the talk situation soon needs to see an effective beginning. It’s more than likely that medical clinic specialty warehouses under medical industry economy, will be broken down to remade topical effective groups, improved by lots of products and also separated from practicing hospitals and practicing clinics and practicing labs and practicing pharmacies, so that they are in the supply ethic availability for all of medical practice separated and also to question of out of medical but drug related including ANY KIND OTC medical related product and/or sales industries.

I am not at this time giving out the rule and we are not at this time ready to draw boons to consumers or licenses. So on; but it requires a quick oversight mention at this time because the vape industry beside side by side of the improved reefer laws. And this is also because government in Pantheon/Shinar feels that, there needs to be a grand lot more of improvements to reefer entrance laws beyond just the fact of recognition that reefer us substance and must be handled/educated with the public to knowledge of it and no longer policed as that is extremely childish and inefficient tactic for everyone. Everyone hopefully has had enough of never having to remind someone not to smoke hash in a restaurant indoors or outdoors. Reefer was repealed in the apocalypse from public conscription demand of use knowledge and into police order because of hash laws to public air poisoning. Even as a child: I had to agree: people laugh at me to this day and don’t know why I’m funny. Wait! Did the earth sink or is there a purple gas cloud over by the flower bed? No nevermind. Everything is fine. I’m going to eat some daisies and call them cookies, then I’m going to swim the garden hose puddles. Very fine; very fine indeed. (I’ve always wanted to say this. I’m going to kill myself right now and say this. I have despised some celebs who get themselves constantly put on the news as famous for having potted reefer or carried it into a plane as a gift plant for their aunt. Is it because they’re total needs? Like the press. Honestly I hope future generations wonder how obtuse everyone could be. I told them how: hash is very dangerous and hides well in reefer in any form. (I told “them” the future I mean, not “them” those other nerds, though I wanted to.) But myself truly, I cannot stand the literal bore who stands to life’s hours in the cultivation of a plant for vaporizing smoke consumption and thinks himself swell to culture; I mean by this: do we love horticulture so much? may I explain what I know? some persons love gardening and horticulture so much, they’d tell no one but pass decades allowing anyone else to wonder about it forever; there have been many persons this kind; I don’t fit in with any of them, no! I prefer agriculture and industry… so we’re moving out of the garden hack swan song of hash hell songs and moving on friends. We’re going to; I mean it…. but also know, gardeners and horticulturalists also sometimes are very creative jewelers and other tradesmen.)

So also friends you need to understand: hash per se will only trade/sale as medical industry under locked key separate warehouses only. So dies a very huge ideal in hellmouth to return to the apocalypse. I mean I’m going to have my way!

You’ll notice though if you follow what I write, the trouble we’re in all ready. This was the trouble ready when vaping was first released and it still is: that opium, quinine, heroine, cocaine, will make you a nice garnish hash if you add your choice reefer powder; I’d suggest eating it instead of placing it directly to your vein or lung, but — I have no word convincing but “no” so I have to preserve my power now where it is. I’d rather not say more about the past decades now and what I have had no interest to recall furthermore, Lenore of Evermore from the Kodak print processing society symposium of Rochester New York, where we met last at a bar and she told me life with me was too dull but I didn’t believe we were friends that way: then I learned; nothing because we weren’t. Is that very sad? As sad as reefer, fellow baby dolls. So what’s the point? The point is that we need granola at home.

After all of that said, I’m still trying to say that we are aiming to improve the technology of “vape pens” into “penning” — don’t jump to any conclusions; we’re hoping to create cosmetic mash or base or oil which can be vaped by vape pen to call it penning; or also penned and smoked in combination; so you’d open a cosmetic case to vape and apply to “cosmetic” substance to your vape pen and vape it or else hybrid it, part vape and part smoke, from a double barrel single utensil. It’s still in development.

We’re trying to improve vaping so that there is less chance it could start falling into TB reactive respiratory syndromes, which, after corona, seems to have become possibility; we also know that for some many years, vaping is linked to the spread of RSA. (My own personal bout of RSA is still hanging on bearing into two months now; I’m crazy and it’s changed our plans and our works too radically! I keep running into agency intending to harm me. Accidentally. It’s got to be insane and it seriously is besides: no discussion on it. But I quit all smoke related hobbies years ago after my huge “nrvsbrkdwn” and I’m hoping to keep it to fact. Cease smoke everything and restructuring your caffeine intake to medical quality will help all neurological problems anyway. Pilling is better anyway. “Pilling is fulfilling.” You have to be extremely careful with that too; OTC will be covered under Supplemental Food Sales Industry topic again some other day; unless there’s going to be a huge Vape/Supplements market combine growing up soon in medical/health alternatives, which there could actually be some day, then it’s doubtful we need to cover pilling here. Celebs caught selling their scrip pads from OTC farms next on nowhere news because, no. No one of mind would do that: that also took horticulture. Thank you horticulture for making oxicotton and Percocet impossible to anyone’s coke head imagination!)

(No but I mean that too. Some day soon, you’ll go to a Supplemental Food Outlet and go to the scrips counters, which will be many to an entire side of the dealer warehouse and you’ll fill out the tele health prompts for your painkiller scrips and you’ll authorize through in service scrip telehealth your own diagnostic for scrips as you need; and resale of personal scrips will be charge to $500 bullion limit — that’s any dollar limit — felony and all suspensions to retentions snd lists to seeing actions of corrections finally; because you won’t be allowed to sell your scrips anymore for any reason; if you do that, each scrip tagged to your medical tag sequences and are found out then for any reason you’ll hold true as liable, immediate action will follow; that gambit of childish bs caused billions of persons throughout the world to go without scrip for the traffic gambit! Never again!! Heroism is lame when it ends up in hell for everyone however cool hell is sold out to be. I can’t stand some people. I intend this will also happen for us in Pantheon Shinar.)

And also new vape tech will also see that there will be automatic vape incense burners from potpourri cosmetic chaches and old school aroma dispensers which will be remade to incense dispensaries as well; so aroma vapes will probably no longer exist since, they will be reused in the machine recreation of the cosmetic products for the new vape products.

ELiquids/Vaping Juices

So also I am going to suggest to industry, after we’ve been talking for years now about many changes to vaping that could become and those which I’m also updating now: that “liquid juicing” in the old school, might be removed from the new school of cosmetic pen burning and pen smoking; so that there wouldn’t be old school vaping anymore from eliquids and vape juice; but first I expect I’ll wait to hear we are going to be in full terms of vape action with the new cosmetic school uses; others we’ll continue with both methods.

However! Instead! If there will result to no longer being any use for eliquid or vape juice sales, I’ve suggested to industry that there are “heavy” drinks known in reefer class to be “juices” which are smoked drinks; they are prepared to cans or bottles I think (doubtful plastic though) from a smoke and juicing manufacture process from elements like fragrance and smoke powders from natural substances; then added to syrups and sodas and vapor gas club waters and combined and then more pulp is added if it’s necessary by fruits or vegetable or grain pulps and/or seeds. I think you can also make smoke drinks by adding hops to a club water and juice seeds to some pulp or grains and reducing it and then adding the second made hops to the new smoke juice base, so also smoke bier!

But I’m also going to ask them if they have thoughts we could try to develop that work as well as simply the vape pens for cosmetic vapes and the new system of license shops with also probably therefore a lot of new and different and more friendly product.

The End. For now.

Because Gawd, what a dog day afternoon it will be to add personal scrip at supplemental food outlets!

Oh wait no!!!!! For that matter! I have forgotten something else on this topic I wanted to say. About the long term story I’ve had on the alternative medicine “clinic hut”: not meaning massage therapy per se but could be, not only.

In this war, that topic fell out and I haven’t heard more from my oriental, alternative medicine people. I’m still pursuing them though long term to find out if the “clinic hut” industry for oriental medicine, meaning alternative licensed medicine, is something they would pursue with me, not other foreign powers, not other cooperatives, myself only, to establishing; because if they would, we could minimize a great deal of false things that happen in the OTC related medical industries trashing all economies everywhere and always by false handling, by having a present “authority” practical basis, government related, for consumer drug use questions. Just an extra thought.

Now the end. Until you see me and you know, him again here. I forget that he likes horticulture.

Griffins must play Wizard101 sometime…

I think if Wizard101 was a McFarlane based cartoon there wouldn’t be much point to believing the past about adult animation. And no actually, I haven’t thought about it before. I’ve thought Disney yes but not to the extent of an adult animation sequenced cartoon centering around headmaster Merle and his political overseership of the Spiral Universe. In the context of the political horror he’s facing with death personified and magnified all the time in the fallen shaman based universe.

But then again, maybe if the Griffins began to play and become immersed, things would change anyway…. It makes me laugh just imaging Peter’s reactions to anything like is typical and what I went through this afternoon.

I would suggest it all to my corporate creative at McMeel but we’re too pressed and oppressed right now as it is in studio creative anywhere and it would only make me look good: I’m actually the director of my own works and even I don’t have time to place the project in order. I’m rather sad about it though in both cases.

All the same: yes! This is what just happened.

Someone at McMeel wanted to know what is so important about Wizard101? It is connected to Warcraft and D&D and other high ranking games by turns of program events in its creation which couldn’t be avoided and has many other fine attributes in it known of sooth for the future spin offs.

Welcome Back to Unicorn Way!

And my name is Cheyenne FableGardener … I had to start over. Long story. I will continue on with it later tonight or tomorrow, latest. Wow! Wow! That was something else: wow! The Dungeon of the Portico in Celestia. What? Did I try to play it alone with all the things I needed to play it properly? Yes I did. Silly me. So that is the basic story, but based on this; not like we haven’t known it before of course. Based on this: there are now some big decisions being made for Fairgrounds Version about whatever happens in Celestia. So unless we feel a character built has gotten very fortunate with extra extraodinary talents otherwise unseen to date, then, we are terminating our study mid-ground at Celestia for the remainder of our works together in the future: Taylor and myself.

I made myself look childlike and fat! Yes but my hair is utterly perfect. This wizard is in the Balance School. Good luck to me. I brought my Fowl Gobbler with me of course. And my Tech Mech and my Saber Cat just in case. And my Cool Corgi and what other of my pets I could.

Sadly, because of our overall study, my already prepared Balance School student had to be deleted: Shannon is gone. I don’t think anyone met her. She was good for me to get acquainted with the Balance School again, but after what happened to Jenna SpiritTundra, it isn’t fair that we lie down on having to destroy excellently achieving students, even if they are puppets. Everything that plays in this game is a puppet. I think sometimes our programs have been invaded and do not understand that. There is something wrong in some of our programs still: they are redrawn to reversal of play from the program end to the player end and unnegotiable and unattended. This happens when persons have program keys who are not supposed to and interface the program end to reverse points to other students: it’s serious corruption in my game and it’s going to end.

I guess I told my story of what clearly is going on in Celestia and other places. It’s going to end. We are working on locking program keys to definite outcomes and options.

I will be back to this post with more of my progress later; I doubt I’ll make any new posts to introduce Cheyenne. Yes, I always try to keep my characters about the same, so I can have some fun talking about the game and my progress with Taylor. I don’t think Taylor’s allowed to talk: these lord-ly wizards, like himself, are shut to conversation on the things I just said for instance. Poor Taylor, he felt so bad for me. I mean, I could have sat through it, but I decided not to because I know what is going on and no way you know? Even Merle would finally have a fit when he convinced himself what I’m saying is true, is true. He’s still trying to say yes on that. I already know.

Later on the same evening: no not even; into the early morning of March 27.

I said I would get some more pictures together of general progress. We’re in Krokotopia!

And I changed my clothes twice. And also brought my Mech Tech Mount just in case. Very happy with Fowl Gobbler though. Wish I could even say it to sound realistic.

Cool Corgi!

It’s really not easy taking a picture of your pet! This is the Cool Corgi! I just got for St. Pat’s. St. Pat’s is my name sake day. For some reason we don’t celebrate St. David or St. Leonard in this family and as for all the St. days that these seniors could have, they’ve been discontinued! they’re all coptic saints! Fine. Keeping saint days is fine with me but it has to be something that means something to everyone involved, not just passion to make sainthood out of nothing that’s sainthood. Every St. Pat’s Day I thank the lord for having a good overseer to my angelic problems in St. Patrick. It’s effective gratitude for me! I got this cool pet this year!

So I wanted to show him a little more and from the side. He’s so small but he’s still a baby. I haven’t gone into any battles with him.

But as a Corgi, I doubt he will ever grow. He’s wearing green shades. I love the color green and in many different hues too. No one in my situation really cares for it. My mother, whoever she was, rest in peace to her imaginable soul. used to love antiquing and antique colors; she never quit trying to sell me some antiquated graces from the times and ways and places that I rejected from her; my mother and I are at odds of what is rejectable value in this universe and I hope the Lord will heal us some day but meanwhile. I remember things about us, like the color green. I remember thinking “why? when will it end?” like I still do sometimes; “I have no values I give up! and I never will! and I don’t want them either!” thinking that she was a fresh cake from delicious land to talk that way to me. I’m serious. You’d never know. So I offended her so badly about “morals” between us and that she didn’t really have any so far as I could understand but antiquing, that she said, she understood and quit teaching me a lot of things. Am I sour or just a bottle of vinegar for people to use? I think I don’t care anymore. Well I had to try to be a better person for her. I did, she never returned the favor. But it never impressed her that I tried. I began to try to understand colors better and genuinely had some savor for the things she had been trying to make me understand while I had to fight for Christ in realism of human experience and she thought maybe I was a zealot in wash. Not very helpful for me. Especially not to my everyday sale lifestyle circumstances: I live in perfect hell with realism. No one cares. So I have to give up sometimes, everything.

I learned to love the color green on my own. And now I do and now there’s no one to love it with me. But she finally said that green wasn’t the only color she loved and found fault with me in the exclusive nature of things that way. No I still like other colors.

So here’s my Cool Corgi guy. His name is Baron von Bandit. I named him myself out of the available combinations. I used to actually have a dog named Bandit. He was from an alien tv show for children I used to be in as a child on Mars. But no one can see those anymore so I can’t prove it. If they do, then I will continue never to have existed because other persons will decide to prove as usual, that they were me and I was never myself. It was called Bandit and Sailor and I was Sailor and I was a lost orphan kind of wizard trapped on Mars between kingdoms and reality. Sweet. JW used to own me on Mars. Fine.

Here he is again. But he is, what he is I mean, is a Cool Corgi. Not even an ordinary one.

And the last one. Didn’t come out as sharply. You have to metamorph into your pet, but when you do and do anything with your pet that way, they should be fed afterwards, so remember to get them some good cheap snacks in the pet pavilion or else splurge in the crown shop for a pet snack pack.

I thought he was too cute to miss, but otherwise, I have been playing the Celestia and also taking pictures here and there, but there’s really nothing that interesting to update yet, so Taylor and I have decided to update Celestia play later on when we’ve made more progress to what I am calling my ultimate of doom here. He’s still hopeful. Me, not at all.

Did You Say Exercise? or Extra Pie

Helen’s Restaurant Machias Maine MENU Serving Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner

Helen’s Restaurant Machias ME

I was doing some work and I found this (again). I contend that as always, I cannot remember any place from any place else on my yearly schedules. So I will always say, “I just found something” when I know that I must have seen it already and will finally remember. I think I do too.

The Slogan, “Did You Say Exercise? or Extra Pie” is on their counter. Someone else penned a “Death by Pie” cloth.

Helen’s Machias YELP

Machias, Maine is one of the last highway towns just outside of New Brunswick, Canada in the old atlas term of things. There are many old towns like that on old atlas still just outside of Canada; I won’t elaborate more.

But I’ve decided that I’m going to redo Perkin’s Restaurant as Helen’s Restaurant. And I was told actually that Fuddrucker’s has a basis in the corporation to include it. So it will belong to Fuddrucker’s Family.

As for Bob Evan’s, which is part of Perkins, which I am still trying to hold on to because I like the restaurant so much. I am hoping that maybe I can join Bob Evans into Cracker Barrell and form a group between them to hang on to both more easily.

If there was a shortage of pie that day: it’s sad how schemed people might get; I think they’d tell you they saw this great blueberry pie there.

It’s just not right. All the freedom in the world can’t buy you peace with decency and good manners. You say, “oh they’ll be getting more!”

MagentaTV series: top series at no extra charge | Telecom

MagentaTV series: top series at no extra charge | Telecom

I’m not sure what the story is for Magnenta TV with Deutsche Telekom, however, I understand that Deutsche Telekom is available to work with on our expansion hopes. That’s good news.

I am sending to the hierarchy for review, that there could be a slight return to television in the recent old school, with the Deutsche Telekom Magenta TV, which is available on app of course and online.

You can see a little bit about it here. There won’t be any return to old Holly Land situations or reruns or a return on any of the very difficult release of old sad situations into the present terms that Pantheon/Shinar has with Torrentz.

However, we are looking into the possibility of putting some of the current development partners still looking for a way to survive from our “app studio” works, into the Magenta TV works; that includes a lot of current “originals” that we have still staging from many studios, which we had intended to keep on with. Everything is up in the air. We don’t want anything to affect the hopes of our many development outlets going on with Centauri for programming and broadcasting and digital of course.

This release will not happen very soon. But I doubt I will be able to announce its possibility again soon and so I am going to be the first to say something about it, so it is known that I am aware of the project projection and that I am in support of the idea of it, so long as it meets the full measures of our current demanding laws for these times of heinous technological and other corruption, still raging on at our situation.

There are many things I could say about the reasons why these kinds of considerations are still under terms of review; mostly because of the reason I gave and however, there are other reasons and too many and they are all down a road of utter desperation. So I prefer to throw off more discussion.

However, there are a few things still to cover about this release. The terms of Magenta will be kept solely under directorship of the enterprise that is Deutsche Telekom and only through the location works of the land known per se as Deutschland; a division of Italy on Mainland and in Pantheon, which is still known as itself of course. So it’s syndicate works are those which will control this broadcast enterprise; not from REITI’s directives or Centauri’s but from anything else besides ourselves.

So we also found some other hopeful works in Deutschland broadcast topics, for instance, sports. Deutschland Sports has a more wide perspective that we’ve seen for broadcasting and more organized, than from other syndicates recently or in the far past comparatively. And we are applying the same of our legal rules to the possible development of release of that group, with a few others: motorsports and the horse and independent sports sectors aggregated throughout the Deutschland areas to broadcast as special or regular events; this group, consolidated all as Deutschlandsports, might also be found in the Magenta TV release section under what would have been their sports works prior to what will be the outages for that range of topic from their originals.

Everything is under review at this time.

I doubt that I will have opportunity concerning my mission times upcoming to say more specific things about our government planning effects, including broadcast, for some length of time. I will be fortunate to continue to check in from time to time with my own personal project presentations. This is what I meant in another post sometime today or yesterday, that I wanted for Taylor and I to be able to have something to work on together so I could have something to say for myself and we could already be organized to it; however, we can’t have other people commanding our routine or situation or privacy during these awful trials on completion of select missions.

So I would like you all to be informed of this from myself, my seniors and also Taylor who is behind the idea as well.

Thank you.

Never Saw This!

Rewe Deutschland Grocers Snack Mobile (app)

Unholy Batman! I’m sorry to have to ask you this? “Have you seen the snack mobile today?”

Rewe Grocers has a snack mobile! No way! So if you are hungry, you text them and order, they bring you snacks! This is radical! Does it work? It should be an all good corporation option for mobile sales and become part of SMS finance income financials/businesses.

