Betelgeuse is dimming again. When will it explode?

Betelgeuse is dimming again. When will it explode?
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Okay friends.

This morning we were back to shutdown warnings. Yes I could have told anyone repeatedly that posting so many fragmented unprepared, personal, painful, deathly controversial and also otherwise the rest: severely unprepared fragments would effect the same interface shutdown as before that went overnight.

Waking this morning another shutdown for me to approve. No way?! And then flipping through a general oversight to this anomaly coincidence of a dead eclipse route coinciding to some other lunar solar interior data relevant on Martian near inner core ranges …. I decided to many break down to nuts… her unholy unwise Batman? do you suppose I’m wrong in assuming anyone isn’t corrupt and has no clue whatever the Mayan prophesy could have hinged on?! …. updating ….

but this won’t take long ….

I have seen another massive security update which covers the space through this anomaly coincidence factor…. that is until about the middle of April so about April 14. I don’t see much exciting news going on besides the usual land of sadness and euphoria spreading out in front of myself and everyone else waging this constant war, which I can’t seem to defeat — I think we’ve fallen to a war break with the prior ancient aeon metaphysical “lands” of personified humanity …. like you read in books; realms still out of discretion and usually locked, pending the problem of this judgment day completion; I think they all exploded and opened fire on everything in my universe to claim what I call god’s creation and drag it back to the evil arsenals in prehistoric-preaeonic Ether (E-lock star ranges which I keep still and which are the rage of the higher war from everywhere which I am demanding immediate action for and obviously to my command, never going to see: so I’m trying to think of a way — but I explained to you my particular independent political situation and that it’s good — but — I can’t explain anymore and I can’t free up any intelligence to my course which doesn’t fall to an ongoing takeover goodwill party on my behalf: my people aren’t understanding me and I’m very unhappy and this won’t all be case for too much longer besides….) — but I believe that, Ether is falling around us and slowly unraveling the material of creation bd reinstalling its prior mechanical order to gods will and may even have received order to return us all to origin where someone is waiting; so I’m considering some things.

But meanwhile, I would like to reiterate what us treaty to hold me: or else we have not been speaking and you can keep your plans to your gods as you have been finding them already also quit thinking to use me: but it’s too late for me, so it’s also too late for everyone; Ether, or what anyone promised anyone, is not going to be, has not been and will not be solution to anyone about what has already happened.

This is hilarious a little bit because Hoth, who I threw to the depth of the unholiest of Hell — was one to tell me before taking their fate for utter refusal of creation and god — was who told me to proof their awareness to and of the catastrophe I call the Orion Syndrome. RALPH! People! Did you understand that I brought charges, made them, caused them to be binding to and of all things, did not reconsider, booked the time and times, am still charging, will not allow compromises to my word!

So now who is rehearsing the tape?! It has been– consider this my not friends in Hoth who still read me and should not be: what I say above, I truly have and still believe. That’s all I told you….

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