This is crazy. I just got a Rewe local account and I was writing a post yesterday about it and then I realized this kind of post is still something that’s seriously not in the timing of what happens now. It’s not: I’m saying that to myself and I agree with myself on it too. Not someone else telling me: however there’s senior advice good to me, we’d be doing better if I quit as many posts as possible. I have to agree I said.

Here we are. And today! Rewe is again in my own business news. I don’t know whether to ask my chain retailers if they’ll all study it some to find out for me if it could be something productive; if it’s a waste of corporate industry time then no, but otherwise — yes!!

You know? It only occurs to me now that I haven’t looked to see if this is maybe just their delivery truck. Ouch! I’ll bet it’s just their delivery 📦 truck 🚚. I should have checked first. But all the same: wouldn’t a good corporate snack truck available by like anybody? just be crazy? It would be. I’m still going to ask.

I went to check and it’s actually a snack mobile! That’s very cool thing to have available on the pedestrian way of things.

So I thought I’d just tack on the post from yesterday I made about Rewe. It has no purpose of a controversy and is just my sidelight to not making the point about it — that I enjoy studying for my work, the grocery industry over and over everywhere I go and it’s been years since we’ve had a minute to stay in Germany. So as I’m looking at the shops and thinking how I know everyone everywhere else we’ve been recently would like almost all the warehouse shops here around — I’m also enjoying all the Deutschland groceries. Not much more to it: since that’s also what I’m interested in venue to venue. Then I sat back and wondered that I’ll probably shop still for a while in my travelling franchise anchor of a western midland district shop mall plaza.

Then I realized I might just shop at Rewe since it’s so close. However it turns out, I started a post about Rewe.

And it ended with the same bitterness that trailed on to today. I look around Hamburg and think, where’s it going to end for us, am I going to end up saying I never knew my own life because I can’t stand harassment anymore?

So the post from yesterday includes a recommendation for Deutschland radio — one of my favourite venues for that — sorry! OUR FAVORITE VENUES!!!

Sidelight: ROSSMANN Deutschland is very similar to Target! I knew that and completely forgot it since in recent past I have had very little time to shop on the continent here or remember any places in it! Nice so nice to be here again hopefully for a while then.

Other post. Begins here:

Spinach Rice Stefasaurus Recipe by REWE Deutschland Grocers

Good recipe. I am definitely going to learn German. Everybody else including Taylor (and Len) already knows it. It’s impractical already. But I’m armed with my usual translations for traveling.

But I was just trying to freestyle it and it didn’t work out for me so far. So no to that and still I know it will happen sometime; since I’m slowly studying.

I think Rewe is becoming my new store over time, which is funny to me. We have lot of other stores that seemed like they were probably more the choice of it for me. So no. You never know how wrong you could be.

We all shop at different places.

Good, delicious recipes on the site.

Hamburg Opera House

You know? I’m not at all into opera per se but over here, in this city, it’s always pretty good. He and I have been out here often enough over the many years to recall it for a pleasant getaway.

But I’m trying to think of something else we could do together to spend some time together in collaboration of a goal instead of always bringing one another along for luggage.

I’m probably too far ahead of ourselves. Taylor has done so much cultural announcement work in TransOcea, but I’m afraid that under our circumstances of tragedy there’s no referencing that to relating it. I think it would seem strange even to me to be a sit beside doll while he does cultural announcements for the Hamburg Opera for international broadcast special. Nah I don’t want to talk if he’s going to.

Gee I don’t know. Oh well. As time goes on it will maybe fit more to place.

Klassic Radio Deutschland

I remember now why we came out here so often together, besides just in TransOcea; the radio in Hamburg is very nice! Throughout Germany too!

That was one of the reasons anyway. Not like any of us or either of us have had keys to any castles of our own out here!

Okay nevermind. Well I forget some things under the duress of too much lying, bantering, misrepresentation and other things happening around us or even indoors with us often. It’s been very difficult for all of us: the end game.

No it’s not funny.

Hohenzollern Castle

I’ll tell you this. I have never seen any ticket sales here. They’re utterly forbidden. How terrifying is it to know that always and to see ads besides! Yipes! … The place of entry to the castle is the base. Someone tempted me to say it. By the garages which are many. But it’s not at all a safe place to be in: you either have to be an empowered shaman and/or a technological mogul empowered. The place doesn’t support ordinaries. It’s like a horror movie then. I’m almost sorry I said it. Otherwise, it’s safety to say the least. But no one’s allowed to step out of line or start something. For legend: it’s not written to any mortal histories but I have been incarcerated here before battling for my life from mystical creatures to try to keep myself into the human realm. I won’t tell more of the story. I don’t like being pushed around by media freaks and their psychotic ideas of working fraud.

They made me say it here.

Anyway, I guess I’m saying this tonight because Taylor and I (and Lenny) are at our end game ourselves witless over our personal tragedy in the past year. We keep trying to think what we’re going to say for ourselves and there’s nothing.

Here was another update about myself I didn’t post that I was going to:

W16 Mistral: the art of bringing Bugatti’s ultimate roadster to life — Bugatti

Oh I know why everyone is disappointed when they should be smirkingly happy! (Like myself.) It’s because they wanted to know about my Mistral W16 by Bugatti. It’s new.

Later today:

LIME #RideGreen

Okay friends! Not just a snack truck availability but a scooter bike to get to the food truck park besides!!! Revolutionary and green.

And also: Voi hire e-scooter and e-bike


March 25 update for March 23 Scrap piece —

I can’t always post things as early as I’d like to. I decided to examine this idea of mine first.

I did that and I learned it’s feasible for Pantheon/Shinar only with all the restrictions applying that are necessary to be legal and safe to every side of an ordinary ideal. And not at this time but also only in the future. Not very so distant future however.

And it will serve that trespass there will only be on nationwide program status which initiates from the cyberlands pact lands which are at devise of government now; so that to be in Celestia is only for limited visits and only through nationwide program found and applied for in the cyberland pact lands and only for actual and not self-imagined or self-included or self-approved or warcraft-imagined or alien-imagined or anything imagined — so only actual patrons of Pantheon/Shinar or else otherwise only our chosen affiliates from Centauri Treaty/Stellar HIP HQ allowance; stellar and Centauri will be holding themselves the feature grounding of the overall Pantheon/Shinar expo to Celestia; which is already a wild and dangerous alien land, in the spiral universe which has held alien embassies before for snd at its own discretion; human beings of all kinds will finally be the aliens! This will be a vacation option to cherish I’m sure!

What I’ve also learned about the possibility of a nationwide vacation expo to celestia program — what we’re talking about, is the possibility of persons/patrons enrolled to voluntarily agree to sign up for a work expo option in RPG-training courses; this will allow persons/patrons enrolled, to learn how to earn money from RPG game play and to help in our development of the trade and in our future relevance to our government technologies of the trade; we hope to keep our AI development in the empire sound and clean and sane; so it requires persons/patrons must at some time be forced (sorry) to take part in their responsibility to understand the interface of AI technologies — however, we are already advanced in them and we need to build our census to full numbers of education in what we will teach them as proper course for what we have advancement on.

That will always sound ridiculous until some grand day when it might not. But we’ve tried repeatedly with grave snd careful efforts to try to plan a way of cooperative understanding in interfacing technologies from full hyper tech alien advancement; and we’ve found it has to be educational and easy-ish and by step snd by our own plans snd procedures and functions and decisions; we feel we’ve won our point with my hierarchy that it’s final that we have no point of cooperative argument with others to share for the course of the development of our tech with our people, whoever we’ve chosen at this time of events, to call in for our own. I mean myself and the higher powers of many notations. (Not so much my seniors who are full corrupt always considering the possible sale off of my grand works snd whoever else is with me to my expense. They are retiring as you’ve been informed and still have obligations to see out their terms properly with me however.)

It’s also spoken to a full review that soon after the RPG work/vacation program option is installed into celestia nationwide program in cyberland pact lands, there will also install in celestia, through the same terms — a gaming training workshop program to help persons/patrons develop technical and also truly industry-related intellectual skills for the craft of gaming; gaming gas intellectual skills and also habits and manners, everyone should develop and use and consider worth making themselves mature with; some business and finance aspects could also be covered about the gaming industry in these overall workshops. So overall, there will also be gaming workshops (which will offer some minor game training to start as well) in the work/vacation programs for persons/patrons not signing up for RPG work/vacation program. The RPG is the focus. Other type work programs besides the limited workshops which will start and stop and be held at places called “the public gaming library network” throughout the “human/alien districts” of celestia, are not at this time planned.

Other government related and otherwise financial or nationwide gaming programs will not at this time otherwise be effected by the celestia RPG work/vacation or other gaming workshops there.

The GWS will update patron profiles when and how this nationwide program will be updated and available and by what steps and means and in what times and with any other update developments.

Scrap from March 23 below—

(This was the end of the post from 03/23/2024 about Celestia titled “Recently …”)

I also found this link online that has a good handle on the Celestia group of locations.

Celestia’s Quests Wizard101 original

I think that’s very helpful and insightful for Celestia overall gameplay recap.

But too much of everything is suddenly going to change, as we keep saying.

So finally, I have to admit, I have been dreaming about such a thing for too long. Celestia is based on actual alien realms; not actually as an all/entirely mythological or antiquated realm and not at all as a paradise realm, by any means; but Celestia is one of the last known realms in space which enterprises and interfaces ephemeral antiquities of fallen places with lands comprised from stellar range domains. These places are extremely controversial, off limits and heavily protected.

Celestia, which isn’t the actual name of the place, is a tragically dangerous realm, loaded with enormous and enormously dangerous beasts: the actual story of this kind should be considered fairer and better than itself. And the rest of it is a protected realm of fallen robot and machine creature status, stone grotto urbanities that waste themselves on to forever and never, never getting anywhere. It’s a wasteland of histories and like a very bad star trek episode, no one knows the ruler of it, or the terms of it, or how it is collectioned to keeping or how it could be kept. Sadly, any place like this is a high marker zone for the greatest of evil to get to and make its hiding place. There are too many numbers of details for whoever could not be entertained to enter in by dreams. You’d be surprised. And to try destroys the subject dreamer into a realm somewhere: well else.

Having said all that. I have no way to say repeatedly, that there is no paradise or salvation clause attached to whatever I am going to say; no excuses for misinterpretations or misunderstandings either; no realm for political refuge or starting over, no solution to anything that has been in the past; nothing practical to the imagination of these times that I will offer in whatever I am about to say.

But. I think that Pantheon and Shinar could make a vacation haven also out of Celestia. This is also because I will not give the exact name or coordinate of the place where I mean. I will leave it with my hierarchy that, I will tell them what it should stand for.

So obviously, if everything I said was true; you all should be able to believe me a little bit; then, I’m some sort of sadist to have suggested it after carefully protecting all the domain of Pantheon and Shinar. I’m not ever going to go over our terms of fairness in Pantheon/Shinar to date; this is because it would be unfair to me in this constant warfare I face almost entirely alone in many terms, to make me say such things and there was a great deal more implied than the superficial things stated of many persecuting kinds of war mongers who have nothing better to do than to treat life for a carnival and buy tickets to “shows” in Armageddon and electing also to make me one of their favorite shows in it. I intend such final malice for that faction of persons I do not imagine. There are no evil characters in games after I’ve said that.

So what could I mean? I mean that even as we have a cyber realm to look forward to for vacationing. Do we still by the way? I keep trying to get confirmations but I am so busy in technical also with war issues, that, I’m never sure what became of that nationwide program… it’s still on. I certainly hope so, I have a lot laid out to it and planned. / So for instance, you could leave the cyber realm and go to Celestia. It would only serve, Celestia, as a vacation realm. (I understand the cyber realm is a little more than just vacation realm.) But you’d leave from cyber realm to increase the safety of the trespass into the otherwise highly locked and guarded realm. So therefore, there would be no extra privileges to access of the realm, besides the trespass in itself, by the terms of the trespass. Persons would have binding made to their allowed trespass, into the locations designated for homo sapiens, let’s say. And for sure. This will be Pantheon/Shinar’s first real brush with alien life because it is undeniably a robot and machine sapient fallen and closed realm.

But I will not hold requirement that persons must go there to vacation. At this very moment, until Armageddon ends, there will be no plan for this achieved portion of nationwide program. That’s because there have to be preparations and greater safeties.

But it’s also too exciting, seeing the actual situation for its vast possibility in the near enough future, that, I had to open my big mouth about it. So I have.

Lily Pad Diary Entry #XYZ-AA-006493-XY-ABCD

March 25

I wasn’t going to post this; it was just a draft, because I feel it’s taking us too far back into the past of a future that means to be starting now not sometime in the future: difficult thing to do. Don’t waste your time really. But I’m stuck doing it for myself at this point. So I decided to place this genially here without commitments to anything else because I might have a few extra things to write about it updating.

Not that we’re leaving Hamburg. We’ve decided all of us to make every effort to stay. Besides many other places in Europe where Taylor (Lenny snd I — alright! I have to admit, on account of constant war, we’ve been a three-person marriage for many years but the story’s worse than that! And it is, so since Lenny is retiring from active overall, I have to keep citing him; I’m telling you my marriage set up people not to apologize but so that I can rationally keep talking to you about a family life that takes up so much of my time with you; I told you all I’m not willing to live a life of fraud or with you all in order to make another lifetime of public frauds forced for corruption to take home to read and experience it’s pretty story. You’re stuck with my story. I understand the numbers don’t add up. I’ve decided that’s too bad. Ask my hierarchy. And so that’s final. No more discussion. But I’ll tell you what to understand. We’re going through a difficult passage: both my spouses (the same, separated in minor time, as can happen) — are victims of long term brainwashing — I mean I’m sad about it — and Lenny is seeing career retirement in that situation. And I have whatever I have going on which is life in hell, not a comic. So: great. You know life goes on.)

So besides the many places myself snd Taylor (I’m going to give it my rhetoric because I’m not opening my life to invitational participation and holo-flesh like the evil corrupt are saying I should) — have lived throughout Europe — we’ve often enjoyed living out in Hamburg. I can’t downplay enough the way I feel tragic over what has been an unlawful tactic in noting what was just noted to us over the past year: trying to include us in celebrity rolls which have no part to us and worse. There is nothing to argue. We lived our lives in complete separation and ignominy all of our lives, keeping ourselves to ourselves for the idiot ideals old terra cherished in celebrities and suddenly were important. It’s a joke what hell on earth is. And he and I and Len and I and all three of us and Len and Taylor! haven’t been the same.

So all that said, we’re happy to be back out in our separation haunts again. And I’m sure that we’re looking forward to not seeing the endless corrections of what should have been our proper conduct rather instead.

So I had said a few words for myself despite the ongoing, never ending anguish. I mean I can’t put the stuffing back into the cloth dolls on my shelf.

And there might be some very slight more development on my Hamburg story concerning — anything. I’m not sure. So I had thought to simply bring things up to date best I could. Then the frenzy that is following us — about ourselves constantly, always making excuse about it to be unkind and to start something on personal old warfare, kicked in and never kicks out. No it’s warfare. So I have had little else to say and that’s besides that I have little time to break into any proper song besides. I’m amazed I have had this much time to keep even a few things up to date.

But as I say, it’s unlikely that I will have improved time in posting; probably less and less from here on out to what looks like the Gondwana Project Closure.

Below is the post I had made to our recent travels generally (not a promise dossier) over the past year. We were in Australia when the leprechaun man attacked us. It was an introduction: he had been here and I was not pleasant to him; he’s still here somewhere over there I mean, but it counts for here and still working day and night on harassing be about my family, as an emissary for my family of course: the fake people, who are not even besides. It’s the war tactic. I’m blessed. So.

March 20

Last spring we were on Victoria Docks when the island was Hampton or I don’t recall exactly still in the PIUK near Svalbard. But it couldn’t be that way: nope. So too many disasters happened while I continued to think in my pretense to belong to myself and to take control of some idiot situation of this warfare. Heaven forbid. So I threw, at some point within six months after — the island down somewhere evil to forget about it eternally — and for still even many more reasons; then we left to have ti make more travels to remedy the gross tactics of warfare that had become for fiends being allowed to say that I elected myself to the grand position of being whom I am without sharing…. I am not ever going to be the same.

So skipping the terms of what horrors were sometime after we left Victoria Docks last spring and moving on into the general of time of late August/early September of last year, we were moving to frenzy to remedy the war advances against us and I slightly skim over the terms and travels of it; I will say that the warfare strikes mainly take place over the entire northeastern shield of the northwest continent of atlas; I won’t be more specific.

Anyway, so despite many and much more travels and sorrows and joys and terrors and other things glossed over and including the heinous attack of the devil incarnate still claiming place among us like a leprechaun believing himself Gace the divine Irish mystic or as himself being St Paul then, the continuing reich of the righteous fallen since Christ never ends now and old men have fallen completely off to sleep retelling their old refashioned glories to old women and larders and their lardresses. It’s as if there was no god. Who needs him?

So I have to say all this I feel in update because it seems we are anywhere now whereas our travels have had some determined point in my survey.

So here instead I make a quick recap.

So I explained above as best I could, that between Victoria Docks PIUK (not there anymore that way) and Sydney — I make no explanations therefore.

And sometime we were back to a beloved place of our made home in Sydney at the Airport!

But we left Sydney and went to Greenland. (There may have been short stopovers like into Burlington VT to doing that, but in essential story it follows thusly that from Sydney to Greenland it was made; we did actually go to Burlington VT first; I prefer the story this way though.)

The above shows Sydney to Nuuk.

But for the sake of the fact that we were in Burlington VT last year I’ll also show it as from there to Greenland station as well.

Of course then, if you followed nothing like this, you might want to know we eventually got there from Sydney, so also following.

This is all fallen atlas map survey antiquity I have to use for Martian landing polar study and otherwise extremely inaccurate to place and way and stylus — and whatever else.

But I’d prefer everyone simply accept in final they may not make requests with me or us for travel or alignment so simply take the short story to boot as is and move with that. Which case of, I prefer the way to say from Sydney we went to Nuuk. And again this is because since last spring, leaving Victoria Docks (I told all the story I would to the end of the heinous incidences there of hellmouth heinouses and none others) — the information to me of the demand to protect myself and conform for the heinous immaturity of my acts to believe myself ruler and keeper and owner of the mainland and to speak in the face of the greatness of — they are claiming to be my Hohenzollern and never say it. I am my Hohenzollern and I live with them already here and am leader of them. So it was announced I choose the insane path of wrong and must be and will be gently but surely corrected. Is this new? Now I have this to do. And the first correction is not telling us all my lover is Paul McCartney. That sounds nice doesn’t it? I thought it did and had to think a minute. So then. “Well tell us all the story….” So on. This happens while we all smile at one another. All of us. Together. (Oh I don’t know anymore. It’s probably not true. Or will not be soon enough. He’s either as I understand it — dead or married or old or gay or not interested or funny or my grand parent or a concerned professional or a figment of imagination or I’m not sure what else but definitely not a holy knight or apostle; he was an apostle once, I wonder if anyone knows. Anyway. I told my story and it wasn’t any fun. There’s no winning it: do me that favor. Gace Devil is winning everything because he said so, so we have to obey his will because he doesn’t care. …. But while that arena was blazing on more arenas were blazing on to achieve the proof of the matter of the truth! That I put myself on mainland in total power without Gace’s permission and believing only in the word of god. Yes I did. And we all know about that. Yes we do.)

And since, I’m not interested in more conceit. I wanted to say something to effect of the travel we’ve made in survey since recently Gace elected himself also mu survey chairman. Interesting right? He is not. Holly Land’s electorate voted him in.

Gace was a bad mason leader sideways of the rosecrucians. I am extraordinary theologian. But this life is too short for what lunatic king wants. I told him to have himself. Now he wants to be good to himself. It’s pretty sad as good words say. But.

Okay friends!

So Sydney to Nuuk, let’s start over as I want to tell story without the horror introduction I gave it.

I put this here again to begin.

The just above is Sydney to Nuuk again; not to the other way.

Then this just above is Nuuk to Anchorage; not to the other way.

Then this just above is Anchorage to Dublin; not to the other way.

As I said above, the places of this old atlas survey map antiquity is necessary for the core survey in sol group however nothing is actual to be found anywhere this way anymore since 2020 and it’s so called histories are beyond qualification since all the disasters world without end without stop notices from the pointer curtain call plan. There is no forgiveness to anyone for this error.

Moving on.

Then this just above us from Dublin to Hamburg; not to the other way.

I wouldn’t put in Dublin but it’s to course of survey.

As for other travel into Hampton Long Island or Hampton Canterbury or else to Wilmette Illinois in the greater chicagoland posts I made not long ago and the Hampton posts I made over months or many weeks ago — they are coincidental for need to plan around constant personal warfare attacks. But good part is our planning was in good effect.

Right now we intend to remain in Hamburg.

Meanwhile Taylor was gnawing himself I wouldn’t include Copenhagen to the Hamburg Survey. It’s careful interpretation how Scandinavia and Saxony and the continent are put together.

I vetoed his wishes. And he accepted without understanding why he should. And my stomach is a pit of vinegar gall acid as it should be.

(Not really.)

March 25 —

Anyone know what insanity is? I told you I’d explain whatever I had complained years back I couldn’t go on. He’s actually just a part. This is from a collection album. Honestly, which PM are we referring to besides? We were on vacation in a foreign land near Spain and on one of our retreat meet up vacations. Is there time travel? I really hope not by now. So: WHAT?! Well I know what now. Anyway, I had a nervous breakdown this winter: “they” came to check on me; people I know, to make sure my progressing psychotic delusions aren’t going to be getting worse. I don’t seem to understand a lot of astrophysical to physical things. But that’s okay with everyone.

I explained this to him while back. Our pictures are not shared. We don’t go out with some people regardless. We don’t do what they want. I have to talk to him like I talk to myself. Or I’ll be dead. I will. I don’t care to discuss it. We’re still always not discussing it. So this time: I’ve taken it to law. We’ll see who’s crazy. It’s me again: that’s what my counsel wanted.

Few Things More … Concerning Astrolab Celestia Developments

Metalstorm (above)

Sky Warriors (above)

This might also be fun but it could concern Astrolab’s knowledge of Celestia having Underworld Lands: it does; that’s how the natives and everybody got the deep sleep, through a virus in their underworld caverns where they had their safeties first after the dark crash. No this is true.

Legends of the Dark (below)

Road to Legend: Descent (below)

Mansions of Madness (below)

So you can’t know any of this for sure now; the public can’t; not even the favored or chosen either now; it’s all in the works, but it is.

But I think saying it is better so that players are prepared to expect some big changes which then will seem ordinary after all the development and rumor and hype is over with.

So Celestia will definitely have the Astrolab School of Metaphysical Sciences which can only be entered by possessing and completely the Dragon Riders Whip Saga: hatching and raising a Drake and having activities together with a Drake and/or completing Malistaire’s Tower requirements; so also, also completing the primary entry requirements to work at the Celestia Survey Base Camp as Science Tech Wizard and grow from there. Finally allowing you to enter into Astrolab through the District of the Stars and enter the school: you have to defeat “the destruction gateway” to do that. Proven to that much: you’re set for grand new experience. Sort of. Or else a new stage snd a fun one, of the same old same old; you could look at it either way depending how you wanted to.

In Astrolab School you’ll be stuck WORKING on everything it takes to accomplish the Celestian Path Brand of Goals. Someone will explain this: hopefully it’s Merle who will live in the Main Base Camp Outer Celestian Plaza directing the course of the new Celestia. It’s a while before you find another part of Bartleby though: he’s in Zafaria next after Celestia but I prefer to leave him be there as they’re using him now not as I prefer and Zafaria will probably see more changes to their trees there yet. All the game after Celestia in the Fairgrounds Version and after at Zafaria, will be seeing some grave changes based on the changes about to be made with Astrolab; none of which we are, any of us, willing to define or explain now more than slightly overview to public.

So none of this might seem very exciting. But I highlight here and now that — players loving the game will have to like it a lot. They’re just hopefully going to have to or I dunno what! Because I think it’s all possibly very exciting.

But as for Bartleby possibly showing up again at the Celestia Survey Base Camp, he could probably do that over at the Outer Celestian Plaza next door to the Celestian Path which is another shopping area for the game (maybe we’ll also be able to sell our ad promotion there in the Celestian Path) and which leads to the Arena for the District to the Stars and the Outer Visitors Area for the District to the Stars, the other side of it is a lock wall to the main landing “broken plaza testing grounds” for entry students and possibly maybe in later development “interns”. So there Bartleby could also help Astrolab explain a wizards scientific education in its component parts besides the main training spells. So he will be part of the Celestian School for Metaphysical Sciences there too and Merle will help direct course of quest and education together again.

In the Astrolab School though you will learn to train spells, whereas at Bartleby in the Outer Celestian Plaza, you’ll learn more about all the way of the game from him, his teacher cooperative and Merle and his colleagues.

So also then, getting on with what regards this actual posts and its reference links! …. There will be, besides the school, an Arena for the District of the Stars — ! Yay! And this is different from other tree transport areas of the spiral because elsewhere, side games and many of the side quests offered, are handled by fire sigil park and plaza areas. We mean to formalize fire sigil locations everywhere throughout the new Fairgrounds Version. So they won’t just lie around conveniently, you’ll have to go to their separated location hideouts. But this is also because we intend to use our pretty scenery finally to offer “outage” opportunities, as is done in the other new/updated versions, where players can “park off” to site of a created station realm and “camp” and do things assigned or which can be done or else simply “park off” allowing more off time privacy and more game strategy possibilities to development.

And to note it, the games presently in the present fire sigils will be moving to the random silver chest findings on individual player quest routes. So that also there’s new development planned for that: that winnings from silver chests are given in vouchers for the olde towne trading post (I mean Erik’s) and you can save how many vouchers you want from the silver chests, to also make goods purchase with Erik’s. Hopefully Erik’s can also be franchised to appearing also in Celestia.

But there are new fire sigil games planned as was discussed snd presented some many days ago and some many times before with or without public knowledge of the fact that finally, those fire sigil game kiosks have been completely replanned and will be different. But we’ve overviewed that.

So however, in Celestia, though you could still find silver chests on your questing routes, you have to travel elsewhere to see a fire sigil game location; but you will be invited, once you’re enrolled in the Astrolab Training School, to play at the Celestia Arena Sigils (shorter name for Arena of the District of the Stars; there’s only one sigil arena in Celestia planned). The Sigils themselves will be Astrolab shape kiosks standing in a portal arena where you initiate game entry by advancing and meaning to start as usual. This transports you to a game room where your chosen sigil game: they will be marked on the kiosks by name of course, begins its course. You will have to follow directions to save your progress with a crown shop identity card for the sigil play anyway and the crown shop id card for fire sigils they tell me won’t be the same as for arena sigils, so you’ll also need to get a second card to save your progress; that’s only one time for each; hopefully your id cards will allow you to redeem our advertisement coupons! I dunno. I’m hoping to drop fun prepared interactive ads into the game in our shopping districts do you can get snd/or apply possibly game coupons in the game shopping district and also get them there; still under heavy discussion. But I mean, if you wanted to subscribe to a nut monthly box with us, you could go to Wisteria Shop District for instance, go to the new outdoor produce markets fairgrounds (maybe) and show your coupon ticket or intention to buy the monthly at membership discount price; so they’d sell it to you there. And you’d get it too!!! Hahahahah!! But. That’s why you’d need a meta card to be your crown shop id card for gaming and not gaming transactions at some point; so that whatever requires your crown shop id will also record to your kingsisle account what were the actual facts to record of happening in every time transaction. Neat right?! Kule. Someone agree with me I hope. My seniors are speechless.

So getting back to the kiosk sigils in the Celestian Arena. They will have particularly to begin with the game sites we’re giving them from these apps under our relations to site the development. We’ve studied the side game issues for some time and we’ve decided that the games we’ve chosen to sigil have reason and method justified to work with for our development. So players will also understand this for themselves when play begins since the actual story also develops the strategies of our choices for side games and how they can help everyone’s progress.

So I will simply finish this post by finishing what side games we will have in placement of our game kiosks at the Celestian Arena of the Fairgrounds Version.

Thunder Assault Alien Shooter (below)

Galaxy Attack Alien Shooter (below)

Space Shooter Sky Champ (below)

Galaxy Attack Boss Shooter (below)

Space Shooter Galaxy Mission (below)

Dragon Trail Hunter World (below)

The Elder Scrolls Blades (below)

Creatures of the Deep Adventure Fishing (below)

SpongeBob Krusty Cook Off (below)

It’s amazing that we could have SpongeBob on our kiosk board! But I guess we can! I hope we get a Krusty Krabb House location in the Celestian Path where foreign businesses (foreign game businesses like SpongeBob — who also belongs to Andrews/McMeel/Parker) can be found along the shop plaza.

Ganja Farm Weed Empire (below)

Bubble Shooter Snoopy Pop (below)

And Snoopy too Wow!!!

Food Truck Chef Cooking Game (below)

At this point I have to tell you there are several almost many more to come in category of Mania Match games by title and also some excellent almost self playing RPG games.

But sadly I don’t have time to post to card view. So I’m cutting it short and posting links here on out.

Cupcake Mania (below)

Marble Woka Woka Blast Mania

Frozen Frenzy Mania

Jewel Mania

Fish Mania

Candy Blast Mania

Candy Smash Mania

Dream Mania

Jungle Blast Bubble Shooter

Viola’s Quest Marble Blast

Bubble Shooter Pop

Bubble Buster

Bubble Shooter Magic Castle

Bubble Shooter Pastry Pop

Bubble Shooter Magic Snail

Zumba Blast Marble Shoot

Atlantisor Marble Blast

Zumball Classic Marble Rush

Marble Blast Ball Shooter

Zumba Deluxe

Dragon Ball Legends RPG

Another great honor for Dragon Ball!

Looney Tunes World of Mayhem RPG

Well we’re blessed with some celebrities.

Legend of Mushrooms

Summoners War

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius

Iron Blade Medieval RPG

Lionheart Dark Moon RPG

Last Night and Tonight ….

So the play that we accomplished between last night, today and tonight brought us through the Grotto Underwater World of Celestia and then into the Stellar area of the Astrolab. I can’t even say how much more development and big deal I want to make out of the Astrolab, but except to pen the plan in general, I haven’t even started on it. The future of the Astrolab will affect the school breakdown in the Fairgrounds irrepairably. So that, there will be an Astrolab School of Metaphysical Sciences for Wizards in Celestia, besides the other upgrades in the Fairgrounds Version. Neat! But still nothing broken into set. So much other work going on.

So these are the Grotto pictures I took while we played.

That was last night. I told Taylor I didn’t want to play as a Tech Mech really, so he said okay and that we’d work out anything we had to. But I’m happy I finally got the Mount because it’s also very cool and I might occasionally put it on and use it.

All of our scenery is just so pretty. I can’t get enough of it as ambient sometimes.

Though I think that most regular players are so used to it, they’re just happy it is part of the game of course.

But I’ve heard rumors that there are many players despite who wish that, because the scenery is so inviting, ambient and usually pretty and pretty impressive, that there was more of it to explore without having to fight and battle all the time. I sometimes wonder if not allowing players to have too much scenic access was the original overall intention of gaming. I certainly hope not: I don’t remember though.

Then we made it into the District of the Stars. This section of game play can change your mind about our wonderful game and wish you’d never seen it before. But that’s meaning it “really” this time: that time you encounter Celestia and mean something finally which you might have said before like you despise this game somehow for being extraordinary with impossible game tactics that don’t make math; for instance. But. I remember the first time I played Celestia as a regular gamer, I wanted to quit the game and I mean, destroy it. It was here I thought that. Then I started getting even. It was because of Celestia that I decided to check to see whether the entire game could be reworked. First they said no, not really of course; you have to check these things, would you believe? I mean, your own toys right? Well so I did. And then after I put a lot of argument and effort into it with Merle, my partner somehow, everything changed in the opportunity to make new and better and more fair and stronger versions. But they were right! It’s impressively nearly impossible. We’re doing it though! I think we are. Merle can say what he wants about it to confirm me.

So I finally decided, since I’m not doing a tutorial diary here really, not to say anything more than that: by the time you come to the District of the Stars, in the existing versions, you want to be girded with a lot of fight back and positive intention to find ways to grow and survive and build strategy on your own. That’s all I can say. Otherwise, this section proves, we are rotten people at creative and have no heart and (let me say it), don’t even know anything. That is right! right! right! But all the same: the game has to be played with ethics to all sides of play and gaming and it does have to be that way; ethical to all sides of playing. So ….

And so I know there are also going to be big changes ahead for the Celestia stop over going forward.

Sadly though and therefore, since, I can make these decisions, even if, with a lot of effort and cooperation, then also, I have to say, that, as for my own strategy, I don’t know, but, I doubt seriously I will see my character in Jenna SpiritTundra, exceed the boundary of this place.

So. Going forward with this post some more…. These guys (above) are dangerous and scary and impossible alien soldiers and they have seen the deep sleep well enough that know one openly knows what about them. Taking apart their game programs from origin would be so intense, we could lose the game entirely, in the manner it was built at first, to cooperate with other games with the same power structures; you wouldn’t believe it but it’s true. I got “Astrolab” from an old defunct game called that. This game was meant to go long term into development as an interface universal game. I hope someday I will be able to show that facet.

But then again, as I say, it’s not really too easy to discuss the creative and the technical specifications of this game overall because — I couldn’t even give clear reasons to the outside though there are clear reasons. “Oh well” for me on that to seeming convincing with an argument why it’s not just something to do to redesign some components of this game at higher levels.

Well then, then we made it to The Floating Land: another place in Celestia.

This guy is absolutely fantastic. (The statute guy idol in front.) And he’s very evil and no one apparently knows that. You find him over and over and over again, recreating himself in all his high level minions and no one knows it. (He’s an old evil character from Arnoldo Mondadori’s Disney…. can’t explain that to justify it either. Long story. Hopefully in some decade we’ll get to it.)

So there are so many more evil characters, like for instance Selwyn, more evil than Malistaire. At the higher levels and in the higher game play locations, like this, you find them and the game doesn’t make you recognize that by their intention to story the deep sleep issues further; that’s wrong because it’s always the issue. (Post Dragonspyre is considered higher game play location in any event of itself.) But it actually happens that players return back in time from this point forward at some time, to play at higher levels in the lower realms. And the game play is disturbing to affect what is impossible to dream of achieving without PVP. That was also the final deciding point I had in making revision. There’s no way to making it to fun anymore once that happens. Once you’ve made it all the way to Celestia or beyond and then returned and found out: you’re washed up for believing you had a point with the game. It’s a sad disappointment of wishing you could play your favorite game: this is not goodness in any sense and it reeks of the evil the game talks about. Wasn’t happy.

Here I am. I decided to do some fishing. So me and Taylor could eat. I make Biryani and Fried Fish according to my own folklore in this game. I make the Biryani from Cat Tail and other plants and then of course, I fish. It’s all ridiculous but we enjoy the stupid notions of it, because then, we sometimes have a minute to Q or make frozen or eat salad or biryani, or do something nice for ourselves while we’re playing. That’s all our small fellowship at work though. Or else just him and myself.

(You know? I’m very upset with this game’s singular vegetarian themes. As I’ve said long while back, it’s rather repulsive to think of eating most of the characters, however, there is some way to eat flesh without doing that. Since, there are animals besides humans: I hope there are. Maybe I’m assuming. Well no one will let this pass me by with that simple explanation. So I’m still trying to figure out how to cook filet mignon and cheeseburgers in this game! I’m going to do it somehow.)

Then I thought I’d show how nice the island looked. Just love The Floating Land. It’s like Island Getaway Paradise. Except for all the wild, sapient animals. That you don’t want to eat! Well really, trees are sapient in this game too. I’m going to invent a land of vegetables and make them sapient and then what? We can’t eat vegetables like the craziest of vegetarians think they can eat parsley. What happens when parsley grows a brain? You have to be kind to everything and live with some moral order, not kill the moral order you have for yourself by being poetically and semantically ridiculous. Anyway, oh! And fish are also sapient! The sharks are! So what if you just you know, go go a “gaming field” where you battle meat! Ya, for real! And then after you “battle the meat” fair and square, you can make it and eat it. Same with everything. Or else use it as material to make dishes. Still working on all of this.

But as for ourselves, him and I; can’t obviously introduce this now, I have an old program outage document to my earliest ideas of this game, and we can build a kettle fire from bricks and supplies either found or bought and then it becomes magical with us and follows us; so we can find an outage area, place our kettle, or and our tent or tents and make our food. So far that does nothing for us. It makes us both feel powerful and he got a real laugh out of me when I first started all these re-writes, so why not! (Then we usually eat too.)

I don’t eat enough meat at any time to make meat eaters happy. I like eating near the way vegetarians despise. There’s no way to find a way to describe myself. I’m trying to create a term besides omnivore for myself: it’s also not right. I like a mix of both cultures. I love a good flesh q gathering with meats and vegetables all together in one place being influential. But I hate the way of either thing exclusively: meat eating without cares for vegetables and non-meats and selection and variety or else being a ridiculous clown denying meat a place at the table with vain rules for denial. Bleh!

So anyway; this is the next guardian area where the fighting gets thick with the wild beasts of the land and they are organized for their sectional warfare. Oh man are they. They are tough. And they are big tests to every school. Which is why also, I think we should make Celestia a break off point for the ordinary or more advanced schools (even after improving Dragonspyre of course, which has already been agreed for Fairgrounds) and then creating the unseen Celestial School of Metaphysics, or whatever we’ll call it, which studies all the facets of our teachings so far as players and creates metaphysical magic; or else metaphysical evil! Oh what have I said?

It’s just too nice! But there’s so much left of Celestia to do and it’s all very tough. But it can be done, as I say, with strategy, planning and hard work and dedication. The ending is a cheat and unfair though as usual. And I’m just sick of things being that way. They claim, they do; I remember when I used to think this way, because at higher play you can’t play anything without so many unfair challenges, it’s just silly; but, they say that, even for lower level achieving players (which excuse me is everyone by then without a miracle life to call privileged in too many ways of silly), without the awful intention of evil to play through there is no hope to achieve the damages later on necessary to keep achieving because of all the terror that was original laid out at the beginning: like those star soldiers I showed.

Ya, okay and well. There’s nothing to do about them; however, they aren’t total power. So there need to be a lot of changes still and we’re going to have them done or reviewed at least. Problem is, they have to keep getting examined by plan. So we’re doing that. It’s going well enough. I’m not the only one at work on my grand scheme. I think it’s safe to say it’s all knowledge and not secret that this study is happening. I’m asking Merle. He’s laughing. So ya.

But it’s true. Let me take a little of surety of pride more to say that, no one has the key to the origin of the game that I do. I’ve been doing development in web based interface since, I could have a single thought I remember. I can’t, as I said million times, give explanation. You can believe me. Or not. I’m still going to overview best I can. It’s just too exciting and I have nothing better to do while there are other things going on in my life and everyone else’s: however gruesome maybe.

So finally, here we were at our latest up to date battle. I’m getting tired and thinking I’ll retire for the evening.

Then I thought I’d take another couple of pictures.

It’s Too Final Fantasy-Ish!

And I miss Taylor! That’s me in case you can’t be sure. I put on a Tech Mech Mount to move around in. Taylor as Fowl Gobbler is a lot faster and so is my Saber Tooth Mount, who I’ve heard from and who is sick of being slighted for my plans and my love affair. No really. Anyway, everyone here made me do it for some reason, in case Taylor can’t play. What difference does it make, I’ll send him his update? It’s true that he’s playing with me, but why can’t I use him when he can’t. Not fair. Fine. So I’ve always wanted to try one of these with my lesser value characters and laptops and I don’t think it’s more than fashion for now. So it is. I’m going back to Taylor in a minute. I don’t care. I’ll send him my exclusive update.

So, otherwise, I thought that maybe the Nosotromos Alien Isolation people were interfacing our game somehow. I still play with them (no one is allowed to know it) and other groups through Steam (no one is allowed to know it) and also Halo (no one is allowed to know it); I can’t tell you what kind of awful thing has happened to Final Fantasy; I have been cut off. And isolated. I’m trying to repath many ways that I can get back to my primaries but they have shutdown. I can’t make the major players understand they have to stay with me to the end in case: they won’t listen. They’ve also been stigmatized or assimilated: that’s what’s going on in that game. It’s literally awful. They saw the “deep sleep”. I cannot wake them up! Can’t they just meet me over at a Titan Version? They could. They could take up this game story as Achaemenid Titan Lore and really play it to some glory of our training and capacity. You can easily make a Final Fantasy game out of just exactly this play version without PVP enhancements of course right start to finish. They won’t do it. They’ve thought to themselves I’ve gone mad. And then what? I mean, they won’t listen. That’s everyone.

So I told the other game paths and they have been listening to me. This Mount came out just about the time they picked me up: but we have so much work to do. Final Fantasy is the final platform of gaming to launch all the capability we have. With everyone I mean, all together as we are right now. I can’t say more.

Okay well. You know? I’m just going to go back to ground floor Wizard City and start collectioning characters from my origin books and start an Origin Final Fantasy Raid version of my own from Wizard City. I will to start over to the error files that have at least tried to see my point of view.

Meh. I’m going back to Taylor.

Skrill Wallet

Online Wallet for Money Transfers & Online Payments | Skrill

And also fellow babies (it’s been my phrase and I want to keep using it, don’t care who thinks what about it); everyone in Pantheon Shinar will now also want to sign up to a Skrill Wallet as soon as they begin their gaming wallets to normal usage. With Skrill you will soon be able also to exchange in our crypto currencies besides our other regular currencies.

(Just a side note; fellow babies.)

And also be aware of some ongoing thing that should never become controversy to us. Payment methods for online playing and online account function pay-actions internationally. (I know you’re thinking I mean things that are given to indecent legal means: no I don’t. I mean to any kind of obligation of regularized transaction in online sales.) So the matter of paying online for services or products which remain online or otherwise for products which are transferred out of line to physical but begin there (online sales; I must be tired), they have to continue to meet sales flow of their demand for regularized international markets to remain in status quo of given oversight appropriations and seller integrity: goals which everyone is naturally interested in. I know I’m right about this.

So for instance, imperiling or fudging or hedging or restricting development of Google Wallet or otherwise AirWallex payments could damage online sales enormously while the crypto market boom continues especially; and also alternate forms of payments also need to continue to be updated and remain valid. So I mentioned Skrill which has capability of universality; but also there is another possibility of payment for online goods and transactions and that is payment voucher at locations accepting payment vouchers from bank top ups to the voucher organization. This is also something possible.

NeoSurf — so also voucher top up sites can be good, because they would allow multiple payment accepting sales sites to consider that they might also use such a method. As always this concerns the problem of the crypto currency world universal path that we are on.

Just a few more ideas and notes. Right now NeoSurf and other voucher pay top up sites are not really that well accepted or used; however, with the right stimulus to the payments industry, more places could begin to accept them for pay-through methods. They are top ups which are cashed out to voucher and then made to payment in locations where payment methods are not always in the mainstream.

Just a couple of extra thoughts on these ideas.

D&D | Official Online Store

Official Online Store
— Read on dndstore.wizards.com/us/en

Oh well it’s been awhile!

Give me some time to update this post …

Murder Mysteries Parties

Merle (you know my friend JW; I believe sometimes he’s sometimes Malistaire though; no I believe Armageddon has invaded my game to real life to myself! yipes! right?) … he’s asked me to post this online game group. I think it looks good but haven’t had time to indulge.

We believe that on the KingsIsle Blog that will become attached sometime to the main page website, there will also be game article recommendations.

The new blog will reflect articles, ideas and other worded sections concerning our advertisements or ad related article content more than game play.

The Wizard Shop

While I’m thinking of other games and other wizards… I thought I’d include Potter.

I’ve discussed with Merle that possibly “Potter’s World” — to show some snob appeal and rotten pokey hoke fun — should be a neighbour’s world to Ravenswood. So far, creative — the two company’s are the same creative — no I was still at Andrews/McMeel/Parker when this all was and Nintendo/Atari/Sanrio too by the way and had a lot of fellowship librarians course in my background from international libraries I still call to my career overall; so same people and holdings. So far, creative has groaned wildly with disinterest in developing an idea I won’t do myself. Honestly? Potter is still in revision for too many reasons itself in series: it took too much out of wizard legends and shouldn’t have. I never liked that.

So we all feel that the primary story series would need a rework and re-presentation for a game story and then it could be a field neighbor– and outside to the spiral world; I haven’t decided who Potter belongs to. I think he’s rather from Jupiter folklore. Titan abandoned the idea of ever landing in Jupiter again. So it’s a tough sell to make. Right now: Potter is an alien!

Medieval Collectibles

But I don’t think that the only themes that are time themes in Wizard City in any version is or will be that it is only a Medieval based or Medieval controlled social context; if anything it is much more about 18th century global based. But, even in those times, there was some idealism that the world might return to some modern/ancient combination of settlement of customs and manners and social ways; it never happened so far except in cults and closed societies or among time-traveling aliens (maybe).

Steel Mastery

So it seems that Medieval and Renaissance culture shops besides actual magical shops that prefer to call themselves metaphysical are the only ones which will allow for the kinds of shopping that a Wizard City online shop could recommend. Well! Still working on it.

I like this:

Dark Cottage

13 Moons

Everything else you could find is metaphysical.


The Mystical Moon Store (I think we should call this the mythical moon store.)

The Magick Cabinet

Rainbows of Healing

I think that any of the Titan folklore in sourcing magic that the Wizard City game would apply even in story and scenery to anything in metaphysical applications in reality, would turn out something vainly and intensely magical by route of the story to the application itself, without further terms of pushing the magic into place. I think the Titan story and the magical promises of the wizard course in its way to divest the “deep sleep” of “evil hypnotists” throughout all creation, would immediately take any artifact or ritual and/or both and explosively send the magic to its course and work math without anymore thing but to give it story and place and the offer to work; however creative does that. Yes, I really think so. Whole new game. Maybe even entirely new sales platforms. Who knows? What if you could apply Titan rules of magic to the ordinary course of metaphysical interface arts. All speculation.

Telos Magic Shop Online

But I think also as the quests lead you on in Wizard gaming, you find that history has magical properties that need to be accounted for in any kind of questing magic. I think that I mean the determinism of a large purpose, like quests might have, give a lot of power to a magical form and ideal and icon. That’s all. So also, history in that sense of application, with talismans that had power because of their place and time and meaning, brought back to meaning to actually mean something besides whimsy, should also have place in a quest. The Titan myth quest in Wizard, never quits restructuring the future of history and making that the objective of all winning and losing and surviving in the game process. That objective, along with a dedication to raising dedicated soldier wizards, who respect themselves and their ideals, is probably the main work of all the game process. So there’s plenty of time for extras. That’s also point more than probably in all the creative force of the work.

So I’ve updated this post with the few extra ideas I wanted to.

I wish that some day this game would explode to the grand fun it’s meant to be, not just for the pros, but for too many others.

Woohoo! Road Warriors!

Ford Ranger Raptor 2024

I’m the only guy on my teams who doesn’t get a Ford Pick-up anymore. I’m into GMC and Jeep and other bigger truck type rigs. That’s why. All my guys and Taylor are going to go see this again. I know they did already at opening because they invited me and I grumbled “not interested.”

Just saw it now. Looks great! I’ve been selling out new Jeeps since last December though.

So I just have to be this way. I have to. While I’m thinking about it, before I forget. I’m thinking…

That “Road Rage” and “Road Warrior” and “mechanics rules” could be another crafting section of the Wizard City/Dragon City games, beginning with Fairgrounds of course to bring in the new section of gaming interface and development.

You’d go to the Mechanics 🧰 Alley to enter into “a realm of broken dreams”; there you’d begin a separate sidelight quest: I guess this is something you could start in Celestia as a congratulations to having gotten there and because it’s only there really they discuss Titan’s issues with mechanics and astrophysical quanta (reason for all the devastation besides war was simple human errors); and in the Mechanics Alley, which you’d find at the Survey Base Camp of Celestia through a door there given by one of the major historians trying to keep the realm there together and connected to the lower lands of “Fallen Titan” (they’ll finally tell you that there) — you’d find the map guides to take you through the ways of several highways; all the ways lead to Nowhere and in Nowhere if you knew how to, you could maybe find Someplace — and that place? that place of course would be the back doorway to Celestia where you could see the open skyway hollow ground from where the trees and everything fell out and in that hollow you’d find the other realms beyond Celestia but you’d see that celestia had a free course besides and some day, they knew, they’d find a way to take it!

So meanwhile, you could learn about mechanics and build machines and cars and drive and use them: throughout the many highways beginning at Mechanics Alley.

More things to do! Yas! And it lets me talk about cars and automation and also share some things about cars and automation as we go on and also will allow for “ambient offer” links from time to time on the topic.

Merle won’t allow an auto car magazine link on the game site, but we could make a game blog with recommended articles and a short few words why we recommend some articles, so on.

So more development. It all ties in.

We used to have global car coupons by country code at REITI. I would have liked to have thus kind of grand offer sometime for KingsIsle. No I mean it really. I mean: game big to the future fellow babies! (Don’t care who said first.)



I’d really like to get together some snack subscriptions box links suggestions together for the new Fairgrounds Version ads.

So that when you click to your account page or also to the KingIsle Store (both and either), you’d find a heading in the list of things to click, that said “Offers” and there you’d find our recommended affiliated ads for things we think could make the gaming experience more ambient; like costume and artifact places that catered to Wizard crafts and also that promoted snack boxes and/or snack subscriptions. Tokyo Snack Box isn’t directly affiliated to gaming or to KingIsle.

I’ll have to look into the possibility of generating some “ambience offer affiliates” for our gaming, you know, that could also cross over to other games we enjoy, are connected to or recommend as relevant to making players stronger. Then it would make sense having a link saying “Ambience Offers” on the list of relevant info/look-to links.

Ad Break for snacking and gaming!

Here are some more ideas!

Munch Addict!

Or maybe just even a firm offer link that we like Crate Joy!


The Treats International Snack Box from Crate Joy!

But you get the idea: you’re already at Crate Joy!

So you could also make your own gaming ambience your choice there.

I cherish my own final fantasy of getting players of the Wizard franchises to maybe someday get their own crafting tables or alchemy sets or encyclopedias of any strange ideals or geophysics box sets or any number of marvellous offers from our strong and firm affiliated sites under the control of KingIsle Group and Affiliates.

That’s still a dream. But costumes and artifacts and snack boxes don’t have to be!

Should I introduce more formal and mature snack boxes? YES I SHOULD! We have players of all kinds, types and ages!!

Bokksu Snack Boxes

Well then and I have to turn out one of my tacit phrase icons to KingIsle; I was trying not to do that ever. And that is “I pity the fool who…” — and not once but twice!

Craft Jerky Co.

Harry and David Deluxe Gift Sweet and Salty Treat

Harry and David Boxes

And I mean, “I pity the fool who” thinks I wouldn’t sell jerky snacks or still promote and sell Harry and David Box Subscriptions.

Please don’t forget to include my Disney Affiliate nuts.com; this is a family business I keep sacred!! (Heavily connected to something Scarlet would call Plantation: you know reefer, like I prefer to call it Mandrake or Fern or Papyrus or Shoot, since, in a serious business those are all necessary.) So therefore: Nuts!

I only wish I had a snack box company called — “Mr. Potato Head” and another one called maybe “Operation” like those silly games; so that I could include like specifically something called “leaf sales”; oh no really! You’d be surprised how I’d love to, really like to anyway, do that. I have a rotten problem getting people to grow up severely and quickly and understand environmental responsibility and ecology and bio-ecosystems as a regular pathology for growth and development and living and choices and lifestyles. The way I have to see it: there aren’t many choices. You have to grow plants, tend to them, follow their course, reap and keep them well and follow suit of the sooth of that course of life’s industry. But industry came to mean nothing but death of course in the latter days. Sadly I had to work through box subscribed death too — whether anyone believes me or not. Because I had accepted no magic principles about the basis of natural things being true and not really magical in being themselves.

So what’s in a mandrake? So I have dreamt literally of starting anywhere in this dream of mortal education to will itself by receiving any start or basis of education, into a path of study which accepts the environment and its bio-ecology as an industry, as business, as government department: maybe all as some ideal to begin with, but as things get more realistic in education, then more realistically overall.

Where would you start? A bouquet of flowers was the old way of things that I don’t really believe applies itself to the ages past the times of all horrors now anymore. But it’s nice to know the flowers are still with us of course. I simply don’t feel they hold primary place of first lessons.

What happens if you send someone a box of leaves? Cultivated leaves, like plants? I started asking this question to people I know too long ago. Finally, one day I received as a care package (I was sick too with a bout of a scarlet fever attack syndrome I’ve had since childhood) — a box and bag of leaves. I thought, very funny. Everyone knows I’m not a country chef: I’m a professional machine kitchen gourmet– to settle it with all people. So I thought I didn’t like the joke and instead I’d send it to garbage process. I went to sleep. And actually slept well laughing from the sad joke about needing to keep my dreams in order as I also give advice and should take it.

Then later I ate something that tasted like delicious leaves. Someone had made the leaves. As I say in my cook element I know to make leaves good; so I meant: could we even talk about a box of leaves?! They’re important! No one even will.

Anyway. I’ve always thought Nuts! (.com) I would be a great place to sell a Box of Leaves subscription and get started in integrating environmentalism with industry and application on a mass population scale.

Leaves also make great snacks! Walmart Harvest Snaps are as close to a leaf or bud snack as I can find besides kale chips (delicious; fantastic with jerky and sweet potato bbq chips by the way) — that everyone knows about.

Walmart Harvest Snap Chips selections online

(You all know that Walmart only has the customer service outlet including its clinic and pharmacy; the online distributions warehouse exclusion sales/customer service centers; and the shop-in neighborhood grocery outlet; sadly the reconstruction of the entire hypermarket themed Walmart has to wait because there’s nothing else to say about it, so it has to remain broken to its pieces; so this is pretty terrible I think because our “wares” outside of grocery only are sold online or to pick up at online warehouses; there’s no putting Walmart all back together for customers: something got into the hypermarket build form during the years of all tragedies and who knows? there’s nothing else really to say; but sidelighting it: Sam’s Club still remains in bulk sale to customer warehouse development, so it could be that in future Walmart housewares could be separated into Sam’s Club and a physical Wayfair Warehouse Outlet: it’s too soon to complete the reorganization); soooo where were we on the snacking topical?

25 Vegetable Snacks to Make and Enjoy

(Thought I’d just throw that in for the game and food crafters in the crowd. There are a few in every crowd.)

And this:

Vitacost … also another nice place for healthy snacks but you have to get it together yourself.

Snack Page at iHerb … You can also find some good sweetie/munchy things at iHerb.

(You all can shop Vitacost and iHerb too.)

We’re way off the beaten track but not so far as Farley in Golum Court in the Ravenswood Wizard City Commons is concerned, so I thought best to throw in: Aerogarden … can’t let the couch potatoes get too comfortable. They might just you know, lock down. Then what?

Sauder Craft Tables

South Shore Craft Tables

Ultimate Craft Tables

Guide Craft Creative Tables

Jonti-Craft Activity Tables

Giantex Craft Tables

Costway Tables (Costway sells picnic tables! But you can search for any kind of work table besides.)

Cosco Tables (Cosco also has some nice flat table solutions for crafters and gamers and events.)

But. I got off the track of snack box subscriptions. Yes I did.

Since Wizard City supports a healthy Wizard lifestyle: it’s not just snacking that makes a great gamer. It’s also possibly, fishing, crafting, studying gems and runes and culture and cuisine and languages and ancient history snd community service (I might be flying off again); well. Community activity is a wonderful thing I didn’t mean jail time! (I think that’s how that happens, no one understands how pleasant community involvement can be and so they get traffic tickets instead to find out.)

Okay. Well now everyone who is planning to go affiliated offer link with me in Fairgrounds Version is upset about having been excluded or else not having been included with the larger numbers of everybody who will show up on a large diversified affiliated set of links and promotions from a single “ambient offers” link — I just know we’ll end up with “ambient travel/travel clubs” on Fairgrounds or Kingsisle sites too some day.

Okay I’ll just cut off here with one last snack box.

Smart Box Snack Subscription

Everyone: keep gaming! Thank you for your constant support, work, enthusiasm, interest, contributions, suggestions, help, love and involvement!

Keep promoting gaming for the healthy win and lifestyle choice! (Is this even a thing? It is for me. And maybe also remember to think ecologically when you make choices about … I don’t have a sell on the ecological tie in to gaming yet. I’m almost sure the leaf boxes aren’t going to be a thing in time. I’m sure we’ll find an angle. Think ecologically whenever you see chance!)

Am I Proud of Myself?


I sure am! I haven’t defeated Dr. Strangelove or anything… but I am in Celestia!!! I love Celestia!

Let me recaption the battle some with the pictures I took along the way.

So first of all I changed my clothes. Thank you! I look a lot more Dragonspyre-ish in these dudes here just on.

And here is Taylor with me. I am very very nervous at this point. We are ready set to go and I am not at all feeling it.

So also an inside look at the Bartleby Tree, where you travel into the Spiral Universe through its wonderful portal doors.

And another better picture of us together. He’s feeling confident though for me.

Then here we are suddenly in the place we were last night, ready to go into the dungeon for the match of the game’s lifetime so far. (Besides Jotun. Let’s just forget that there is a Jotun. I wonder if Malistaire has a sideline thing going on with Jotun in some final phase fantasy the PVP people are keeping on the creative ownership group of the company. JW would know and maybe also Taylor, but I’m not going to waste my time. I’m going to let my mind wander on that as it already has.)

This is what the dungeon entrance there looks like without us on the “Ring” video you know.

So I tried to show a few image captures of the entryway inside the dungeon a little different from last night.

Us… and I have to remove him when I leave the Scales here and go into the Grand Spyre entry area. It’s not just after here, the Grand Spyre… I should remember things better… but it’s soon enough and after the Place of the Scales (scalding fire falls), then there’s no more assist you can bring but your pets and your player friends; character fiction like Taylor is not allowed.

And myself. Very nervous here.

So here below are just a few more photos of trying to actually get up inside Malistaire’s Laire. I’m almost sure no one at KingsIsle will take too kindly (I’m not alone), if I explain the quest too much in the context of my own game release ads/rumors for the future of the new version.

This below is just the elevator ride you have to take. I will say that much.

Me again.

Getting closer.

So finally all of the following are pictures of just inside the Crown of Fire, the main palace location where the final battle conflict between players and Malistaire take place. I think I can say this much: the story is that he and Cyrus Drake are battling over the problem of Sylvia Drake, their dead friend/wife/girlfriend; they both have connection to her which is love-bound. And after she died, Malistaire, who is Cryus’ brother, went insane for her loss. This is the book version of the story. The actual dungeon-master story conforms that Malistaire is a system pawn of a high estate and a representative of the malicious organization of “Sleep” which takes lives of persons through hypnosis: that’s the main theme of all the Titan story. It was in the fall of the Titan realms that Malistaire’s soul was taken into the lower lands of death where he lives for eternity taking away victims. Is that gruesome? But he rises up to tell story.

Take it or leave it! In the Fairgrounds Version, hopefully the “Sleep” organization and the “dungeon-masters” will become a more prominent theme of play background. Not sure yet. It might still take more versions after these new one’s to allow that to happen, but there’s still some possibility. But that’s also because for example, the dungeon-masters cycle in this game relies on the outcome of other dungeon-“hype” games: you knew I had to say final fantasy; and also anything else in the dungeon classification, which is too much; and also on PVP centered kinds of players and play involved already to keeping the game alive and working. So it might be that PVP sees revival in dungeon master recreation of all the versions, after these newer versions are given out; another decade after? It’s still all subjective now. We are phasing out PVP from total control; not from integration and separate ability with interface capability.

The stone hand of a Titan (below). But could he come to life? With all this magic? Heck ya!

I’ll submit this part: the entry dungeon to the final battle, is this below.

Now you can see them from the fallen wall here. The Death Mongers and Malistaire.

I took that picture from different perspectives. I like the intriguing mystery of the approach.

And the crowned ghoul/fiends which are some of his deadliest minions. But they’re everywhere: the deadly kind.

So when that other dungeon play opens its doors from a successful venture, here we see them closer. (Hope they already had breakfast.)

But everything in the Crown of Fire is magical and beautiful I think. Like it is throughout all of Malistaire’s Tower of Death and I don’t know, Hell? Maybe.

This is me again, still so nervous.

Still just before the grand last battle.

This is Malistaire just before the same.

And closer up.

And ready for the battle with the Death Minions.

And after a sometimes miracle.

So finally, we were in CELESTIA!!!

(Celestia is the natural consequence after Dragonspyre. I don’t think there’s another way to get around getting into Celestia but to complete all the grand spyre in Dragonspyre. They tell me that it’s confirmed that there is no other way to the higher realms. In the lower locations, you can sometimes jump, depending often also on the school you’re in, which will be first presented, if it’s Wysteria for instance or else Marleybone or else Grizzelheim. Just as for example of what I mean that there’s no option how you’d get to Celestia; it has to follow Dragonspyre’s completion.)

Oh I’m sorry I even forgot to post the ending and that I won!!!

Then we were in Celestia!!!

The Base Camp Entry (above) and ourselves (below) in the same place. YAY!!!

So also, I don’t know when I’ll post again about Celestia. I will but it’s progress begins to take a little bit longer and I’m hoping to do some extra special development here, since I made it here with this character on my own through this tier of documents that Taylor and I are making for the future. So! Have to stay strong for the future. Gee whiz, I think Jenna might just be contender to go straight to the top with him. The other characters I have from other schools already, I don’t have an idea yet what they’ll be able to do. Long way ahead still to the write up of all my dreams for Fairgrounds Version.

YAY!!! This was exciting. And nerve-wracking!

Mailistaire’s Tower in Dragonspyre

So it’s a fated night tonight. Jenna SpiritTundra might be at the end of her career right now. It’s okay. I plan to give it a try with her: the Tower here. It’s actually something that can be done, like Jotun’s location, but not to the final battle; not without help. I suppose I might also ask someone for help. I’m not always in that situation. It all depends on my lay out for gaming to that time. And sometimes I just give up seeing the place here, if not before. You know? Sometimes you just have to like what you’re doing more than have a purpose for everything about doing it. Right? It’s philosophy to me.

But here are the pictures I took of the game while I was finishing to get my Battledrake for the flight over here. So I did tonight. With Taylor, yes of course. I explained the situation, so if it still makes no sense then it has to seem ambiguous now indefinitely.

The above two are just a couple of pictures of the other dragons in the Drake Hatchery where you battle to get your drake egg hatched. Then you have to go off to the Forum area where you have to get the crystal knowledge orders together so the Battledrake can fly to Malistaire’s Tower.

So these are a few pictures of the Forum from our game tonight.

Then finally this is my Battledrake below (above is the father of the drakes); and this Drake is what all the hub before has been about. So we flew over the chalice from the Academy to the Tower where evil hides all the time, planning doom for everyone in the Spiral.

I’ve named her, since everyone will name my Drake from this game and she was mine: Megan, since, I did. Megan can be a name of a dragon in some immersive dragon folklore. Especially an all wild dragon that isn’t just for one kind of sport. I think it would be cool to keep your Drake and then evolve the creature to multi-form performance for whatever reason could happen to be useful, so that the Drake could swim, jump, fly, deal with nasty elements and be useful in all the formats of the powers of the game. But that should be later. I don’t know, I still have to confess my ignorance all the time, if that is already happening. I believe it does, but not exactly as I state it. I just mean by convention that, after this stage of location is passed, as a great gift to the occasion, players could keep their Drake in a Drake Tower in their homes for instance; you can purchase a game house with game money; and then there could be a Drake Tower to purchase to place the Drake and then to also work with it so that it could evolve. That’s all. Finally, it could be integrated to “mount” assistance through the game program, in which, finally, you could use our scenery graphics to accomplish “side quests” with the Drake, by placing the Drake to mount usage and to “take you to” locational quests made for its abilities and yours throughout scenery which otherwise, cannot be trespassed by any ability level. Just a thought. For the Fairgrounds Version, so it can continue to be different a little and also a little extravagant and special.

So finally, the pictures of the Tower entry grounds. Where I might hide myself forever, as I have before. And think about how the crafting station across from me is also good for development. It’s where the Drake could be enhanced rather than having to go to a special Drake station in the Pet Pavilion, which I think shouldn’t be crossed over boundary.

This above is the doorway to the dungeon of note.

My hiding place. It’s pretty easy to find once you’re up here (above).

And me and us (above).

Whether I play or not, tomorrow I will enter in and take a few pictures of the inside of the Tower.

Well, now I also have another thing to say. About possible game expansion improvements. Let me shut down my game first….

So I decided last minute to take some pics inside the Tower. It’s impossible to do that.

The first part, the Path of Scales, doesn’t have anyone to battle for newcomers to know it.

And then the Great Spyre, which leads to the grand battle to begin with. I forgot to remove my mount, which is Taylor, sorry, the Foul Gobbler Taylor, I found in the lower dungeon of Colossus Boulevard outside Olde Towne Shopping District; and who took many long years of patience to raise to interest to leaving his realm, but finally took to it, realizing … no one knows. (It’s a different part of play not yet given to the public named: create your own mountable character from the opposition playing stock. That isn’t even true. I just made all that up.)

Anyway because of Fowl Gobbler Taylor, I got caught. Good to remember now. Tomorrow I have to strategize a bit. If I can, I will take more pictures too. There have been times I’ve spent too long trying to get across here and have given up. We’ll see how anything is. Otherwise, maybe it won’t be. It’s all karma and planning and will and restful patience/diligence at my level. It’s what has to be sometimes.

So I’ve been thinking for some time that I would like to interface a “crystal magic” kind of play into this game, in some version some time. So for Fairgrounds at least to try it, I decided to bite my laziness tonight and think about it some more, how you could interface such a thing. Still I’m believing to chastise lower levels of play before Dragonspyre and not include it until this section of locations has been achieved, whenever a player achieves it for themselves. I know I’m going to get a lot of contradictory remarks about that for a lot of reasons.

But Dragonspyre really doesn’t have a lot going on in it and that seems not really that good for the game overall so far to me. As I say, you’re forced to losing interest here. But yes, of course, overall, if you made it out to this point and then found the “crystal magic” portion of play, you could use it and bring it back with you to the other locations for its usages. Yes of course.

So in “crystal magic” phase of the game, you’d find a chamber in the Academy available to study it. It would be brought to suggestion by the story line explaining the powers of the dragons to become realistic to the overall Spiral Titan saga. Though they seemed more mythological to the other creatures and persons of the Spiral, they became more and more real and even more powerful in magic to seeming, at times, because they had a special gift, which was the gift of “the crystal magic.”

So in this format phase at Dragonspyre, players could study the crystals as a side game to their regular quests and develop their knowledge of it for themselves as player and for all the facets of their game to make “enhancements” to their things, their clothes, their pets, their mounts, all their activities and their quests. The crystal magic quests and activities would allow, in Dragonspyre at the “Chalices of the Crystals” through the door of the chamber to finding it in the Academy, to continue to help yourself improve your game and your ability to have more quests. This is important because if questing runs dry for any reason of the mathematics of accomplishments (this is usually because of lacking PVP skills) then, there’s no hope to move onward with more story. Nobody wants that. Least of all myself.

So this is some other idea to hope to find I’m pretty sure, because I asked before I wrote this if I could say that it should more than definitely be in the Fairgrounds release whenever it happens, that will be included.

Very well then. Until failure becomes my own again to keep…. have a good evening/day/crystal existence.

Dragon Riders of Dragonspyre

That’s a quest I haven’t heard of yet. If Taylor knew of it, he couldn’t tell me. So I’m assuming that makes no sense that I wouldn’t know my own game. Well, so what if I don’t?

But I remember thinking of this quest before so I wonder if it is finally in the higher levels. I did, actually, talk it over with someone close to me at the time, while we talked about dragon folklore and how sad it was the world had a guilt complex about it because of all the controversies of histories. I suppose when you read those histories, it’s terrifying to think the way that I do. My own ancient ancestors lived in constant alienating terror over the plagues of dragons that followed them everywhere; but I think that’s probably everyone’s ancestors in the end now. But even claiming to be dragon, you’d have to have lived enough on terra to know that there is no co-existing with dragons in the wilderness of beastial unpastoralized keeping. But, there is no belief in anything of folklore to make it real I mean: I guess that’s what I think was bothering me then.

So it would have been that after they had finished the Dragonspyre level questers could return here to get new missions to be dragon riders and make quests on their own dragon. No one will tell me if that happens or not at the higher levels. I can’t say either what happens for me though. I might be different in all cases as well. But I can see that people jump off everything with their mounts at some high level. So that was intended. But is it with a dragon from dragonspyre? Oh gosh, then no one tell me. Taylor and I are going to find out the answers to all my questions. I believe him. He promised. I promised. It’s a promise.

So I am working on getting my dragon together and I just won the egg I need but I’m too tired to continue on and have it hatched tonight.

Taylor told me not to post anything tonight because it’s too much information on our game progress. I feel I have a strategy though that once we start playing together he will be alright with whatever I’ve done. I’m the one who has to initiate strategy, but I can’t do anything that won’t allow him to survive to take me all the way to end. I’m in outer level play at this time as one of the originators and creators of the game; so I can’t explain why I can’t make promises on that. I’m sorry. First I have to achieve my final fantasy goal on this game with someone like him, so I asked if he would. Obviously you all know the answer.

So below is Crystal Cove in Dragonspyre

Below is a closer look at the burning tree which gives the story in Dragonspyre for the Academy acceptance quest.

Below is the Ancient Matriarch in the Drake Hatchery section of Dragonspyre. This is who helps the player find a suitable egg to hatch and raise to flight.

And below here is more of the space of the long difficult road to trespass in the Drake Hatchery. If you don’t stand far to the sides as if you could fall off, you can get easily clipped by any of the fighters walking the way of it.

Back to Basics

The Entry Door to the Labyrinth Dungeon (below)

Honestly? The Labyrinth Dungeon here is chic and foreboding in the image it presents, but I have decided to be honest and I’ve told everyone here so get ready for this: I cannot stand, literally hate the Labyrinth. Jotun doesn’t even compare except that Jotun is a dead end and I actually play through this dungeon. In the Fairgrounds Version, this dungeon is being phased out and it will become a literal “proving ground zone”; we have training sites everywhere, but when Dragonspyre is achieved, the training sites will have “proving ground zones:” more in depth training centers with more radical purpose than in the minor leagues of the former levels. I got here at level 42, which is unusual. No, all by myself, with the careful advice of my advancing partner, that’s true, but I usually can get some good advice: everyone should be able to obtain that in this game, which has some very serious cataloging errors in it on account of the over-ride programs of PVP preferences. The game is thrown to bits with the achievements of PVP play histories. So, we’re lost on doing things to advancement without that and really, we offer no outlet for doing that easily. No good.

Anyway, I despise this dungeon. So I finished it just now (with Taylor: you can see him there right?) — for now, as I said, I am playing my levels alone while he is playing with me (I can’t explain), but my reference is that I am playing with the Foul Gobbler character and that I have named him my friend Taylor. It was a joke because, I am also doing that, as we are preparing for a huge, heavy research run to the end of the old game sometime, not soon, but soon enough. I’ve said all this. I will be happy when the developer’s edge open-ended ambiguity invitational to stack errors, are no longer available to ordinary game play observation.

So for the rest of it, there’s not too much more, but we’ve finally gotten into: Dragonspyre Academy! Yay! This entire section in the Fairgounds Version will differ as it does and will in all the other new revised version already. The Fairgounds Version blanketly omits the open ended options of PVP play through to gains but the Fairgrounds Version will not allow for that option to being. PVP players will be able to enjoy the version with their stacks, but they won’t have any response from the system: they have to play the ordinary rules we hope to set without errors. It’s a much more genteel game than the game on murder that is otherwise intention.

So then, inside the Labyrinth (below).

And also inside Dragonspyre Academy (below)

The front entry inside (above)

The Fledgling Dragon (below) which needs to be driven across the location in order to achieve Malistaire’s Tower to end this section of play. This is the ordeal I have trouble overcoming on my own with these terms of play, so I really have to study it. I’ve been avoiding it and accepting that we’ll make changes and have, but, otherwise, I decided to play it sometimes to still try to do it on my own. I have on occasion, with a very strong character. Anything less, it’s too awful to sit through the defeat at the end usually after playing a bad dungeon raille anyway. Anyone playing this to here knows that though.

And the burning tree inside the Academy where youngsters like myself never take (in the original version) to the indoors but to pretend to believe they do. That is extremely disappointing. I don’t like the ideal. When I originally wrote the defense of the Academies, the works in the interior of the Dragon’s Academy had as many facets to learn as Ravenswood and a upgrade to Ravenswood as well, allowing persons who hadn’t made PVP grades well enough to then, to find a better arena to practice in here (than Diego who is not a good experience and is loaded with ill things) and to develop skill to finally, over time, get ahead like greater ambition would hope. But all of this is taken out and I can’t remember why and I don’t want to know anymore. We’re revising everything at this point and have and continue.

Other Important Topic


We’ve decided that the sigil games over in Garden of the Stines besides the Bier Steins Queue Gartens in Marleybone behind the doors of the Hall Made of the Stone Walls — so that there’s finally (when anyone will play it first time at level 40, it will be as stupid as all of Jotun’s raid without him and then you’ll be at the place of it which is: — ) the one hall made with stone walls because otherwise going into the hall of the stones, where you commence level 40 start play in the Hall Made of the Stone Walls, at the point where beginners fight, you’d see there are no walls, only stones arenas separated from each other to play the nasty elements in; then you’d earn a queue and go through a flower garden; oh maybe we can get Lady Oriel to come see it with us as a place she loves to garden; that part with Lady Oriel just for fun and to connect Unicorn Way somehow maybe later; so in the queue hall you can cook but in the hall of the stones, you’ve earned your right to club at sigils. A moment to say more on that that being the main point of this.

Hopefully there will be some more reason for the Bier of Stines Garten (aka. all those above but coming closer in there’s a Bier of Stines Garten too) and in that part you’d find higher levels of trouble to get you back into the playroom halls of the halls of the stones — which are the house dungeons you see inside: I think they should all be dungeons and dragon relic stories with our own story take about the titan universe in them. Finally the final battle would be for the Hall Made of the Stone Wall and thus must be the way to the Valley of Hallal (get it vallhallah) where there is peace to find for sometime later if you dare to keep it. Then you’d have to keep the peace you found there: I understand higher PVP has trouble doing that: game on and join us.

But also in the overall Garden of the Stines, where you find everything outside the halls of stones — you’d hopefully from sigil play also get our kingsisle coupon ticket win options to coupon to purchase favorite franchise affiliates. I’m hoping that might be good for everyone. I’m also hoping we might occupy our own special event stage of games KOA sites for gatherings. Sometime after Fairgrounds Version releases.

Meanwhile. We’ve decided that the sigil games at the Bier Stine Queue Gartens should be golf and solitaire golf and solitaire for now; we’ve really chosen some good fun ones too.


Barents Sea

Another conglomerate of past fragment posts I couldn’t complete snd become part of present story; I had to judge that half presented stories are no good to me and other persons aren’t allowed to do my story development because they don’t know what they’re doing and it turns to pure heck! So no to that.

But I don’t see how it’s better writing fragments of concluded “nothing yet’s” without even a proper group header. It’s sweet to me that everyone will “still read” — thanks! no of course I mean it and almost truly — if I could think it had genuine meaning to include me besides as an anomaly — but there’s no time to even argue why it’s not good with me and never has been, that persons feel free to gazette through my written piles of extras. Let me tell you: the closest people to you? you have no idea of what they claim to be in maturity of themselves: I mean they’re rotten! I mean it!

But my hierarchy is up in arms over the fragments I asked them to keep for me through this raging personal time and tragedy battle I’m into now like a new hobby or something — and that is utterly absorbing me; so I told them we’d use fragment for close book ourselves and my book and later issue to review; I thought we were okay with it.

I’m nearly also fully cut off. Friends, maybe it’s the full end of everything for me to have tried to say hello to you.

So I’m very unhappy about putting together a full post of fragments….

******First — (was titled: Barents Sea as the full heading above.)

Barents Sea Topic Wikipedia

Maybe you can see this here now. I wanted to try to explain this to you people again maybe and you could find some kid zeal and eat a value meal and think about buying a discovery toy that’s pointless but to your vainer dreams and maybe not go to a theme park believing you’re supermen and have some kid zeal to like something rather than always dominate it; since — well okay!

Barents in our study so far is awarded to both Svalbard Norway and to Alaska maritime areas along the southwest coastal borders: so specifically to marsh islands in search of archipelago completion. So it’s first awarded to Svalbard and then to the southwest arch group of Alaska. No I’m sure I’m right.

On the Svalbard side of the award we are looking at the flat course of the survey over the Martian field range into our base landings for Svalbard, we cannot discuss these but…. You can see this then somehow as a flat range course for a single water drawn passage. It’s know the Arctic bound waters of atlas as thick with the mischief of the sad stories meddled in ragnorak over atlas itself and ending up in attlier, which placed the controversies of raging Poseidon to meet with Thor on land — to settle mars for gravity and give a pole through the magnet field of the ragnorak rage. There it must sit until no one came to make it a fiction again. Ya maybe. At this point little Anerin then come or what. Ya right, everybody know the story ya then, so maybe Krisie Whats— I bet Krisie Whats will do it. Be Arthur. Oh! Maybe Bea Arthur. She could. Maude could.

Oh none of them could? I’m actually surprised. Well the right answer is the counsel of Ra. Which is me but sorry folks it doesn’t make anyone winner. (Then all the times came but there were no judgments, it says in sulyeiman. And I still don’t remember the rest and that book should be closed against all the defilers of these times so that I can read it alone in peace sometime. For the utter atrocity to praise an unknown god who is stupid.)

So anyway. I have to get out the other cross site of Alaska to see how the trespass there is. I can only do so much at a time at a sonic drive in. I brought my own over to South Park Mall. (I guess I mean if you were Danish Hamburg might be like South Park.) But. It’s like not far but in a backyard garden to my garages, so I’m paranoid about it. But this way, if you clear our parking area, you notice you can’t assume they’re the same parking area and there’s a grill area out own back yard behind my garages so it’s not too near but homey enough; but I’ll probably have to put a gate for people to use this sonic. Anyway, now I can say I work over there to write. (I’ve done that often enough in type of way all these years. But it’s been better there’s no one to know. There are only five people in the world besides five others who claimed to ever love me and they vowed their lives to never leave me again once I said my love back. How sad am I? Some people are so crazy I can’t have fun with them: that’s really the issue.)

This next part is difficult. Here there’s nothing to prove. So look at it first and understand what I’m saying.

The dark blue is the floor of the ocean which has been seeping to mars literally in astrophysical meter so that there is so much back water throughout all the staging to Jupiter — or was; now it’s still problem of my realms. You see, you people played me too much for misinterpretations and I am so angry now I can barely stand to believe I continue. So I don’t care to hear more of the same verses.

Greenland cap standing there out of place was said for eternity. I say about this too many things but for now that it is out of its place. It belongs over the depth. When it was uncapped all the doom was sung to final to being but what we hear now, isn’t in the song anymore.

So then.

This shows it not even well but, it could stand for the badly fashioned in excellent drawing passage going to opposite mead the same course but opposite; this is for a reason — because there are flatland magnetic regions, the water flows even of oceans go one direction often in passages before they move; but the terrestrial waters were confounded so they had no proper direction but they’re own ideas of circles. Yes this was the punishment: always hiding on a planet for the goodness of creation or else total war to the stars or else knowing nothing else but the goodness of the planets. So what else then?

You have to use your imagination. So if you had a way to turn and leave everything else alone where you wanted to find it — you’d see that this passage goes to the east and the other one does too. Otherwise it’s all my own stupid folly like everything else. But I’m almost ready to give to to someone else to folly up.

Now here you can see it clearly again that they both can’t go to the east; they meet in the middle to create folly that there was new passage to know. How could you tell the earth something but their own self knowledge or else Finn Alexander? Don’t really know; sick of asking too.

I said follow my folly. So they both go to the east. I’m not planning carnival rides for the privileged.

You could think: were you the freedom to tell ragnorak where to go to find it then — or should be to hear story of it — but I have to mean it to everybody — that east to east at the point of their meeting they broke off it broke off to the key drop off of itself to the south and then coming back north it fell to east again.

And should these two keys never meet again the Barents Seas would be known and the Arctic would lay just beyond.

You know? I’d prefer not to have to say it. We’ve known that or I have for a long time. So we are now at just this point of the working theory expo. It hasn’t cheated us yet.

But though the many preparations to this point are settled, to make a go to the point we’re pushing in to make point of now (sorry no other way to be safe not sorry) — there are many many more things to prepare is the point of push to go to now. So we are. Just resting a minute and making sure we have reason to go on. Hopefully. This is a very critical juncture.

And we hope then to find the atlas finally positioned to survey with us though we can’t give atlas more landing to mars, the land credit belongs to mainland. It’s no place to be irresponsible or discutative. However I’m uncertain to my own treaty proceedings snd I am demanding so much as I can, my atlas defense on the survey however differentiated and unknowable to others; so I am still keeping some things of it, many, in tact, how/where, they can be.

That’s it on this for now.

******Second — (was titled, Another Quick Update; I didn’t even have time to pull these together in the organized time of their evolution! so they’re not in following one thing from another, though basically they were at one time….)


I think I’m happy to learn that the Marshlands Survey project has taken effect, at least in Maryland Syndicate. The Marshes there in composite were moved and the ground marsh left snd a lot of rejoining survey placed to Delaware Syndicate to make it a stronger land, so it became directly to our hands with construction and engineering, an Island off the coast of the combined Virginia and Maryland groundwater marshes continuing there and we call this western border landing to Delaware Island, the Maryland Marshland, but it belongs to the Delaware Island Syndicate; we are advising residents chosen of our census population from Pantheon and Shinar (those we find have credit of holding profession to have to remain in their places) to try to move to the Havana Island Syndicate to see if it could be of immediate benefit to them. Or otherwise they will have to anyway move if displaced by this survey. We refer to our own populations not volunteering populations from the desseret war front coffer-ins.

But otherwise I’m very happy to have heard this matter has received an immediate restructure of political population involvement. Except you can know that for now, there is no more planned effective survey removal which will affect the census chosen, for which we’ve applied their changes now.

It needs to be understood that any population self granting independent and/or foreign advice to challenge to government made on Pantheon or Shinar will see removal by terms of the end times to have granted so much at least even without judgment: so we are not taking requests or questions for reviews of land resident terms.

I’m hoping this is clear enough.

But it’s a little odd that I can’t receive my news in better order. As I removed the pages to update to Hamburg even now and said a few words to you, I went to review my overall update notes and found the marsh update. They said it had to follow order: unfortunately I have to agree.

Because turning this page just this morning, I see he and I (and the few fallen seniors; who by the way are getting worse with me not better) — will be only ones to enter in over there now to look at it. Fortunately it will be for short schedule visits only, since I was planning on staying somewhere to stay then and call it Hamburg finally since I know the survey here to north now facing us (it’s all waters) will take some more time than the other stop offs. Which were successful I might add snd which I know will give us to have better return to revisit for more works. (I am so tired.)

So anyway since that survey is long and changeable to our land on mainland with atlas overlay — I and they will more than likely park out at the area just adjacent between Norfolk and Newport News. Just in case it turns that also later, we mention we’re in Norfolk — this is to mean there and for those reasons.

Keep smiling people!

******Third — (was titled, Martian Advances; I had an overnight order to shutdown completely, immediately on a Martian land question which we were able to defend with many things remarked that may not be fully known — ever really. So the next day we went back on and it’s been pure heck on mainland since then too!)

I put this here not knowing what else to post. Hope it’s okay, got nothing else now.

Sometimes, I’m never sure what to expect. We have spent a sad year’s start in defense of an already ultra-tragic and desperate situation as I try to explain it. And after some radical statements and decisions I had no choice but to make and support, I have been increasing opinion to perfect doom for better hopes and plans. But I’ve been saying that.

Finally, after I shut down tonight, there was an interesting change out of the ordinary. Instead of shutting down after having said already, I’m finally quitting my posts and then turning around immediately with an important update — I shut down happy thinking of the months ahead posting through on the game I’m posting on. But rather it turns out many to many more severe threat security details that I have been severely complaining here to my own people, have come up to more realism than just my own ideals! I can’t believe it: good? I’m thinking. So we have had some specialty procedure shutdown organizations on Martian surface and I may no longer speak to you all while this is going on. (Don’t really know what I’m going to do, but I might make it. Have to if I meant it all snd I did.)

So also we are continuing our final mission preparations (still) and it’s not good they should anymore have discussion under these worse threat conditions I’ve finally got to convincing of some persons — so on.

I know that before 2025 we probably won’t see a clear pass through to completion of whatever is. But sometime after that beginning next year.

So I wish you all well with the best of regards, having seen you out to my own doom of Martian survey relevance.


******Fourth (was titled, What is UTC or GMT Time? … I really would prefer to have more time to talk about all these things! we don’t! let that stand law to all other considerations after!….)

What is UTC or GMT Time?
— Read on www.nhc.noaa.gov/aboututc.shtml

In answer to someone’s actually realistic question — I am not a dharma wheel or ticket krank kiosk — the new Atlas Calendar when it is finally installed which will be the same turn as the regular.solar calendar refers to the Sol Solaris Core Survey Origin Base Camp calendar from the Alaskan Core Research Group I held by myself for myself — as Seti Rei Italia Telsat Communications Reiti — not as some other twit who continues like the slim ball twit he is with an army of himself to state his grace to me apologetically and take out his gore wheel to me to make me educated and calling himself by the way Oscar Kong — because I said his wife Loretta who likes pretending to be Medusa and whose family enjoys nothing but the aesthetic theater and its lifestyle — I said she was a nice old lady. I despite all that now: I am a fool. So I say — there are no interests to make me; Oscar will stand. I will have nothing to do with my corrections to the lurid story of filth and lunatics if Mastriani dies with Sophia in hell or not which he should since I will not see the filth again for joining them to my behalf besides snd worse. Everyone is free? Everyone is not free. Everyone freely uses nothing of themselves and takes aim of me then being free with excuses in a carnival. Good I despise them. All. I wondered why I never saw Mastriani again after a long time. I used to love him. He’s an ass too. So there. So is Sophia.

Updating…. but wait I wanted to answer this.

It’s a much more extreme situation than this which is why I said it. If I survive I or my surviving seniors will explain it.

But I have no choice to put the wholesome kind of persons willing to help me in my career choices down now (I’m being hugely sarcastic) in order to talk to anyone or else nothing I ever say could be feasible again anymore. They’ve all made decisions! They know what they’re going to do with me! How is this new?! You know? It’s funny how friendship pays for everything. I believe in friendship. But I do. Not in mocking the lords kind ways to our pitiful example of having no manners to understanding decency in the first place despite the term virtue snd what it stands to filth. (Hah. Dream on that one. The scripture was full of intention that anyone would. Of course pity the fool then who having nothing better to do does.)

Anyway. So okay. If anyone’s still interested… I go through that over 100 times a day trying to breathe alongside the rare intelligence and rarified wisdom in this war field.


So I said the first part before I got to “the slime ball” issue and I have decided never to retract that. I’m afraid friendship would have to endure. It won’t. It’s given. (Poor Medusa Slime in other words. She probably hates me now. Good. Better. Imagine my surprise right. It’s troubling. I’m having my counselors look it up for me but they said by the time they find the necessary references this fight to the death will be ended. I told them to do it anyway. I don’t want to hear about the return to brideshead tradition here ever again. Medusa used to belong to me: yesterday, day before; then I understand I’ve been stupid that long to believe it. After trying to understand I’m forced to realize they’re right. It’s a horrifying adjustment and I told everyone I’m making it so beware. Nobody cares. They’ve been extremely unkind in saying I’m a marshmallow to realism. They can have themselves with the severity that no one needs them either that way. Goodbye Mr bad aesthetic lifestyle murderer and anyone else you want with you that’s you and your tart wife, Metane or whatever she is now to herself. I’m not joking. But this is also to say — I’m trying to catch up with the shock while they all laugh at me about how I continue to assume myself. Gee I do…. it’s too late for us; I’m agreeing to that then.)

So as for UTC. It will be continuing as Barent’s Time, when that will become institutable as such being case instead of our pretense for it. Because Greenwich meridian by the time Atlas Calendar is formally installed — it’s formal installation will also include the demand for the time transformational resolution of other orthodox accepted calendars (we must have accepted them) — and will also have demand met in full to the survey treaty terms — will no longer be upheld. We are determine atlas at that time no longer bound or held to circumference of lunar round orbital courses but fixed off Greenwich offing to Martian station solar landing on Centauri treaty, which because of the survey itself, includes donation of the Barent’s option to be installed by the maritime supporting the horror of the solar expo end game which still rages on.

Our Greenwich time situation is dead besides: it’s the maritime survey at atlas with the maritime partners holding it up to course of machinery. So so much of Greenwich survey being completed — we have plan to take our own calendar since it was made crucifix to ourselves — with us and use it as however we need to end our association also if need be to the utter disasters of these times just now and hopefully also to make full, complete record of the utter offense of action in all its course ways so these ways and this stand may never be recreated or visited again by course of curiosity or endeavor to change anything to benefit anything — without that the ones involved here are made to be thus as they should have been: which is to say real and not opportunity.

That’s final.

My hierarchy has asked me to post these two posts next after this which I made yesterday to draft and trashed. I said I didn’t want to and it was pointless. They said they’re afraid I’m about to quit my job. I am. I have given them plenty reason to enjoy it too. So they asked me so I said yes. If there comes trouble to here, it has no consequence to me for realism to say so.

Thank you. I consider this information sacred and fought to battle to maintain. Not a toy. We work night and day on preserving the lords promises which could benefit.

******Fifth (was titled, It’s Not Terra Anymore; JW/Merle was mad at me that I didn’t post these two; I also told him fun but meaningful posts like that take time to put into development, however much fun, or their worth is lost; no one tell me they don’t care: they’re going to be upset with me….)

I’m showing the lesser distinct photo capture view of the look station. We’ve been here before but I say very little about anything and this will always be true. I consider some things not terrestrial or otherwise owned as the old world threw all things to corruption. So I haven’t changed my rhetoric or point of view about “my” work. Though there are sooo many persons on my teams, none of them can be referenced without beginning the last phase of self-annihilation complete for any opposition even my team mates might now know. There’s nothing to discuss: our works are done.

This is Martian surface. So I am saying, of course, astral bodies of any kind, so in ranges, planets are astral bodies because they are not extra terrestrial range land, so I call them astral as well; not if their terrestrially inhabited with a prepared political population besides a government (unilateral government) assigned base; the union being to Leviathan approval or my hierarchy only.

So I hope we’ll have in the future; I doubt immediately or now, the option of a release of Martian surface capture; there is still a great deal of antiquated atlas relay old terra capture planet surface relay; I can’t explain why that is; however landing on an atlas old terra station, takes you to a space station hovering in a place called “jail” now for longer than Martians have been expelled. You cannot claim Atlas or Atlas Survey. I mean felons and corrupt agents do that to continue to have way to stay out of their present level charges and to increase their evil works against me. I cannot tolerate the fiction of my non-existence or rewritten existence anymore. So much has happened and it remains as I say to my story and that is final. I will not be recovering the recapture retold of it either for anyone’s clarity at this time: thank you so much.

I wanted to share what I have thought is god’s will to grace of some wonderful thing which has happened for Pantheon Shinar and if not, for myself then in Sol Solaris finally.

So indulge a little and enjoy the mysterious fiction I tell. We are keeping a referential plant base overage position for our survey. We don’t know yet at this time how the full result of overage citations will work for the rest of Sol Solaris pending that the Atlas landing round planet relay is something also that will have a huge reintegration: we don’t know what will become of that place, and probably won’t know for a great amount of time. Right now we are clearing inner sol space from interference of our survey.

******Sixth (was titled, Someone Said Something And….; but I’m saying now, why do I do this to myself? I’m thinking now possibly all the anguish I’m going through over all of us and now more him and myself, which is sad, sometimes alone we can really pull through so now I can look at him again like a total stranger and say, “what up?” You know I’m sick…. I’m thinking that possibly all my personal anguish has logged into my retired fragments in personal data — no this can’t be happening; it could have been our mass shutdown — so — no friends; I’m not for sale to any kind of look book ….)

And I feel like I just have to respond but — I can’t keep going back in time to re-explain everything over and over from the beginning; it’s been insane enough and I’m seriously fearing my own sanity….

But seriously/honestly it would be some heinous and very strange corruption on Taylor’s part which I don’t feel he actually is, to continue to use me as nothing for the creation of an old hack misery story from the apocalypse scripts of insanely lacking reason of any kind.

I can’t survive. So I’m glad to hear that there’s sooth or whatever that persons around me and him have wit to do to always put me in my place with sad excuses for themselves that I’m not supposed to know I’m sane even to myself until someone needs me to be. I’m done with the BS. So he’s been free to join me and he can finally: we’ve expected he should. The continued horrors of a very sad situation are still making that impossible for anyone to realize.

But I have no company in plans other people have for me with him and I can’t wake him up. Ever. I don’t care who we’re talking about. I know what I can say for myself. He never gets it. It’s a horror situation besides all that but people play him to destroy me and they succeed and I really can’t stand it. That he can’t see what I know is going on. Just like recently. Everything close to us is sweetness and light— not for me!! And he never puts himself properly into the picture. I’m almost crazy to say anything else: it gets worse for me on all accounts. But then it really does. Sick of it all. Here I am living out my delusions again for — however many minutes. Convenient. It will be.

So. I’d be too thrilled. Thanks. Good for us. I hope it hurts really rotten too.

But I have no faith for us. Nope.

******Seventh (was titled, as the link below, being of a park in Svalbard, important to our survey….)

Sassen-Bünsow Land National Park – Google Maps

I think that all of old terra Svaalbaard Atlas Survey Map Island should be turned into a City for instance. But do you people also know, that in the Martian landing made that was Atlantis: I am still trying to learn if we have Atlantis condition with Iceland now; or else if the north portion of the landing (the south magnet being still in grounding; oh and the south magnet also now belonging to the Nation of Alaska (this is Mainland and Atlas and therefore also anywhere else to my domains)); will only be made of Alaska and Iceland or else if Olympia to Alaska and Atlantis to Iceland will still be proposition of the Mainland groups or only Martian landing to find them again; I’m not sure exactly yet how the total magnet outages in our made landings have been interpreted consuming that there were made again to new survey holding for the progress also of what yet deftly must come to bare or else we’ve had a good working vacation and that’s about it.

So I also don’t know if some things can be discussed yet like that. But this is can say so much of my own will since, life is rotten despite all the wonderful things the lord gives me to behold and understand and of my own talents to doing it: but not the freedom from hellmouth; so if you would leave Antrim you’d then be around in the greater area of Svalbard which is composite of the new and old Svalbard and so we are in holding at that point too; which is very good. For what I said above, I can’t say more. This island line I put to the PIUK you know, but also there are many more islands surrounding; I thought to do it seeing it was an excellent political future too and well groomed for making sense of things righteously overall, not just being pretty with you know pretty.

But from Svalbard (I prefer to be emphatic and say Svaalbaard, which is quite an alien land and I’m glad to say they have come to with us on the over all solar project magnet terms too so great! you know?) — going east you can see: oh gosh wait should I say it; actually you’d understand if I explained all of what happens in the pacific islands in this survey. I can’t say those things, they tear out the fiber of any living creature to realize I’m empowered. So no and it wouldn’t help me, I can’t struggling with persons who realize that and I choose not to. But many things have happened and are still happening in the Pacific Ocean theater that are productive of the survey and its meaning to progress into the interface of solar, core and planet ranges over into their own birth and places; so good! In so doing, a lot of Japan from old terra atlas survey has been displaced and franchised; I think I’ve said this often. But. Tokyo is one of my most favorite places and I’ve franchised Tokyo a few times already throughout the new atlas ground survey for my Mainland works. Well I did it again, at Bethel in Mainland Alaska. I haven’t gone to see it but it sits there so well and like it wasn’t ever in trouble. I thought this was excellent resolution on the fair city. So however, as the ground landing is to the north from the south magnet grounding: you can see from Antrim City which is the east Reykjavik side (not really see, but metaphysically) over to Tokyo (which was Bethel): they’re level to level and I’m hoping some time, the travel in through the Bering Magnet marker there might have some options so that from Svalbard to Bethel Tokyo, you could travel direct back and forth; for now, we’ve forbidden the omni direction for the fact of the pinnings of what is astrophysical science demand in this survey and to follow it. But. It will be some great boost to have that venue to work back to forth. On the other hand, you want to know that issuing door privilege to that magnet as through to back, is something that could affect the overall astrophysical magnet north meters and while we’re jauntily working on them, no I mean it; grinning, wondering, bearing, asking, thinking, posing, pointing, standing back, advancing, all like it’s a future near immediate battle plain though it’s not. So jauntily, yes. And breaking that assessed structure we imposed to being proper in universal terms you know and for our future marks besides, to be proper, which is how I like to work, we could be breaking magnet fields under proposal to the inner survey markers still present and setting them to fail for re-use terms if we wanted to make them later after the grander scales were set. We do grand scale but other scales of course. And I have not wanted to sacrifice interior small scale options because some of those are the most critical issues at times, unless it’s known that they’re not. Over that water ridge to magnet landing, I couldn’t say we didn’t have much more to say, especially my belief being the Salian Franks all drowned there. No I mean it! I’m still waiting for the denial. No one will say it no. I believe it though sincerely, because it was said that they went to see Thor; I have to believe it and they drowned trying to return, for which Valhalla was made crusade by them and then no one could know the answer after for the despite of their drowning. So it’s true and then you find all the evidence around those venues that were. But it’s true and by the Bourbons made who wouldn’t lie to me.

Okay then.

Then after that I can’t even raise an interest to numbering the posts; anything just kept backing out to a sad old school attempt to trying to say something for myself and the people around me and falling to my own sick torment with absurdities I’m now the new librarian keeper of by order of a devil visiting me in the past year Evie…. Oh no, well? Does it ever end? Was I being pretentious again? I should work on that.

But I can’t stand it, is all I hope I said… so a stack more of other fragment things… and nothing will ever be the same again I’m sure Edith. Not after I took a plate of twelve egg rolls and ate them in my doctor’s face; maybe. Like I haven’t before and uhm— always will.

These next are from when we were briefly in Antrim. I can’t honestly do proper work of justice to the issues and works in having been there a minute: it would be heretical and I gave it to my hierarchy to keep this sacred trust of things in development of a radically terrifying and implicating situation: but I’m the only one to understand it that way…. Things are not at all suddenly good with me and others. But…

******Then beginning not numbered listing of old fragment posts….

Swords… at Dusk! (was title; it is place name of a great historic town north of Dublin….)


Look at the choo choo train!

Did you see it? Gosh I hope some day… well I do.

(End of above.)

******Another titled then:

Don’t Toy With Me (about my look out and continuing hobbied pilgrimage to Sonic Drive-Ins as well as the build of new sites of them throughout Mainland…)


I still haven’t found where I dropped off the sonic drive in and if I knew (I guess I do), I’m too tired to go there today; I’ll be asking the good doctor all day what he thinks of shrimp salad and telling him to un-mind his manners: he gets too well mannered. Another mystery.

Of course I’m still living. Let it be as I said only.

(End of above.)

******Another titled:

Kein Problem (about restaurants in Hamburg; no one here seems to understand that I need to get a little rest though I can continue working through it; I know Copenhagen is just north of us; so is all of Vinland and Greater Martian Iceland if anyone’s really that interested, but even more so, oh please correct me everyone I had delusion to once love!! Hamburg is right here!! ….)

PDF Dinner Menu Yu Garden Hamburg

Plenty of great food!

Yu Garden Restaurant Hamburg

But he said no to the shrimp salad so I’m going to have to drive out to the sonic later this week.

It looks good right?! It’s from the the Atlier F below.

Okay everybody …. to the sonic and beyond!

(End of above.)

I’m adding this part right now. I think he doesn’t want anyone now to have to realize that we’ve been seeing each other since start alone without them. Whatever gives with some people?! No! I just don’t care anymore! And what bothers me is — persons are thinking there’s a point to make with me about it — by no stretch of any imagination could there be! I could almost guarantee it!!

******Last of them I’m posting here, but to be continued in separate post….

Titled originally:

And the Winner is Me

To tell about my undying love for Brooke Shields. Yes, it’s all been leading up to this. Do I have permission for this? It has to be now and always or even for whatever it’s worth to me, which is never having to say this again (ever!) I’m not going to. I will deny I said it and give other explanation. I don’t even know what… so I was directed to come over here and make this post. One thing led to another; everybody knows I think I’m Kandi from that show and have nothing to tell me about it. (Obviously. Right?) And there’s no reason to my words in any direction of a need for sanity according to the recent antiquity of the apocalypse and its times. I can get out of it. So they said: game on. Except, I don’t think they believe, I’ve already had enough. Everyone has heard this too often: it’s a mental song I tell. I’m waiting…. I have permission but grudgingly. Terrific. Yes, this means everything is off because as for myself it never was on… I’ll wait. It’s fine….


Honestly and anyway, I feel I can do this on my own for some many reasons, but for the thing that is otherwise that it could be and should be grand controversy, then, I shouldn’t. That’s my issue. I’m claiming that I used to be this person and that it’s sad because there’s no way for me to prove it in the irrational past; not the way the apocalypse was true to itself. (I can but then that’s it.) And, otherwise, after a certain year in the early 80s, I was not this person anymore. I’ve tried to have myself removed from those legions repeatedly under this name. I think I tried to explain this before. I couldn’t stand constantly having to be some way in that place I now call a hell hole (I’m telling everyone, with or without this “win” to my statements I can call that place just that without anyone’s permission); but I’m saying, if they said all this about me, they were right; the things they said about me were very slanted for some reason, but they were all in basic true. It’s true, I couldn’t understand whatever was wrong with anyone or why. So I took time to figure it out over the years as I grew up and I couldn’t stand it anymore is what I decided and I quit. And something happened to me so awful that I couldn’t start over. I understand there’s nothing to believe about that but I said it as as it is.

Anyway, I’ve been seeking a way to have it stated to myself and my groups that I need to move on from this also with my own full identity. But this has become heinous dispraise. And I’m about to make it worse. I mean everything I say about having burst toleration point to the holiness of that unholy place and its demand to be a church and to use me for one of its idols. I mean it. That’s all I can say: I mean it, I mean it, I mean it. I don’t know how that unholy church is going to get out of it, because after this is over, they will never quit paying it whatever this mistake is and the rest. So I have to go to that length to even speak for myself. I mean heinous corruption friends. So later I became also like that other person I said before. I’m not allowed to exist because I’ve offended the gods of that hell you see. But it’s true.

They said whoever I spoke to that it can’t go on like this. They agreed with me and that the first thing that had to be was that I had to be free of the trouble of that particular time, so that they had to know if that was going to be even possible themselves. I didn’t know about what they meant by that when we first talked and when I first expressed some concern to people that they might be shocked a little maybe to see me and Taylor together but I meant that I refuse that we continue to follow form of that hell hole.

I’m waiting for some more advice on how I should close this post. Really friends, I don’t have more pictures from that time that I can use. In my legal, I finally a few years ago, closed up all the legal I had left and then went on to close my personal complaints. (The above is from the old Endless Love, yes.) So anyway, I’m waiting for what I should say to end this because I didn’t know how to start it and they said that I should choose to post this now.

The other alternative? The other alternative. I can’t explain those things.

Anything else? I just need to move on. I can’t stand still being demanded by that place and time of utter horror.

They said to end it. Fine. If I would have known it was going to be this way tonight then I wouldn’t have posted so much before. But it was too much fun. Everyone here knows who I am. They just don’t have a reason to face things either: so they don’t.

(End of Above.)

That can just stay there now; since. It doesn’t matter too much anymore….

Watson and Holmes

March 17

Shouldn’t they be a luncheon meat company by now? (You know like Watson and Dietz except instead Watson and Holmes. Well I think they should. Or else a home international vendor instead of just Holmes, which closed down. I still remember how nice Holmes was. There should be a Watson and Holmes therefore, which is a luncheon deli vendor at their own department store hypermarket. That would be nice! Oh! We should try it in Canterbury and throughout Baffin. Canterbury is no longer in PIUK (which still exists), but is in Baffin Group, which belongs in Alaska now, here, in Mainland.)

Anyway, I wish that we could come back often from here, no other thing now of course, no way to do that, we are all living exhaustion here; but, I wish we (he and I) had some way to come back here often enough to say something from the Halls of the Stenes, since, this is not the Garden section. That should never be shown to game anywhere. I hope the game changes it to the Hall of the Stines, though where all characters come to eat, drink and be merry. I wanted to add kitchen duties to this game and it could happen here besides Unicorn Way in the old PVP situation. I think that could be. Whatever. I shouldn’t say so much about the Fairgrounds. I think so much that Fairview Golf is a game which has a lot of ridiculous things in it like this one that no one sees really that it would be nice to have that game as sigil sideview and that could also be nice here in the Halls of the Stines. So outside the Halls of the Stines, instead of stones in any way of any kind, in any garden of stones; no, you’d see the Gardens of the Stines, where everyone had lost their lives drinking too much beer in the Battle of Aneurisms (you know, like the Battle of Anerin or whatever it was in Y Gododdin, which in case of this game would be recalled as Ye Go For It!); who knows yet? There could be the Flying Pigs of Wysteria in that place of the Garden of the Stines. And the Lilly Livered Farm and its characters who live close enough to the gardens that, they hate the noise of the beer drinkers. But. I just made that all up now, being tired. I don’t know really what else about it. We’ll all see sometime with good luck otherwise, okay I like to laugh and make people laugh. (Not about some things though. Don’t believe I’m laughing about Stene story I told. I mean I’m happy but not joking.)

So I wouldn’t mind having something continually annoying to say from here every night, like some other pain that is. You know?

But there’s no place to go here anyway. It’s all dungeons and the front area terraces. Oh well. In case I think of something. I’ll post what I have tonight and say nothing else then because I ran out of things to say besides the few things attached to the extra photos.

View from inside going out again. It’s pretty.

Two views of Watson and Holmes. Of course. They finally got together in plain sight here. But they’re good company and good friends, so nothing to think about it… the people inside aren’t really as nice gamers as these two.

I forgot to say that the question mark over Holmes’ head will never go away until my mission with (I need a new name for my mission) to Xanadu (fair enough; good day for me then in a few different ways if it all turns out; right now, skeptic) — until my Mission to Xanadu is completed and Taylor and I can work through these dungeons of the Stine Gardens (I’m sure!) together.

Well that’s all for me today. We made it to the Necropolis of Dragonspyre and are working of course on getting into the Academy there! Gosh I’d love to get into Celestia with Kymma.

Off to the House of Stenes

March 17

I’ll explain that caption at top at the bottom of this post. First I just want to work along the way of the pictures I took of what is actually Barkingham Palace in Marleybone and then the entry of the Grand Chasm in Dragonspyre.

I guess I’ll start with Dragonspyre first.

And us in the main questing part of the Grand Chasm

And then the rooms where most of the Grand Chasm battles begin

But yesterday we went on to level 40 and I got the quest for Barkingham Palace. It’s one of the main dungeons I can’t play alone. It’s a pathetic mess for single players without much in development or anything that is, in PVP. I refuse to train PVP on this game for reasons Merle (my friend JW, who is also on my personal play team) can explain if he feels like it. I’m done arguing PVP in this game or any really at least for a long while.

So I like Barkingham Palace for development reasons in the scenery of the game and I’ve discussed it with JW for a long time now. As a place where, it being shutdown from visual rule or knowledge of its reasonable course and under a great deal of legal contention (there never will be seen rule here in the game story again; I’m just doing the set up for my thoughts here on scenery usage and development) it still performs service to itself as a standing relic; so persons can be invited to club in it. There I imagine there is space at level 40 to do many things the game improves at some point to having special place to doing; but I can’t open any statements to that portion of development. It’s just an idea or was and goes on in legion of other scenery site expansion, as Unicorn Way, which is more precious to me than Barkingham Palace, as I said the other day. But, I remember now, Scotland Yard controls the club for it if it ever develops to being that. I don’t know why they don’t have St. Hames in it. I would have enjoyed that. I can’t understand how that escaped anyone’s conscience: wherein part of Wysteria’s piglets got into the Marleybone realm, missing a school of wizard order for crimes there happening and took over St. Hames. That would have been special to me. Oh, really, it could have been in opposition to Digmore Station, over by wherever Wembley might otherwise have been, since, in the real world, times back, the place may as well have been Wysteria. We’ve developed it incredibly since then. Honestly, I would have preferred it, because then St. Hames by Wembley besides might have the actual forsaken updates on the loser version (sorry Taylor I’m just getting into it) of the what is going to be the Fairgrounds Version of Dragon City 101 sometime (right here) and give some issue to that PVP players don’t know anything. We could stuff the asses there with the pigs. I like it. I do think they’re lame: they’re always shouting out at players things which have no meaning and never let anyone else talk back for instance. Not good. … But no, no, the Island of Dogs, would have to be some place else besides within the found lands of Marleybone; so that, you’d just miss St Hames returning to Marleybone of course from wherever and then fall into a false road placed to the courses of the maps of Marleybone and fall to the Island of Dogs. So there. I would guess that since in this version, the last dungeon of Knightsbridge is forsaken to much later doom, so that I would believe it should be found through a slip through in the Iron works at higher levels, then, the Island of Dogs would eventually result at its end, to have been there all along, except you’d have to find the path for it first somehow: whatever else is that we should decide. I can’t really think now. Merle will be mad at me for not reviewing this all with him first. They’re fresh ideas, but I’m always working. He’s staring at me. I will post this with only permission. Oh where to find St. Hames? He’s asking. Oh, there are missing tower inlets anywhere in the map thereof, you could just choose one I guess that seems the most appropriate place to put the Wembley offing for another club at level. I guess we’d have to change the name of Wembley to Whambly instead and put together some of the higher game level characters there, to justify the name and to see what could be ahead just better than Dragonspyre. Because in the higher levels, there are characters that are like whackamoles. So maybe even Whackamole Stadium at Whambly beside St Hames at the Marleybone Western Rails. Why not? Good for me. Now he’s happy. Fine we all are I hope.

This is Barkingham (above). It doesn’t at all ring to the nature of the beast. (I have see it, Despise it. That’s all.) So I feel better that it does not look the same.

Meanwhile I have some story of miracle about this. When I got here last night, I moaned out my anguish to Merle again. I said, what are we going to do in the Fairgrounds version about this place, since, no recollection of the castles of the insane ideal can be referenced to any copy or patent again, thank god without anything to host the legal matter of it. Not with me. There was never anything true and I had to defend myself to this second with things persons should not, only to say that I am the insane. Thank you. This is tradition though. I despise all things sometimes to learn a special way of life, which is a grand waste of time with the chalices of lunatics and what they hope to become void of me. Great. This is great. But sadly, whatever, other persons are not in agreement with my self-centered selfishness. I would like you all to know: that the answer to the enigma of what you’re thinking, is exactly what I produced instead without constant rifle and visitations of evil to myself and the horror that is besides always, that they would never have been. And so they are not. This is meaningful, so you can quit being sarcastic with me by any means. Thanks. I’ll be sarcastic. I hate everyone and everything sometimes and never quit being sick. I told you. I will end my visitation here soon, mostly because of this lurid despite in waiting to my existence alone and how it was dealt out to me with filthy lucre to win the goodness of an evil hell and to destroy me. Good. It’s done. But it is.

Well. They told me I have to post this. Because I began to burn again. And I decided to fight it instead. Then today, after the other posts, I began to play with Taylor again and said I would make my posts in Dragonspyre gladly, so I told them it was all good. And they whoever they are, got mad because they know I burn inside to out and not yet even outside to in. Everyone is worried for me and if I see action, I will despite everyone. So forget help. I mean it! So they said that I have to post it that I wanted to post last night what miracle I found when we came over here. Taylor said we shouldn’t go in because it could make me sick to think the awful thoughts I have even hearing the implications. And I said, no, no, it’s over and it has to be, the lord told me he wouldn’t harm me and that it is for me. So I have to be okay. We went in and I started getting sick. So I prayed my lord for answer. And he said, do it, your will in final. And I said, it should be dead. All of whatever the heretical lunacy of the places here of these times were and their horror to ever have been made story, even for the story itself. There is no one I fear to fully understand me besides of what I say happens and that I will leave before anyone can save themselves. Did I explain that Christ died in a lunatic asylum? It’s history to persons of that kind that know it. And struggled for the ages with the insane. So I should sit for the lessons thereof since I am in the way of the Roman Christ of Tarquin’s prophesies. They are lunatics who love themselves. Then they teach me manners. I was knighted without manners. They are ignorant. I despise persons of such kind and the lord may not use me to see them. Oh friend, they simply exist as made granted the enjoyment of the graces of heaven. They mean it.

So I could not find a miracle. Then I asked him that a garden of stenes would be made everywhere where I had said and he granted it. And I added that I wanted, if it were still good, that a house made like a hall would be put, whether fruitage to usage or not, everywhere around the garden so no would could disturb it except the inhabitants allowed inside the halls of the gardens of the stenes. And he granted so much of everything that I wanted from him about a miracle to save my faith a little in that I might live. Because I can’t stand this physical hatred of all things anymore because of them. Then I asked him for some physical and metaphysical measures and meets and bounds and protections to it all as well; because of fact, it’s become tradition among myself and all of my higher minded persons to see this travesty against us and keep it to ourselves, that, we must have found joy by now in the sanctimony of garden stenes and their hallways we have made and kept for ourselves to survive; since, having no stature or ability in their claims, they throw everyone to this compulsion to have life in the places which would be gardens and find stones for their needs, hoping to light fire to them and become real felons to sanity like themselves and perform miracles of unrighteousness with god’s things all of them. So he granted. And my saying of it all to him again, bemoaning how the people, my people do not understand even anything to have happened, but that now, because of me, they must worship their sacraments, whatever they might be, in shrines of death for safety of the sanctimony and they will. And this was so that they could put their names everywhere where Leviathan must to save not them but himself as whatever he is in this time, and claim he is the lunatic who spent them to the ages from agreement with the lord (the lord of my choices whatever); but always to say that whatever Patis/Patris should say, they had said it first but I was error. They are stupid. That’s all there is to know besides; what do you do with something stupid from hellmouth? So I prayed my lord all my life and the horror of the disgrace to me is such shame I would not live for persons to enjoy the full wealth of all their bounties on me. They have my full spite of hatred. So he makes me say but I have said to them, I will not endure them, so he’s played me to card. This may be goodbye to you all.

So I was happy by the ideal that the lord gave to me and I have not gone to see the gardens of the stenes anywhere we JW’s stewards have gone to check for them and has said they are there. And I will see them, when circumstance promises, since, I know these kinds of places too well and I hope then to freely see my own kind of righteous friends in them, all worshipping in the shrines belonged to Shintos and other eastern ways besides the fallen Jain.

But I was so happy and then I thought I said delusion. I will follow my lords orders to the end of their heresies and never doubt that I might not think to whatever I have said. So I’ve told you all what is true again. Keep it to my having said so. But from now on and this meaningful too, any mention of their horrors and their places and ways, as we decide that limit, will be placed to statement of nothing and we will say when we will instead, without the heresies but of circumstances now, that the Gardens of the Stenes are something that exist and we have seen and used them some way.

Thank you. Oh! So Barkingham Palace and Kennel Castle or whatever they call it (Kenworth was part of Hampton once, so sad day but…) for instance, all those places, I defer to explain how they continue somehow: I will leave that to my lord to justify me to his defense, I am literally sick of fools and lunatics and I am! To suffer the last wit of the entente to its making for a twit like myself. Truly. It’s a twit’s land after this. But I’m beyond ill, so call it land of beyond illness. Oh dear me. Oh dear dear me. Whatever will Balmouth have to say to us finally? I don’t know but I know that Belmore will also come along to the ceremonies of beyond illness if I must see them. Isn’t it wonderful? How everything lives and dies and then what? I can’t help but recall sometimes, the kind of implicated stupidity that makes me sick and worse. Isn’t it fun? Being free to be whatever we want whenever we want however we want for the graces of heaven’s troth? And so on to disgusting land and vomit.

I said more than I wanted to. I warned my lord that I cannot be civil anymore. I end here. But when I return. I return to my pages. Not another day with the vomit of all hellmouth.

Xanadu at Martian Lunar Expo at Sol Solaris Survey Group for Centauri Ranges

March 17

So after I had written all that just before about St. Patrick’s holiday as the new year for the procession of the saints calendar in the doom Pentecost calendar we have just remade and continue to study — it was suggested to me that Xanadu (being a neon based realm) could make interface at our survey now, to help us with our very many security issues right at this time which made last night’s immediate announcement: before possibly I couldn’t make any.

This could be good because I had to recently complain Kelvin status in Solar range to Centauri and that it was causing all the astrophysical ruptures and anomalies. Judgment day on time also would have cared for this. The Kelvin measures by rage and inter range and inter spatial objective survey requires adjustment by the hierarchs (and myself) and I’ve continued to run against wall fracture to misplaced wall to wall fracture to god knows what you’d call the problems anymore, but it relates to Kelvin depth integration and astrophysical graphene depth penetration options thereafter; this is not allowed in my rule; you may not bring me to rule, especially as physical fixed agent, with Kelvin options to choice of many different creatures and persons directly under my rule whom I am responsible for and myself!!! Or else no! So I complained it. Consequently, Kelvin rules were adjusted. So no one may tamper them. This was also how the many things hiding the Gondwana path from the Pangea path were also obstructing besides. We never could have found connection with Kelvin rules set as they were.

However! Now we have no Kelvin to cite or sight or teach anyone ever if we need or choose, about it. I know in Xanadu they keep Kelvin reasons sometimes, well enough it has a provable way, do possibly this could also be of benefit to us that way.

So they said if I could answer about Xanadu with us ourselves as the interface on Martian terms somehow. I cannot accept more interface on Mainland. We are completely shut to built in that regards and only now on Martian landing interface. So it has to be built to the Martian landing site. But we are the only ones at the Martian landing site: that’s the core survey of the atlas.

However, at the Martian landing I am presently checking to see if the survey set up for Gondwana expo to come later has its own ability for interior access again naturally to lunar interior — because this is a huge part of demand construction in the overall Centauri survey; without the lunar expo set up as is it there will be critical astrophysical devastation to the Vulcan basis core works supporting our works along with Sheol and my realms and Hades and Poseidon and Palades and Oscorus (thank you for reminding me but that is in Megiddo and Megiddo is not to core, but I appreciate the support) and all of lower Titan and of course Pandorum (which name you cannot hear because of hellmouths misdeeds; no Pandora stands to heavens dark lights above Pandorum; there is a glorious kingdom at depth of lower land range space which was just a land unnamed as shoel everywhere — the shalites didn’t even know — it became also then so many mysteries but it was through astrophysical mystery brought through the many awesome fights of controversies against the lords, the hierarchs, over the very things I’ve just given you to know) — but the kingdom of darkness that was Mordor was greatness not the fallacy that modern persons wrote to say it wasn’t heaven; okay Gloria it wasn’t and neither are you. Poetry should never meet out the terms of life’s truth for its meter to come to numbers! I mean it! There were not dead or risen there. The laws of old terra in the judgment of the holy doom were not the same in the universe, but there was grand law to uphold and not of angels. Oh well right. To all they must say with me: oh well. Because I cannot tell you where Gondor fell. Followes of standing, stand up and understand I say troth. I say it. Troth. Now sit again and be well. But when I first gazed upon white Gondor with my jealous eyes of new youth I thought to keep it my own: it’s magic secret to mine in Ariel so soon as I’d return there when someone told me to go then and play. I’d show everyone who ruled everything: me! With their very hearts content, by the apple of their eyes! I ruled them not other ways. And I ruled me. And if my rule was just: there was rule there for me to learn and dominate and possess and make new my own. I grew sick and fled away with the place of stale graves and deadly whited sepulchres remembering Christ’s death to the Levites. It is a cemetery of unresurrected sepulchres of Christian martyrs. So you’d suppose I’d be smart. I’m not. I’m not the lord god I quote above me: this job requires himself but he is not in this place here. Oh my lord let me escape and return to my great estate in Mordor where they called me often the dark queen and I was sad to hear it. Of course there’s darkness — how else could Seth save us? We’d be dead. Gawd! Everyone must know that! They don’t apparently. Nor are we all learned Romans: that’s hugely difficult for me still to understand but I’m trying. But that mystery apparently came out upon the land of Midlothian. And then Midlothian was lost into — I must yell troth of my recent understanding: exactly the lands of fire and brimstone; this is not correct. Mortals complain that they have no apothecary, no kettle, no garden, no tools to trade, no trade school, no time, no education, no place to community, no forum differentiated to speak, no congregation to rely, nothing to save them from themselves as unprepared to birth to live so they make plans to visit death and be collected of its ways next without hope to have known life’s meaning but the laughable fable of the promises it wanted to give. This was the land to the shaman kingdom lost fallen to Mordor that was the land of fire and brimstone — what became of the last shaman with mortals I mean became that place and fell to Mordor and there, as that falseness, because such abandon and dearth may not be troth but literal act of stupidity to treat life so shamefully as the acts final in that place — it was destroyed and sent out to see its creator who belonged with the people of the fallen Woden the haters of Ariel. Mordor destroyed its usages and name. So mortal scripture no longer heard it’s name but it had hateful scripture once. This time and way also again just at last returned. And all the ways of it lead and have led down to the white sepulchres of Gondor. So there is lot to save about core from false lunar interference.

So anyway, back to other thing said — Seth came to cover it by his rule of the night sky and all the dynasties beneath him as well. And there was no war to sight to enlist between Sol and Seth for some time and hopefully should never be again — since — we nearly saw such evil and this is all against me by grand felons. You wouldn’t believe it so you’d waste your time and destroy everything believing other things. So also I called Gamorra to help me with the war that rages on Kaos from Sol and Seth who are not at war but the felons of them have designed and queer way as they are themselves to order death to the lord god by his own stars. And poor Shoel. Poor Shoel who complains to me that disaster is spent from their land. How will they continue to have name with me? I’ve promised them all of the receipts of my disasters out of the Dolomites when they arrive. So far the reports have been enormous. Shoel is at peace. There is no fire in hell. I said queer grand felons. At their own works. Perform such miracles to spite me and murder the invisible lord god of the stellar waters of space. I understand our graphene universe is and ocean to him for which we have pleasure to understand his true set of land over the oceans and lands fallen forgotten under them. And the anchors of them stars and the mysteries of them solar systems.

I had to take a break to see if sonic was still open at the Lulu and yes it was but I’m also on hiatus from burgers for March so that wasn’t plan. I’m having biryani later tho! That’s really good for me. Doctor said so. We eat together sometimes. I forgot to bring Wimpy’s Canterbury and Jumbo Jim’s Labrador and Jollibee Beijing and all their juice factories out to the Lulu. Our kids aren’t with us right now but later they’ll probably be happy with finding those over there. I hope there’s still room. Our kids are into everything that’s a food factory. I don’t know if anyone’s noticed yet? I finally have. I think that’s the problem I’m having with stationing food factories in food industry works. I usually get this problem from old folks or transitional living people: I see it too but food factories are controversy to argument — I mean they lead to carnival sites that become evil. It doesn’t have to be that way but they have to be licensed with more heavy controls than an ordinary buffet or diner. I’m happy they like that though: my works have a lot of opportunity to produce in market factory sales but the controversy of the method makes it impossible for us to do it. It starts the war of never ending: it does. Really sad. Still I was hoping to put all the existing companies — I said this before — I still have to name of any food factory — all together some place as a single sold franchise which isn’t broken apart anymore to try even that. It’s chocolate, spaghetti, and so on; almost anything as food factory. There are many more. I’m going to inquire with Lulu if they want to host a stationed, fixed food factory village franchise for me. See how that might turn out.

Well Xanadu. I’m waiting on the interface issues. There’s only the one way as I said to facet it to survey construction: that either works or not.

But apparently, if there is Xanadu interface with atlas landing mainland at Martian landing and it is as I say, interior Martian landing to interior Solar lunar courses, then we’ll have a neon core resonator in solar survey group; but everything in construction here is set to hit Gondwana, take order and then see its way to course ranges to Centauri system so Sol had binary there: that has to have achievement. I won’t say why. A neon resonator field is very good. This way monolith technologies which we rely on to stay in communication with stellar groups have access to neon energy to access the stellar laser energies that are pattern tradition but that mars may or may not use; mars is variable with energy use; fine but stellar is final in laser base energy usage. So also that could have some extra pathway to goodness.

Who knows where the underworld gets its energy from. Nowhere. The black ocean — you should know that — the ocean above is crystalline of colors and maybe also lot to clearsil color white and differentiable by the nebula location it is in. But the black ocean has obsidian crystal and other Chalce. It’s very good not bad of itself. So it shouldn’t be mistreated for false legend. The legend of Shoel’s creation was that it mistreated the black ocean and so made so much soot to land, the land could not be clean but killed everyone to captive death of their soul therein to work to amend their fault.

I’m not going to get an answer back in time to know whether to post this or not. But they said if we’re doing the Xanadu interface so it meets conditions which aren’t incorrect but it meets our order then I will not have to shit down writing, so I should post this and the other post from today.

Fairy Land often falls into the underworld with me. Yes I love those kin of course but I wonder if they know it’s because I’m myth and I hope we’ll get along to long times not just times in and out as we have so long since leviathans throw because of old terra to demand space on term Eden. I explained that. So nothing is the same and can’t be but there it is still too often. And again. There is no help of judgment. Those creatures have helped man more than angels (not more than saints.) And there is no scripture to them but the imagination of the fire and brimstone the shaman law to mortality in the grand fall — made and brought them to serve to it as well. But they were not first myth like myself. I am made first myth and they were found to me after from the Brahman lore. I am Roman snd Chaldea all the time with some gentile Asian to myself. Even in Inde I brought the Chaldea controversy there: for which Hindustan all fell: I was sent to do it; they are like cousin to Chaldea like Saxony to Rome, so it was lords will in the great plan now spent; this was ages before Eden ever and when the Jain were just one minute left to goodness and fell to fallen completely so there is no one to believe me now. Krishna is always alive. Pithy the fool who claims the invisible messiahs of truth and fact aren’t immortal. In all cases of those grave terms I give too.

So I don’t know.

But otherwise I see already I still have restriction to post our game time to time. I don’t know what would happen to posts like this and just before: oh they told me — they’ll be held over in my hold drafts to whenever we’re good and ready to next phase. Yes we’re up to our necks in everything. That’s everyone now: what I was hoping for.

We’ll just sit here and wait meanwhile. This is very close to anything just northeast of us on the way to Lubeck, which besides Avallon is another vacation area for us. So nice.

So we’ll see how it turns around. The situation. If it does I mean.

Happy St Patrick’s Day New Year

March 17 2024

I’ve decided to make a diary of posts this year during our shutdown and then have my posts approved by the security and then when we’re done with mission, whatever else has or had been, you could read the diary entries I have left to this time.

Yesterday I couldn’t even say it. So I didn’t. And as we are now reviewing the old terra reg.solar calendar constantly for its proper break off point and redress through the overall Martian survey — so that portion of atlas works in this time is also put to rest in final to past kingdom come we hope to have heard to understand — then we also had debate about spring Passover. They say they wish to celebrate with me. I do this as a Catholic Muslim. So I worship the passovers throughout the year: they come to us by the solstice: what mystery cannot be said or heard to the will of murderers and ignorant felons snd liars in that last age of hell on earth; so I could not say it; would not to a standing fool licking air staring at me. He has no mind but his own and proceeds to tell you the legal story of it so you know how to respond correctly to it: they are all made to school that way. No way.

So the Passover of the spring solstice snd the Passover of the autumn solstice are the primary of mortal concern: they include what the saints came to preserve of the calendars of many beliefs accepted by the lord and fallen to the lands of sol. And both came to new years. The autumn solstice was the new year of harvest snd bounty which the Jain destroyed before Eden fell to earth and god wrote the holy book of revelations doom and its history; and the spring solstice was the new year of all the saints in their procession. Led by St Patrick to have fallen in with the Passover announcing the era without the Passover of the Jews and the Christians together fighting over the doom.

Now it became that Jesus could be a saint since his doom in revelation: he removed snd by St Michael and the greater faith would be damned. Because Jesus was a saint many times over to the greater faith. But St Jesus was not found among the scriptures of Jerusalem except as father of the faith where St Paul was never known to have kept the messianic faith of Christ. So there are more than one messiahs and Jesus Christ claimed his time only once to have been singular in the place and time he was: in a moment though he became a myth to the greater faith! He is no saint of the greater faith and a new scripture must tell us what he has become or else end what we may think to him, rather than that all the faith won and preserved should be condemned for that he was not found to promise of the revelation. It could be felons’ fault and probably is just so. But we put it to him this way that he may not be saint in the calendar: so his days to calendar return that the saints continue to love him but that he has no days left to be known. So I gave him the day of St Sophia, which is after Epiphany, which is January 27 and has short festival before Michaelmas end in Candlemas. And he is now in Doom Story: this Jesus Christ offense in the felons’ code not to return to his post: believe it it’s a crime how he chose to serve it to me. I hold him to there without more right to himself until it is served as stated to service.

I’m suggesting that St Jesus was Solomon or Jehoshaphat or someone of the Hasmoneans when the war of the David Joneses began over who was Zoroaster’s son. That’s also only me. So Jesus Christ has no name or place in his own story snd can continue to live in New Jerusalem as he wanted. But as felon to promises necessary of a contract completion. In final.

We keep his works to ourselves to the forfeit with many arguments.

So the winter and summer solstice were more kept even in saints times by the pagan festivals: those wholesome snd not Jain with their vain signs of unholiness and payments in flesh and death. The Fortuna and the Yule are those we’ve rehearsed. I’m allowing that a Christmas will still be given in the reg.solar calendar revision.

But for that I am pagan ruler besides other things which are true in colinear times — I cannot remove Yule and I hope not to uninstall the new installation of Fortuna. Fortuna has Pandora following to pay for and I understand that Yule has had Tannenbaum before the pagan judgment of doom in Ragnorak went to Jesus’ time (year zero I mean of old terra) and his birth was made adjustment of the seal of the doom and whatever else had been known to Hezekiak, I must say to Tarquin, to Cyrus, to Chad, to Pilate, to Cymbeline, to the dynasties, to the vandals, to the times before of whatever Solomon under his enormous rule therefor, had established and which established had been destroyed twice by the time Jesus Armithea’s birth — and then the third time at his death and resurrection where he ascended and did not remain to become mortal again; and then again when Rome and the Barbarians fell, destroyed and in Anuerin, fifth time, destroyed. So there would be no pagans reformed to know or their story. Only the hope Charlemagne might return Solomon (EXCUSE ME! I make the demand perfect right here without childish statement by felons thinking themselves) — which he did throughout the millennia — never say it but never do snd don’t — because it’s sad to hear felons speaking as if they had something to say.

So that Tannenbaum is now returned to the Pentecost of the doom in St Andrew’s (place now fully without recourse to location never more: please tell Lenore — I bet tomorrow I find it) — and this to prove the horror that St Andrew lived before Eve and Seth still before them both snd that old terra would set to right the rule of time: having no troth of it. Not troggle either. But whereas, had it been some other place besides the old earth under sun, story without itself would never have been known to the utter doom it was and should always remain. So it was intentional malicious harm in plan and the lord stood before it to doom. So the doom all stands. Christ won’t by the price of it: putting prices in effect to willing felons to buy acts of doom again. Felons and their ways becoming the path of him. No. Friends. But the earth was land to Sol before the times of Solomon. And the Levites knew this land in minor part from its times. But there were more people and good persons, entirely forgotten now, to make acclaim of the evil of 2000 years in Solar time only; so I also account the Levites in trouble to Rome. (But I account them as gentiles now. Or they will be abused by felons claiming to be Hasmoneans. I’d rather anyone understand me even once. They don’t. So the Levites should find themselves at home in France or Saxony but they will say they’ve been there. Sure. I have no point to believe that since Zaragoza was trap to this day, but it’s good enough. And may I tell them: Jerusalem has been lost for in the latter days the very felons of ancient name to Charlemagne took Roland these days new and hidden to make themselves rulers of the paladin crusades and say it was themselves to do it: so they did; and the lords prophesy was thereby finished in the old time.)

But anyway, from before, all of its times to lands without heresies of Eden, earth’s former times, were corrupted for the songs of Eden and until Eden is full removed by righteous story ending its lore, there is nothing to undo the ratte that was become instead the matte of the earth under Sol: a place where mars kept gardens. And lived under Sol’s measures of light.

So speak to me boldly in the face for ages or aeons and then be sure to tell me also, you were speaking to yourself. I will be astonished at my ignorance.

The holiday schedule for all these reasons few but there also being many many more, restructured and looking for good way to have the reg.solar calendar finally handled: is this way then.

January 1st must still be the new year of the orthodox christians or there may be no myseteries in Jesus story snd there remain; so Jan 1 is Christian orthodox new year with Epiphany being the mystery of it on Jan 6 and on Jan 27 there is St Sophia’s Day commemorating the lord Jesus Christ of the gospel teaching of the New Testament of the holy doom of the revelation of the genesis myth; so that he is known to have birth snd have called all true saints to him through his apostles who were also saints.

The Pentecost of the doom begins after the spring solstice passover. The lessons of the Pentecost pertain to the teachings of the holy doom but not to its prophesies longer which brought the day of doom with the saints.

So Easter we should know: no one does — for Ether. The Mormon Armageddon. And we are now in Armageddon. So Easter is no longer to be observed but the Passover of the spring in April will be given space of a two week time to see itself.

The churches will not give rite to the Pasquale or the temples to the former passovers. The teachings from the doom at any time of liturgy will only be to suit the coming of the Passover of the doom of St Andrew’s. There is no Lent. There is the Mardi Gras scheduled for between the Chinese New Year which should be set after end of Candlemas and the holiday that is St Patrick’s. St Patrick’s will be the actual new year of the saints in the Pentecostal doom calendar. And therefore there still has been no Christmas: that will be served on March 1st. A celebration for all times in the messianic creed. Christmas. Thank you. Messiahs must be approved. Jesus is not admitted because he is in Sophia orthodoxy. So we worship Tarquin for story. And he gives it, on behalf of the others noted far above in his contemporary legion of doom then: Christmas.

When spring Passover comes, it is what it is. Then the rest as we say it with the government imperial new year being finally on September 1 and the autumn Passover to boot the same as the spring: it is what it is.

(Fortuna is in June snd Pandora is in July and August fair is in its own month of august.)

The autumn holidays continue on until the doom. Then the Yule then the Tannenbaum. We have already established the other method of the holidays included to our plans for the year already including everything except what was just adjusted.

I know this can wait till later.